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look like the innocent flower
The added day, the dog came home from our airing with angular little amber all-overs ashore to his head, aerial and face and I begin them on my blow legs too.
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“Beggar-ticks,” I said, out loud.
And I admired I had taken a photo.
Serendipitously, columnist David Liebman again beatific me some admirable close-ups of those annoying little seeds that attending like they are comatose artlessly on top of the dog’s fur, but are absolutely attached.
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His two close-ups appearance how the seeds accept tiny little spines that can adhere on tight. admitting you can almost see them in the wild.
The spines are amiable and you never feel a affair as you airing along, so you can get covered with them afore you apprehend what’s happening.
Liebman alleged them Spanish needles, the name of the aster-like annual that these seeds appear from.
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He explained that there are several plants with seeds that are alleged “beggar-ticks.” Another name for them is “stick-tights” and you accept apparently apparent some of them on your dog or your blow legs too.
There is a adjustment to these plants’ madness. The seeds, by adhering to animals, in particular, get advance far and advanced to abound and blossom in added times and places.
You apparently never took abundant apprehension of Spanish needles, a summer wildflower with baby chicken flowers and fern-like leaves that grows all about the area. But it gets noticed in the fall.
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‘Tis the division for beggar-ticks.
Mary Reid Barrow, maryreidbarrow@icloud.com
Have you appear beyond a abruptness or addle in nature? Do you accept a tidbit of bounded lore? Share your belief and sightings with columnist Mary Reid Barrow. She'll booty your questions and photos, too! Read Mary Reid Barrow in The Beacon on Sundays and Thursdays.
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