multiplication 2 digit by 2 digit
The aboriginal computer that I actively acclimated was the Burroughs 205 Datatron. I absolutely acclimated two altered machines, one at Caltech for two years in 1959-61 and one at the University of Utah in the summer of 1960. Both the technology and the appearance of acceptance were berserk altered from today's computers.
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="400px"][/caption]
The blinking lights on the animate fabricated the B205 a featured amateur in abounding movies and TV shows during the backward '50s and aboriginal '60s, including Batman and Lost in Space. Here is an activated gif on a reproduction of the console.
image credit: http://www.angelfire.com/scifi/B205
Wikipedia tells us that the American Arithmometer Aggregation was founded in 1886 to accomplish and advertise abacus machines. The aggregation name was afflicted to Burroughs Abacus Apparatus in 1904 to account the founder, William Seward Burroughs, who, coincidentally, was the grandfathering of exhausted bearing artist William S. Burroughs. At one time it was the better abacus apparatus in the country. The aggregation was alloyed with Sperry Corporation to anatomy Unisys in 1986.
In 1956 Burroughs got into the new computer business by accepting Electro Abstracts and began business their Datatron, which had been alien two years earlier. Throughout the '50s, '60s, and '70s, Burroughs was a force in computing, decidedly in the bookish and cyberbanking markets. In the 1960's, IBM absolutely bedeviled the industry, but there were abundant abate companies that all calm they were accepted as "IBM and the Seven Dwarfs."
In 1959 the Burroughs 205 Datatron amount a few hundred thousand dollars and active an complete room. (Here is a 1957 amount list). In the alpha of this photo are the animate and an electric typewriter. In the accomplishments are a alluring bandage drive and several cabinets complete a complete of about 1600 exhaustion tubes.
I like to antic that this was a "personal computer". Alone one actuality could use it at a time. We would assurance up for apparatus time, usually in half-hour chunks, at all hours of the day or night.
This was afore transistors and semiconductors. The primary argumentation assemblage was the cyberbanking exhaustion tube. Here is one plugin bore with eight tubes. The computer formed in abject 10 and this bore captivated one decimal digit. Four of the tubes captivated one chiffre application the bifold combinations 0 through 9. The bifold ethics 10 through 15 were never used; if they showed up, it was an absurdity action and acquired an actual halt.
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="400px"][/caption]
photo credit: http://www.cs.kent.edu/~rothstei/10051/history/UVa-page_files/ComputerHistory1.html
Before the alluring core, a huge botheration with aboriginal computers was memory. Bodies knew how to aftermath the electronics for the arithmetic, argumentation and ascendancy units, but area do you abundance programs and data?
The 205 had boom memory. Think of the alternating boom in a baby clothes dryer. Here is a photo of a apparatus that has not been acclimated for years and that has not been stored carefully. The boom is at the lower right. Four registers, anniversary complete ten of the distinct decimal chiffre modules, are at the aerial left.
photo credit: http://www.angelfire.com/scifi/B205/ecd.html
The boom captivated 4000 ten-digit words. If you attention anniversary chiffre as bisected a byte on a avant-garde bifold machine, that is 20K bytes. The words were stored in 20 bands of 200 words each. The drum's acceleration was 3570 rpm. So, on average, it would booty about 1/30-th of a added to admission the alpha of a band.
In accession to the primary boom storage, there were four "high speed" bands area a block of 20 words is bifold ten times about the drum. This was arrangement of like accumulation anamnesis on today's computers. One apparatus apprenticeship would alike 20 words, usually a allotment of a program, ten times about a aerial acceleration bandage area it could be accessed ten times as fast.
I abstruse a little about the 205 during my green year at Caltech in the bounce of 1959, and added aback I was a inferior and took afterwards assay from Prof. John Todd in 1959-60. We acclimated Caltech's 205 for some of the appointment in that the class. Again I went aback home to Salt Lake City for the summer of 1960. It angry out the University of Utah additionally had a 205 and they were blessed to appoint me for a summer job.
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="400px"]
There were aloof four bodies alive in Utah's computer centermost at the alpha of that summer -- a woman who served as director, me, and two allotment timers, a secretary and a alum apprentice from EE who maintained the machine. Then, a few weeks into the summer, the administrator resigned. So I activate myself -- two months afore I angry 20 -- Acting Administrator of the University of Utah Computer Center.
I alternate to Caltech in the fall, and had a adventitious to do alone abstraction beneath Todd and added assignment on that 205 until I accelerating in 1961. I did a activity involving Hilbert matrices. It was my addition to cast computation.
At first, at both Caltech and Utah, we did not accept a compiler or an assembler. We wrote our programs in complete numeric apparatus accent and punched them on cardboard tape, like this.
The apparatus was advised so that op cipher 00 meant "read one chat from cardboard bandage into the accepted area and go to the abutting location". There was a button on the animate that would abolish the drum, set the area adverse to 0000 and the op cipher to 00, and again alpha the bandage reader. That served as the "operating system". It would apprehend the complete capacity of the cardboard bandage assimilate the drum. Aback the bandage ran off the end, you would about-face off the reader, set the area adverse aback to 0000, and columnist start. That would activate active the affairs you had aloof apprehend from bandage assimilate the drum.
There were bristles registers. The A annals -- the accumulator -- is area accession happens. It holds ten decimal digits, added a assurance bit. For example, one apprenticeship is "Add the capacity of anamnesis area XXXX to the A register". The R annals -- the butt -- is an addendum of the A register. Multiplication of two ten chiffre (fixed point) numbers produces a twenty chiffre aftereffect beyond A and R. Division produces a caliber in A and a butt in R.
The C annals -- the command annals -- holds the instructions as they are actuality executed. The D annals holds a distinct chat as it is actuality transferred to or from the boom or alien I/O equipment.
The B annals -- the basis annals -- is alone four digits wide. If the assurance bit of an apprenticeship is a 1, the capacity of the B annals is added to the abode allocation of the instruction, thereby accouterment an arrangement index. The amount of the B annals is automatically added or decreased by one afterwards anniversary indexing instruction.
A amphibian point accession advantage was accessible for an added $12,500. (Floating point was additionally an advantage with the Intel chips acclimated in the aboriginal PC's. The 8087 dent amount about $150.) The amphibian point chat has a two-digit backer and an eight-digit fraction. So amphibian point numbers ambit from about 10^(-50) to 10^50 and accept an accurateness of about 10^(-8).
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="400px"]
Here is an archetype affairs from the addendum of the apparatus manual. This writeup is abundant adherent than the programs we would absolutely write. It's on a coding sheet; we would aloof use lined chicken notebooks. We would never charge to address out 6980, 6981, etc. And the Remarks are abundant added detailed. This archetype is advised to be anxiously explanatory.
One of the programs that I wrote during the summer at the University of Utah complex a bend that was absolutely 20 instructions long. That meant the complete bend could be loaded into the aerial acceleration memory. It didn't alike charge the jump apprenticeship from the end of the bend aback to the beginning. It would aloof abide beheading from the alike of the cipher in the abutting block on the drum. The agitation was there was no way to avenue the loop.
I bare a "Skip on Minus" instruction. There was a "Skip on Plus", but no "Skip on Minus". The EE alum apprentice who maintained the apparatus was a guy alleged Joe. I ambition I could bethink his aftermost name. Anyway, I told him I bare a "Skip on Minus" instruction. He said, "I'll one in". He abolished abaft the cabinets with ambit diagrams and a soldering iron. He alleged out, "the op cipher will be 51".
I wrote my affairs with a "51" instruction. It formed perfectly. And so the University of Utah had the alone Burroughs 205 Datatron in the apple with a "Skip on Minus" instruction.
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