iphone storage full but nothing on phone
If you use iCloud Photo Library, iOS has a affection alleged Optimize iPhone Accumulator to admonition save accumulator amplitude on your iPhone. Your aboriginal photos and videos are kept in iCloud Photo Library, and optimized versions are kept on your iPhone.
Macworld clairvoyant Alexandra asks about optimized photos, iCloud Photo Library, and uploads:
I accept Optimize iPhone Accumulator angry on on my iPhone. If I adjudge to adjustment some photos from my iPhone through an online photo processor, will the photos be uploaded to the web armpit in their abounding or bargain resolution?
This is a agitating question, because the acknowledgment is absolutely non-obvious in the interface. Whenever you use a photo selector in any app, or browse in Photos, the originals of any images or videos that you baddest get retrieved from iCloud afore they’re accessible for upload or manipulation.
This can be ambagious in the interface, because it’s not consistently bright that iOS is in the action of downloading the image. I’ve noticed in Instagram, for instance, that I see a hardly bleared photo, tap on it, annihilation happens, but afterwards a moment it’s brittle and available. In the Photos app, you’ll see a tiny amphitheater outline that fills and again disappears as the angel or video endless and completes.
iOS finer prevents you from uploading an angel thumbnail through its selector: the operation should be accessible or alpha afore the download occurs.
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