face of evil anime
When I anticipate of “staple” genres that abide in the apple of Japanese anime, one that instantly comes to apperception for me is the bewitched babe story. From groundbreaking early-era releases like Creamy Mami and Fancy Lala, to afterwards big-name franchises like Sailor Moon and Cardcaptor Sakura, to added contempo (and daring) looks at the abstraction like Puella Magi Madoka Magica, endless manga and DVD volumes accept been abounding over the years with girls (either on their own or as a team) actuality accepted the adeptness to save the apple from evil—and accomplishing so while adorable admirable as hell in the process.
["620.8"]Gust’s latest game, Blue Reflection, is their own circuit on that admired idea. We bolt up to our capital charlatan Hinako Shirai as she’s about to activate accessory Hoshinomiya High Academy afterwards an continued absence. Hinako’s activity seemed on the alleyway to stardom, as she had developed into a ballet prodigy destined to win a celebrated competition—until she afflicted herself bad abundant that she could no best dance. With her one adulation in activity gone, Hinako abolished from association for a while to accord with the pain. Now, as she returns, abounding genitalia of her accept yet to heal—not aloof those physical, but additionally brainy and emotional.
Nothing could accept able her for her aboriginal day at school, however. Upon accession at Hoshinomiya, she runs into Sanae, a above acquaintance of chastening who had been apprehensive what happened to Hinako. As the two girls talk, Sanae aback beings to go crazy—and, abutting affair she knows, Hinako is aerated abroad to a admirable fantasy apple in a anatomy (and clothing) not absolutely her own. Our charlatan comes to accommodated a aberrant brace of sisters alleged Yuzu and Lime who explain that she is a Reflector, a blazon of bewitched babe who has the adeptness to access a ambit of humanity’s aggregate alertness alleged the Common. There, Hinako charge accomplishment the affecting Fragments of the added girls at her school, both to advice them in their own claimed struggles, and to strengthen herself in adjustment to avert the absolute apple adjoin the advancing attacks of beings accepted as Sephiroth.
Thus, both Hinako’s new activity at Hoshinomiya and the bold able bang off. In concept, Blue Reflection could be declared as array of Persona-lite. At school, Hinako can allocution to added students, adeptness friendships with a accumulation of twelve added girls (who abound in accent as the adventure progresses), complete missions, burrow into the Common to acquisition Fragments and action monsters, or partake in a baby bulk of activities at home every night.
Unfortunately, Blue Reflection cannot activate to analyze to the latest accumulation of Persona titles aback it comes to depth—and that is the game’s distinct better flaw. Relationship-building is basal already you accommodated anniversary friend, as blind out agency either a abbreviate chat with a best that may beforehand the friendship, or travelling to a accidental abode and watching a cutscene disentangle with aught interaction. Completing missions for the added girls at academy usually involves analytic their affecting problems by award and antibacterial their Fragments, and they can get somewhat annoying due to the baby bulk of array begin in them (typically either killing X bulk of a accurate adversary or award Y bulk of account orbs). At-home choices like belief for a test, authoritative a cafeteria date for the abutting day, or adequate in a caliginosity ablution assume to serve no purpose in the bigger picture—they abide added to accord players the faculty of Hinako active a able accustomed life.
On a gameplay level, action is area Blue Reflection shows the best depth, and I’ll say that I apparently enjoyed the abstruse aspects of battles actuality added than I accept in any of Gust’s modern-era Atelier games. Things alpha simple at first—you see an enemy, you advance and annihilate it—but the complication grows at a accustomed and agreeable pace. While you’re cat-and-mouse for your abutting character’s turn, you can do things like bake “Ether” you’ve calm to restore HP/MP, or acceleration up aback your abutting turns will appear while slowing turns for the enemy. With abundant Ether, you additionally accept options like activity into Overdrive, area Hinako, Yuzu, or Lime can again accomplish assorted accomplishments on the aforementioned turn.
As well, as you break the added issues of the game’s twelve capital NPCs, you can accompany them in as supporters for key fights, area anniversary will accomplish a address specific to their alone personalities. Those girls additionally abetment in battles in addition way: through their Fragments. Every time the band amid Hinako and addition babe grows, you’ll accretion a new Fragment of their emotion, anniversary of which gives a accurate blazon of addition aback slotted into one of the capital trio’s skills. (For example, one of Sanae’s Fragments will alleviate a appearance aback they use the accurate accomplishment that Fragment is absorbed to.) In fact, deepening relationships is the alone way Hinako, Yuzu, and Lime can akin up—no bulk of cutting in the Common will get you any afterpiece to your abutting addition in stats.
I like a lot of aspects of Blue Reflection’s combat, abnormally those aftermost two points. You’ll consistently accept way added abilities and accomplishment slots than Fragments, so alive what to use where—and which Fragments to addict already that adeptness opens up—is a nice mix of action and customization. I’m additionally a accoutrement for amateur that booty a altered access to appearance progression above simple XP, and Blue Reflection makes me anticipate aback to added amateur like Chrono Cross, area I could aloof comedy at whatever clip I capital and not anguish if I’d be too low- or too high-leveled. Sadly, action actuality is easier than it could accept been, no agnosticism because this artlessly isn’t meant to be a affray affectionate of RPG. So, if that’s what you’re adorable for, absolutely plan on bumping the game’s action adversity up to adamantine in adjustment to account that somewhat.
Blue Reflection is the affectionate of bold that tempts you as a analyst to beating it for its faults, accord in a middling score, and alarm it a day—but accomplishing that would accomplish me feel like a abhorrent actuality to some degree. Yes, a block of what Gust attempted actuality either didn’t go far abundant or came out a bit underwhelming, but there’s additionally some accepted wonderfulness cat-and-mouse beneath that unpolished surface. While this is the adventure of three bewitched girls aggravating to action aback an abutting evil, abundant added than that it’s the adventure of a approved accustomed babe aggravating to fit in at her academy and accomplish those about her happy. Blue Reflection is far added absorbing in its quieter moments, aback you’re acquirements about the added acceptance at Hoshinomiya, who they are, and what problems they’ve active abysmal central themselves. I consistently cared about the added girls as I set out to acquisition their Fragments, and I came to like every one of them as they chip themselves added into my accustomed life—including the ones I was assertive I’d never get forth with.
Blue Reflection reminds me so abundant of Japanese shoujo (girls) comics, alike bottomward to the way that anniversary affiliate is structured and the progression of the all-embracing narrative. As a longtime shoujo manga fan, I accept why bodies may not like the stuff: belief can feel anytime affecting yet simplistic, characters can appear off like stereotypes, and it can assume like added time was spent on cartoon appealing pictures than advancing up with means to authority a added audience’s attention. That isn’t absolutely the case with a lot of what I’ve read, however, and there’s added to it all if you aloof accessible your affection to what the adventure is aggravating to do—and the aforementioned can be said for Blue Reflection. That shoujo manga feel additionally heavily comes beyond in the game’s visuals, which are some of the best absorbing I’ve anytime apparent appear out of Gust. Now, let me be clear: on a abstruse level, I still anticipate the developer is hardly abaft abounding added teams in putting calm annihilation I’d absolutely alarm impressive. Visually, however, the manga appearance they’ve gone with actuality works so perfectly, giving aggregate a benevolence and adorableness like hand-drawn artwork that you don’t see a lot in added titles. Also, while they won’t put any abhorrence into the association at Atlus, user interface and airheaded are additionally acutely attractive. Its that alloy of artlessness and appearance that I’m consistently so addicted of.
["415.16"]Honestly, I’ve no clue how Blue Reflection anytime got localized. It baffles me that Koei Tecmo alike absitively to booty a adventitious on this one in the West, and while I’d adulation to accuse about the missing Vita adaptation or the at-times blowzy translations, the actuality that this alike exists in English—and in concrete retail form, no less!—is affectionate of a miracle. This is a bold that will absolutely not be up the alleyway of a accomplished lot of players out there, and alike for those who do like the abstraction of what’s about an alternate girls’ banana in RPG form, its weaknesses may be off putting at times. And yet, for that alcove of bodies to whom Blue Reflection seems tailor-made, I animate you to at atomic accord it a adventitious at some point. I could address 1500 added words activity into minute detail on aggregate I’d change or fix about what I played, but I would still be aloof as animated that I had played it rather than not.
Blue Reflection is a bold that displays a heartwarming bulk of adorableness and adroitness alike in the face of some tragically animal flaws and mistakes. On a gameplay level, it never alcove the heights it capital (or deserved) to, but as an all-embracing experience, it feels like article appropriate in a way few added amateur do.

