![I JUST BOUGHT A PUPPY! **not clickbait** - YouTube I JUST BOUGHT A PUPPY! **not clickbait** - YouTube](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/_2pa1KEfz4g/maxresdefault.jpg)
what kind of dog does logan paul have
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["1280"]![Cutest Kong And Logan Paul Moments Compilation - YouTube Cutest Kong And Logan Paul Moments Compilation - YouTube](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/c1QkY2Nckt8/maxresdefault.jpg)
Logan Paul, at left.
One affair we’re array of bedeviled with about actuality with is the abnormality of Vine and YouTube stars. They’re usually fluff-banged boyhood or post-teen boys that no one earlier than 25 has heard of, but who boyhood and amid girls chase added religiously than old Latin ladies chase telenovelas. (FYI, “Curbs Lurbs” and “Cool Shirtman” are parody, but “Jerry Purpdrank” is real).
For bodies as entertained by this as we are, this new TechInsider contour on Vine brilliant Logan Paul (is there a added Vine brilliant name than “Logan Paul?”) is like Stonehenge, or the Egyptian pyramids. It’s so absolute it’s adamantine to accept that it came calm after some affectionate of magic. Actuality are my 10 admired quotes.
When he assassin a banking artisan and a manager, he wasn’t bright on what absolutely those assembly were declared to do. He told me: “I had to ask my manager, I go, ‘Are you my administrator or my abettor and why?’ He goes, ‘Do me a favor, watch “Entourage.” ’ I watched the accomplished season.”
["1242"]![Kong Da Savage | Me | Pinterest | Animal, Dog and Logan paul Kong Da Savage | Me | Pinterest | Animal, Dog and Logan paul](https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/00/6c/e2/006ce205f24fafe3b44342d9d229be9d.jpg)
Logan active the charter on an accommodation in a affluence circuitous on Vine Street, a architecture that currently houses 6 of the top 15 Vine stars in the world.
Logan has an aboriginal song, and “roommate carve employee” Mark is activity to accomplish the rap part. R&B artisan Brian McKnight is in the audience, attractive and alert for the abutting big recording artist.
He alcove for a scattering of chips and swipes them through ketchup. “I don’t know, honestly, I could be adequate with like, $2 to 3 actor a year.”
["1230"]![18 best Kong da savage images on Pinterest | King kong, Logan paul ... 18 best Kong da savage images on Pinterest | King kong, Logan paul ...](https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/ac/b6/21/acb6213e42dbbd25c5fc53b32a56d2b7.jpg)
As for the Vine stars at the club, they attending hardly added alive as Brian McKnight takes the date and performs Bonnie Raitt’s 1991 hit “I Can’t Make You Love Me,” admitting one Vine brilliant asked me later, “what song alike was that?”
This was a convenance run. Back we do it for real, T-Pain said he’s already bottomward to do the rap part.”
A guy I admit as Vine brilliant Rudy Mancuso is sitting abutting to me and overhears me allurement Logan a catechism back he interjects — “Hey, you wanna apprehend the crazy stories? I accept the crazy stories. You wanna FaceTime Justin?” He pulls up Justin Bieber’s number. Justin doesn’t aces up. Rudy blames the affiliation central Macau.
["736"]![Best 25 Logan paul ideas on Pinterest | Jake paul height, Kong ... Best 25 Logan paul ideas on Pinterest | Jake paul height, Kong ...](https://i.pinimg.com/736x/76/0d/f1/760df15fc5bca1506b845c93f51ee39f.jpg)
Perhaps that is the best remarkable thing about Logan Paul — not his money, not his internet content, not alike his dreams of actuality what his dad calls “the abutting white Will Smith.”
Logan will get his attempt at assuming his anxious song, “Stank Dick,” after this week, but next on the agenda he’s got to get accessible for acting class.
“I’m at the point area no amount what, brands are still activity to appear to me,” Logan adds, gliding accomplished me on the scooter. “So I can alpha actuality a little added edgy. Like I could do a Vine for Fleshlight or something.”
You can apprehend the blow of the allotment here. Caroline Moss absolutely gets my Pulitzer vote, that was one of the best alluringly deadpan pieces of autograph I’ve anytime read. And in case you were wondering, yes, “Stank Dick” was absolutely the song T-Pain was slated to rap on.
["1280"]![Cutest Kong And Logan Paul Moments Compilation - YouTube Cutest Kong And Logan Paul Moments Compilation - YouTube](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/zUQy1dzSl40/maxresdefault.jpg)
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