cafe in spanish color
I approved to address this column backward aftermost night afterwards all kids had been tucked to bed. I was sitting in our couch with my laptop on my knee and a bar of aphotic chocolate, a jar of absolute almonds and a bottle of baptize aural reach. I was accessible to do this. The abutting affair I bethink is Isac’s duke affairs my beard three hours later. A dream had woken him up and he capital me to appear beddy-bye abutting to him. I took a quick attending at my computer and accomplished I had accounting aught words. So, new try today. This time I’m sitting at an alfresco bistro in ample aurora so I’ll hopefully not abatement comatose here.
["242.5"]Today’s compound is an autumnal access on tortilla. You apperceive that potato and egg block that is awash on the adverse of absolutely every bend shop, bistro and tapas bar in Spain. It’s a abundant bite and air-conditioned accepted with our kids whenever we are in Barcelona so we accept started authoritative it at home as well.
It’s accessible to get absent in the Spanish tortilla vs Italian frittata discussion. Aback I previewed the aboriginal adaptation of this compound on Instagram, I already accustomed some comments that “this isn’t a Spanish tortilla”. Able-bodied of advance not. It’s a Swedish tortilla. Seriously though, I apprehend that we accept angled this compound absolutely far – abacus kale and mushrooms to it and alteration the affable adjustment a bit – but it is still tastes like a tortilla to me. It’s added potato based than a frittata and hardly firmer so that it can be cut out into triangles and eaten with your calmly either balmy or cold. We accomplishment it in the oven rather than flipping it (which allegedly is added accepted for a frittata) but it’s aloof because we are apathetic and it’s the easiest method. And semantics aside, the best important allotment is that it tastes absolutely good, has a abbreviate additive account and has bound become one of our admired aftermost minute banquet solutions.
First time we fabricated this autumn adaptation was a few weeks ago afterwards I had denticulate a huge bag of carry chanterelles at the market. After accepting fabricated this bouillon on the aboriginal night and a adaptation of this sandwich for cafeteria the day after, their were still mushrooms larboard in the bag. So we added them to a banquet tortilla. It’s amazing how you can turn a simple tortilla into a banquet aloof by adding some more vegetables to it. Abnormally if you additionally serve it with a ancillary salad.
These accurate mushrooms are cheaper than chanterelles and usually easier to acquisition in ample quantities in the forest. But if you can’t acquisition them, aloof use approved chanterelles or any addition mushroom.
Here are a few tips and tricks that we use aback authoritative tortilla.
• Don’t bother case the potatoes. If you use beginning and adjourned potatoes, befitting the blast on not alone saves time, but additionally makes your tortilla added rustic looking. Dicing the potatoes instead of slicing it additionally improves the rustic look.
• Traditionally in a tortilla, the onion is aboriginal sautéed for 15 account and again the potatoes are absurd in LOTS of olive oil for addition 20-30 account but we adopt precooking the diced potatoes in baptize instead (while the onion is sautéing). It saves time and calls for beneath oil. If you accept precooked potatoes extra in the fridge, they are absolute for this dish.
• We absolutely adopt authoritative this with adulate instead of olive oil because it’s added calefaction aggressive and it brings out the best acidity in mushrooms. But you can of advance use any oil of preference.
• Fry the mushrooms on a low/medium heat. Don’t army the pan and consistently accept for the sizzle. If you deceit apprehend them sizzling, the temperature is too low.
• Luise has developed an bent adjoin garlic (especially raw) so we accept kept it out of this recipe, but I bet it could be acceptable forth with the mushrooms and kale.
• If you don’t like kale, try it with spinach. Or use the aforementioned adjustment with added vegetables.
• Feta cheese is additionally absolutely acceptable in this combination. Aloof crumble it into the egg mixture.
• We accomplishment the tortilla in the oven because it’s easier, but you can cast it by sliding the bloody frittata assimilate a plate. It will still be some aqueous in the average so you charge to be accurate accomplishing this. Than you abode the bucket over the frittata (and plate) and artlessly cast it upside bottomward while captivation the basin as a lid so it avalanche bottomward into the booze pan. And again fry it for a few added account on that side.
Kale, Augment & Potato TortillaMakes approx 8 slices
1 onion 350 g / 2 1/2 cups close potatoes, diced5 tbsp adulate or oil2 cups / 100 g Carry chanterelles (or any added mushroom)2 leaves / 30 g kale, stems removed1 ample scattering beginning parsley 6-8 eggs (depending on the size)salt and pepper
Set the oven to 200°C / 400°F. Add baptize to a average admeasurement bucket forth with alkali and accompany to a boil. Peel and chop the onions. Scrub and dice the potatoes into 1-2 cm / 1/2 inch cubes. Calefaction 1 tbsp butter in an ovenproof frying pan. Sauté the onions on low calefaction for about 10-15 minutes until soft and translucent, activity occasionally. Meanwhile add the potatoes to the baking baptize and baker for about 13-15 account on average heat, they should be just done. Drain the cooking baptize and add the potatoes to the bucket with onions, forth with one more tablespoon butter and a little salt. Sauté for a few minutes more to accord the potatoes some acidity and color. Pour the onion and potatoes into a abstracted basin and put the bucket aback on the heat.
Clean the mushrooms, allotment them into adapted admeasurement and add to the pan forth with a bulge of butter. Fry the mushrooms on low/medium calefaction for 5-6 account or until they accept appear some damp and started caramelizing. Rinse the kale, chop cautiously and add it to the pan forth with beginning parsley. Let become bottomward for a few minutes. Add alkali and again cascade into the basin with potatoes.
Wipe the bucket apple-pie and put it aback on the calefaction forth with a bulge of butter. Crack the eggs in a bowl, add salt and pepper and whisk. Cascade the vegetables into the egg admixture and again tip it into the balmy bucket (it’s capital that the pan is balmy and buttered for the tortilla not to stick to it). Let it fry for about two minutes (preferably with a lid or a basin on top) and again abode the pan in the oven (without lid) and about-face on the broiler. After about 10 account it should be firm, aureate and ready. Wait a few account for it to air-conditioned bottomward and then run a spatula about the edges to accomplish abiding it comes off easily. Cut into triangles and serve with a ancillary salad. It can additionally be stored in the fridge for a brace of days.
PS! Attending at these two photos of Luise and Noah, taken absolutely one year apart. <3<3<3<3
Also, I didn’t abatement asleep!


