dark souls 3 painted world

The aboriginal bivouac for Dark Souls 3's DLC, Ashes of Ariandel, has arrived, and it appears we'll be abiding to The Painted Apple of Ariamis, an alternative breadth in the aboriginal Dark Souls.
Why would the adventure of Dark Souls 3 advance us aback to this algid and abandoned place?
You can watch our shot-by-shot bivouac breakdown all the way at the top of the folio for added insight, or annal through our theories below.
00:17 - Some copse arise to accept lights at the end of their branches.
Look carefully at the timberline on the right: it has continued beard looks like a person, angled over.
00:30 - These two abstracts abnormality through the snow storm resemble Abyss Watchers. Conceivably some of the aggregation got separated.
00:38 - We anticipate this hooded woman ability be Velka, the Goddess of Sin.
Velka is one of the abundant concealed characters of Dark Souls lore, referenced in several phenomenon and account descriptions, and present as statues in the aboriginal and third Dark Souls games. There's a lot belief abaft this abstruse figure.

Even admitting she was physically absent from the contest of Dark Souls 1, she was a above amateur for some: according to one theory, it's Velka who brings the amateur to Lordran, via a Behemothic Crow, to accomplish their afterlife as the Chosen Undead. Crows are carefully associated with Velka.
Velka is a goddess, but chiefly she exists alfresco of Gwyn's pantheon, and is referred to as a "rogue deity." She was additionally heavily affiliated with The Painted Apple of Ariamis, area a bronze of her resides.
It's additionally in the Painted Apple that we acquisition several key items associated with her, including Velka's Rapier, Vow of Silence, and the Black Set. If Ashes of Ariandel amplification is demography us aback to The Painted World, it would accomplish a lot of faculty for Velka to be involved.
00:44 - A advanced attack of the adversary we see at the end of the trailer. Presumably this is a boss.
We're cerebration this ability be Velka in a added aberrant form. It seems to be backbreaking itself through self-flagellation, a anatomy of abuse associated with religious rituals. But if Velka is the Goddess of Sin, why would she be backbreaking herself? It's possible, too, that this is a addict of Velka's. Miyazaki has said in interviews that the babble creatures in the Painted Apple are followers of Velka's who accept been physically adapted by their adherence to her. It could additionally be addition Velka is punishing. We accept acumen to accept this is Gwynevere, who abounding admirers accept is additionally the Queen of Lothric, who abolished afterwards giving bearing to Ocelotte.
If you attending closely, the animal is additionally application what looks like a ample adaptation of Velka's Talisman to whip itself, and is knelt over what appears to be a Lord Vessel, the account in Dark Souls 1 which accustomed players to bastardize amid bonfires and eventually, already it independent the Lord Souls, accessible the aperture to the Kiln of the Aboriginal Flame.
00:50 - According to the screenshots we've been supplied this appearance is accepted as Yupa. Judging by the background, he seems to be praying in the Cleansing Chapel of the Cathedral of the Deep. He appears afresh at 1:50, area he appears to accord the amateur a key item.
00:58 - We anticipate this is the absolute Painting of Ariamis, which in Dark Souls 1 functioned as a aperture to the Painted Apple itself.
If correct, time hasn't been affectionate – it looks actual altered to the aftermost time we saw it, blind on a bank in Anor Londo, adequate by the Painting Guardians.
But what if, in this after age, it's been defaced, whitewashed, in an attack to balloon about The Painted Apple and its inhabitants? Or alike to allowance it off? (The Painted Apple is an icy abode — could the frostbitten land's access accept able the painting, axis Anor Londo into the albino branch now accepted as Irithyll?)
To add added acceptance to this theory, this NPC extensive out arise the account is accepted as The Painter. It's accessible this is Ariamis – the artisan who created the aboriginal account – or it ability be addition artlessly aggravating to restore the assignment to its above celebrity and power. Conceivably a brood of Ariamis — Ariandel?
The framing of this attack is absolutely an allusion to the cut-scene in which the Chosen Undead enters the Painted Apple for the aboriginal time in the aboriginal game.
Credit: Briareos Kerensky's YouTube channel.
What do you think?
01:08 - It's a baby thing, but acid to a appellation agenda that artlessly reads 'Dark Souls' underscores the absolute affiliation with the aboriginal game. Dark Souls 3 is in connected chat with its own past. This bivouac foregrounds that fact.
01:14 - This behemothic wolf, bawl at the sky, acutely invokes Sif, the Abundant Grey Wolf from Dark Souls.

Sif was the accompaniment of Artorias, the Abysswalker, and was a bang-up in the aboriginal game.
Sif doesn't arise in Dark Souls 3, but there is a smaller, scrawnier wolf, accepted as the Old Wolf of Farron, who is associated with the Abyss Watchers and, by extension, Artorias.
Time has consistently been bizarre in Lordran, let abandoned the Painted World, so it's not extraordinary that this ability be Sif herself.
01:17 - This attending uncannily like the Painted Apple of Ariamis. The arch and the alcazar on a bouldered pillar.
The Painted Apple of Ariamis in Dark Souls (2011).
The names for locations and items accept been adulterated by time in Dark Souls 3. Londo becomes Londor, for instance, so it's accessible that Ariandel is now the name Ariamis goes by. Or conceivably Ariamis is a new appearance entirely, the above Painter, perhaps, whose ashes we charge to claim.
“If you’re like us, addition abandoned body with no abode to alarm your own, again appearance my adult flame.”
Painted Apple is home and bastille for items and beings that accept no abode in the world. The Babble Demons are apprenticed from the world, for instance.