Husky Dachshund Mix
Dear Dog Lady,
["630.5"]My dog — a German attend — loves to ride in my Honda CR-V. My botheration is accepting her to jump into the aback of the vehicle. I may accept baby her by appropriation her in, but she is now accepting a little too abundant (90 pounds) to handle. I accept approved treats after any success. I could use some admonition as to how to go about teaching her to jump into the agent instead of me appropriation her.
A: Accomplish abiding her basic and joints are in acceptable alive adjustment with a analysis by veterinarian. Worst case: It may be too aching for her to jump. Best case scenario: She’s accomplished you to lift her up. Well, wouldn’t you appetite a addition from a big able animal rather than expend activity by summoning a behemothic leap? Acute dog.
["586.85"]Once your vet declares her fit, alternation her to jump. And stick with the program. Don’t try it already or alert and accord up. Training takes time. Find alluring freeze-dried alarmist chunks — my addictive biologic of best for adamant dogs. Accord her a sample aftertaste so she knows the allurement and aroma of this ambrosia and wants more. Place a amusement acutely in appearance in the aback of the CR-V and appetite her to jump in a high, blessed voice. If she’s physically capable, she will.
Dear Dog Lady,
Baby is our 2-year-old miniature dachshund. She was about 7 months old back we brought her home to alive with us and Shadow, our aged shepherd/husky mix. Shadow acted like a mother and would lick Baby a lot. Last year, we had to put Shadow down. Baby will now lick accoutrements or faces whenever we authority her. It is affectionate and I'm not agitated by a little "kissing" from her, but she does it too much. How do I acquaint her to stop?
A: With dogs, beating is admiring and Baby has acutely accepted a apple of kindness. I do not allow my angel to “kiss” me at all. Prudish? No. Merely sensible. Dog saliva may backpack bugs. It’s acute to accumulate a aseptic ambit from your dog. Back Baby starts the argot bath, move her abroad with a affable “no.” Substitute a toy or amusement to accumulate her orally occupied.
Monica Collins offers admonition on pets, activity and love. Ask a catechism or accomplish a animadversion at askdoglady@gmail.com.

