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Former Fox News Anchor, Gretchen Carlson, describes a time aboriginal in her career area she acquaintance animal harassment. (Washington Post Live)
Former Fox News ballast Gretchen Carlson said on Monday that she angle contempo animal aggravation allegations adjoin Hollywood ambassador Harvey Weinstein as a assurance that women feel more emboldened to allege out about calumniating behavior by able men.
“I’m abundantly optimistic with area we are, 15 months afterwards I jumped off the bluff and into the abyss, not alive what would lay beneath it all,” Carlson said during an accident at The Washington Post, apropos to a accusation she filed aftermost year adjoin Roger Ailes, Fox News's then-chairman. “And, as alarming as the revelations are, advancing out of Hollywood, I’m optimistic that this is the angled point, that this is the watershed moment that we’ve been cat-and-mouse for. Women accept been cat-and-mouse for this for a continued time.”
Carlson noted, however, that animal harassers are not consistently in positions of power. She aggregate an acquaintance from aboriginal in her journalism career.
“I was with my cameraman in a rural allotment of Virginia, and we were accoutrement a story, and aback we got aback into the car together, he started allurement me how I had admired it aback he affected my breasts aback he was putting my microphone on,” Carlson said. “And it went decline from there. … I actually anticipation to myself about rolling alfresco of the commuter aperture at 40 afar an hour, like I’d apparent bodies do in the movies, and wondered how abundant it would hurt.”
Carlson said she eventually told her bang-up about the aggravation but alone afterwards he sensed that article was amiss and asked repeatedly.
If we brainstorm that alone heavyweights such as Weinstein or Ailes could get abroad with abode misconduct, again we are underestimating the problem.
Carlson additionally declared what she did aftermost fall, aback The Washington Post appear a 2005 recording on which Admiral Trump could be heard aloof about dark women. She had afresh acclimatized her accusation adjoin Ailes for $20 million.
“I anticipate that that was a able moment for millions of parents beyond the country,” Carlson said. “And that’s what I did. I showed that video [to my kids]. And I said, 'This is not how you amusement a animal being.' And I don’t affliction what political behavior you accede with: taxes, immigration. Who cares? Animal aggravation is apolitical. Aback somebody harasses you, they don’t ask you what political affair you’re in afore they do it, and this is why we should all care. And this is why animal appropriateness supersedes any political policy.”
["760"]In a aftereffect catechism about Trump, Washington Post columnist Kathleen Parker referred to the admiral as a “father amount of the country,” Carlson interjected.
“Or the mother figure, eventually,” she said. “I durably accept we will accept a changeable president.”

