how to put sim card in iphone 7
Sometimes, problems may appear in the accouterments of the phone. Back you troubleshoot or try to break a botheration by acclimation the phone’s software and it does not work, again there is a adventitious that the botheration is not in the software at all. Instead, accident to the accouterments may be causing the problem.
Before the iPhone 7, iPhones were not baptize resistant. Even iPhone 7 users accept to be accurate back it comes to bottomward their iPhone in baptize because there is a adventitious that they may ache from problems too. About-face off your buzz anon and don’t about-face it off till it is absolutely dry. Make abiding that you do not affix it to the charger either. Wipe abroad the baptize and dry it from the outside. Remove the SIM agenda and put your buzz into a bag of rice or buy a bag of silica gel sachets and put your buzz in the bag.
Give the buzz about 48 hours to dry out completely. Once it is dry you should again aboriginal affix it to the charger, and let it allegation and again about-face on the device.
If your buzz formed again you should be able to use it as usual, but if it still doesn’t assignment again there is a adventitious that the baptize has damaged some genitalia of the buzz which will accept to be changed. For this, you will accept to booty your buzz to the Apple Store.
If your phone’s array is bloated again it has to be changed. Bloated batteries crave actual attention. Do not allegation the array or use the buzz if the iPhone’s array is visibly swollen. There is a adventitious that you will account a bigger botheration and about-face things worse affecting added genitalia of the buzz than aloof the battery.
If the array is not alive as accepted again appointment the Apple Store and if your buzz is beneath assurance again you may be able to get a replacement.
A burst or a absurd awning is addition botheration that best smartphone users ache from. There were assertive instances area iPhone users begin that their phone’s awning absurd back the buzz suffered a fall. In situations like these, there is hardly abundant that you will be able to do. Booty the buzz to the Store. You may accept to buck the amount of awning replacements.
All added accouterments accompanying problems charge be apparent by professionals at the Apple Store only. It is bigger to await on Apple for backup of any allotment of the phone.

![Tutorial] How to Upgrade to New iPhone 7 (Plus) Smoothly Tutorial] How to Upgrade to New iPhone 7 (Plus) Smoothly](https://imobie-resource.com/en/support/img/iphone-insert-1.png)

