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5 petal pink flower
Photo: San Marcos Growers
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Grevillea ‘Kings Fire’ makes a arresting accession to the garden.
Grevillea ‘Kings Fire’ makes a arresting accession to the garden.
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Grevillea ‘Kings Rainbow.’
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Grevillea ‘Kings Rainbow.’
Grevilleas for the abatement garden
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The apple of grevilleas is an anytime alteration and agitative one. This year has accustomed a new alternation of this bright Protea ancestors member: the Kings series. This accumulation includes two red-flowering varieties, G. ‘Kings Celebration’ and G. ‘Kings Fire’; and a different bicolored chicken and red array appropriately called grevillea ‘Kings Rainbow.’
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Grevillea ‘Kings Fire’ (PP27,875) displays the slender, dissected leaves accepted to this series. Open branching, bendable grayish-green leaves and white stems all amalgamate to anatomy a brier 6 anxiety aerial and wide. Beginning in the fall, 5-inch-long bottlebrush-type inflorescences sprout from annex tips, with alone flowers antic badly arced abysmal red styles and beneath stamen address abysmal red petals. ‘Kings Fire’ has accurate to be the arch bloomer in the series; already established, it’s rarely after flowers.
Grevillea ‘Rainbow’ (PP27,931) is one of the best different grevilleas in cultivation. The 3-inch-long blossom is composed of rows of aureate tepals from which appear red styles that resemble butterfly antennae. Exotic and dramatic, this array additionally blooms over a continued period. Abysmal blooming aciculate foliage and an cocked addiction accomplish for an accomplished low-maintenance shrub. Like all grevilleas it can booty the calefaction and is aridity tolerant, authoritative it an ideal best for hedges or for use in abrasion ascendancy on slopes and banks.
Grevillea ‘Kings Celebration’ (patent pending) follows the advance of ‘Rainbow,’ this time alms 4-inch rows of downy-white tepals and the aforementioned recurved, aphotic red styles. Olive-green all-overs accommodate a bendable accomplishments for the explosions of blush throughout the year.
One added new grevillea is account mentioning: Grevillea petrophiloides ‘Pink Pokers’ is one of the few grevilleas out there with cones of absolutely blush flowers. The 6-inch-long cones are abnormally wide, and back in abounding blossom this is one clear species.
Earl Nickel is an Oakland nurseryman and freelance writer. Email: food@sfchronicle.com
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Grevillea petrophiloides, or ‘Pink Pokers.’
Grevillea petrophiloides, or ‘Pink Pokers.’
Did you know?
The Kings alternation of grevilleas was bred by and owes its name to Kings Park & Botanic Garden in western Australia.
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Cultivation: Bulb in abounding sun in a well-drained clay and baptize sparingly. As with all Protea ancestors members, abstain giving grevilleas any phosphorus. Hardy to 20-25 degrees Fahrenheit.
Availability: Grevilleas activate assuming up in best nurseries in backward October. Even for grevilleas with a after blossom season, abatement is an accomplished time to bulb them. Best of the varieties will be accessible in 5-gallon containers.
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