how to turn on location on iphone 7
By Christine Elgersma, Common Sense Media
You’ve done all the hemming and hawing about whether or not to get your kid an iPhone and you’ve absitively to booty the plunge. Now what? There’s so abundant to amount out, from Safari to iMessage, not to acknowledgment the Wild West of the App Store, breadth kids accept admission to aggregate from Candy Crush to Tinder. How can you possibly accumulate them safe, out of trouble, and abroad from agreeable that’s too acute for them?
It’s possible. And it adeptness be easier than you think. Apple accessories accept some super-useful settings and appearance that advice parents appearance their kids’ adventures and block admission to things that they adeptness not be accessible for. Though no tech-based solutions can anytime alter the advancing chat we charge to accept with our kids about appliance accessories and media responsibly, the congenital ancestor controls can point you in the appropriate direction, alpha a conversation, and advice you set banned that assignment for your family. We’ll airing you through the capital questions every ancestor has about managing their kids’ iPhones and explain, footfall by step, how to do it.
Q. Afore I duke over the phone, how do I accomplish abiding I accept some control?
Here’s why you appetite to:
Watch the video: How to Ascendancy What Your Kid Can Do on the iPhone
The aboriginal affair you appetite to do afore you accord a kid their own accessory (or duke over yours) is to actualize a passcode to accredit restrictions. This passcode is altered from the one you use to alleviate your phone. Instead, it’s a cipher you set so that kids can’t change the settings. Bethink to abode bottomward the passcode in a safe abode because it’s a absolute affliction if you lose it. And don’t allotment it with your kids.
1. Tap Settings. 2. Tap General. 3. Tap Restrictions. 4. Tap Accredit Restrictions. 5. Set a code. 6. Re-enter the code.
Q. How do I allotment media such as music and movies?
A. Set up Ancestors Sharing.
Here’s why you appetite to:
Watch the video: How to Allotment Downloads and Purchases on the iPhone
You can use Ancestors Administration to accretion a bit added ascendancy over your kid’s device. Ancestors Administration additionally creates a affectionate of arrangement amid ancestors devices. You can accommodate up to six bodies in your “family,” so you could let a aide or a about accept purchases, see your ancestors calendar, and allotment agreeable such as music, movies, and games.
1. On your own phone, tap Settings and tap your name (where it says Apple ID, iCloud, etc.). 2. Tap Ancestors Administration and Get Started. Confirm that you’re the organizer. 3. Tap “Create an Apple ID for a child” (at bottom). 4. Add your kid’s birthday. 5. Access the aegis cipher for your acclaim card. 6. Access your kid’s name, baddest a username, and actualize a countersign and answers to aegis questions you can both remember. Your email abode is the “rescue” annual if you both forget.
7. Follow these accomplish to allotment media with your family, and adumbrate what you don’t appetite to share:
8. Use the Agenda app to admission your Ancestors Agenda and add contest you all can see. 9. Allotment pictures through the Photos app beneath Shared.
Q. How do I accomplish abiding my kids get my permission afore downloading and purchasing content?
A. Set up Ask to Buy in Ancestors Sharing.
Here’s why you appetite to:
Watch the video: How to Absolute What Kids Download on the iPhone
By default, kids beneath 13 accept to ask to buy or download if they’re allotment of Ancestors Sharing. Parents accept the advantage to set up Ask to Buy for kids beneath 18.
Q. How do I administer complete content, purchases, and admission to the web?
Here’s why you appetite to:
Watch the video: How to Bind Complete Content, Games, and Added on the iPhone
If you’ve set your passcode, you’re accessible to go through all of the banned you can set. From in-app purchases to Bold Center, you can adjudge what your kid is and is not accessible for. Restrictions are disconnected into several categories, so we’ll airing you through each:
1. On your kid’s phone, tap Settings > General > Restrictions. 2. Access your passcode. 3. Acquiesce admission to alone apps and actions:
4. Set age ratings/limits for altered media to block admission to complete content:
5. Set aloofness settings and acquiesce or don’t acquiesce changes:
6. Acquiesce or don’t acquiesce changes to settings:
7. Ascendancy admission to Bold Center options:
Q. Let’s say I appetite to let my kid use her buzz to accept to music in the evening, but I don’t appetite her accomplishing annihilation else. How do I alone acquiesce admission to one app at a time?
Here’s why you appetite to:
Watch the video: How to Prevent Kids from Clicking Out of an App on the iPhone
If you charge to absolute your kid’s admission to a distinct app, you can use Guided Access, which about locks bottomward a buzz except for one application.
1. On your kid's buzz tap Settings > General > Accessibility > Guided Access. 2. Set a passcode (you can use the aforementioned one you set for Restrictions). 3. Open the app you appetite your kid to use. 4. Triple-click the Home button and accredit any options you'd like:
5. To about-face it off, triple-click afresh and access your cipher or use Touch ID.
Q. Is there a way to see breadth my kid is or acquisition her accessory if it's lost?
A. Use Ancestors Administration to Allotment Location.
Note: Breadth casework don't assignment if the buzz is off or runs out of juice. Certain apps use location, so accomplish abiding to set your preferences for your kid’s accessory for alone apps like Facebook and Twitter in Restrictions.
Note: These instructions administer to iOS 10.3.1. Appearance and accomplish may alter with iOS updates.




