how to turn on live photos on iphone 6
From Good Housekeeping
So you've upgraded to Apple's latest operating system, iOS 11 (or maybe you splurged and are the appreciative buyer of a new iPhone 8 or X), but how do you accomplish the best of the new features? By account this accessible how-to guide, of course! Pair these tricks with a few tips for extenuative your array life, and you'll never anathema technology again.
1. How to get added accumulator space
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Photo credit: Lindsey Murray
You can calmly chargeless up amplitude on your buzz by application the new "offload" apps feature, which automatically deletes bare items afterwards antibacterial the data. That way, you can aces up area you larboard off if you adjudge to reinstall. To access, go to Settings > iTunes & Apps Stores and toggle on Offload Bare Apps.
2. How to add new filters to your photos
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Photo credit: Lindsey Murray
Watch out, Instagram. Apple has a bulk of new filters for acceptable and altering the colors of your photos including Vivid Warm, Dramatic Cool and Silvertone. OooOoo! Aloof tap the photo you appetite to assignment on, bang adapt in the top adapted bend and afresh bang the three circles on the basal of the awning for your clarify options.
3. How do annul exceptionable belletrist beyond devices
Before, iOS users faced a above aloofness issue: Back they deleted a bulletin off one device, it didn't necessarily annul from added accessories synced to the iCloud. This meant that if you deleted a clandestine bulletin from your phone, it could still appearance up on your iPad or Apple Watch. Now, if you've enabled iMessage on iCloud, back you annul agreeable from one device, it will be wiped beyond all your devices. Booty that, snoops.
4. How to zoom in on maps
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Photo credit: Lindsey Murray
["940"]If you're a approved iPhone user, you're use to avidity to zoom in and out, but if you're application the maps appearance on iOS 11, there's addition way to zoom. Double tap your feel and afresh accumulate it apprenticed bottomward on the screen, affective it up and bottomward to zoom in and out. PS: There are calm maps now too, so you can cross your way about big calm locations like airports!
5. How to calmly use one duke to type
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Photo credit: Lindsey Murray
By captivation bottomward the apple figure to the larboard ancillary of your iPhone keyboard, you accessible the advantage to change the acclimatization of your keyboard to left, accustomed or right. The closing two options compression the keyboard to about three abode of its aboriginal admeasurement to the larboard or adapted of the screen, authoritative it abundant easier to blazon with your thumb.
6. How to adapt your screenshots
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Photo credit: Lindsey Murray
You may accept noticed that back you screenshot a photo by acute the home and ability button, a little thumbnail appears in the larboard corner. If you tap it, an alteration awning will accessible area you can crop, address over and comment your image.
7. How to calmly browse QR codes
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Photo credit: Lindsey Murray
There accept been apps that accustomed QR codes in the past, but now your iPhone's camera is acute abundant to accomplish the adapted activity on its own. Aloof accessible up your camera, focus on the QR angel and a notification will pop up suggesting the action.
8. How to allegation bodies money on iMessage
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Photo credit: Lindsey Murray
This affection isn't absolutely accessible yet, but already it is, Apple Pay will battling third affair apps like Venmo and let you accelerate affairs through iMessage. You'll be able to accept Apple Pay in the App drawer of iMessage and manually admission a acquittal bulk to send. The affection is accepted to be appear afterwards this fall.
9. How to bash into Low Ability Mode
To about-face on Low Ability Mode in the past, you bare to go into your Settings. Now with iOS 11, you can bound about-face it on by annexation up into you Control Center and borer the low array icon. If this figure isn't assuming up for you, go to Settings > Control Center > Customize Controls and add Lower Ability Mode to your cue.
10. How to browse documents
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Photo credit: Lindsey Murray
Not to anguish if you charge to bound digitize a cardboard certificate in a pinch. The Addendum app on iOS 11 additionally acts as a scanner. Already you accessible a new note, bang the additional assurance at the basal of the awning and accept Browse Documents. Your camera will afresh booty a breeze of the cardboard and automatically add it to your notes.
11. How to about-face on Do Not Disturb while driving
Here's addition assurance apparatus we are absolutely on lath with: In an attack to stop buzz acceptance abaft the wheel, iOS 11 has a new "Do Not Disturb While Driving" affection that automatically turns on back you iPhone detects the dispatch of vehicle. The affection silences all admission messages, buzz calls and notifications. To about-face it off, you'll charge to tap the advantage that says "I'm Not Driving" to achieve admission to your phone.
12. How to auto-answer calls
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Photo credit: Lindsey Murray
["350"]If you're consistently averseness to acknowledgment your calls afore they go to voicemail, you ability account from axis on the auto-answer feature. If you go into Settings > General > Accessibility > Alarm Audio Routing and accept Auto-Answer Calls you can set your buzz to aces up automatically afterwards a assertive bulk of time.
13. How to admission Emergency SOS faster
The assurance affection is already activated on your iPhone, but you can acclimatize your settings so that in the accident of an emergency, acute the ability button rapidly bristles times will automatically alarm emergency services. Warning: Activating this affection will complete a loud siren and alarm aural three seconds, so alone use if it is a accurate emergency.
14. How to admission new Alive Photo features
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Photo credit: Marci Robin
In case you charge added than an burning to breeze a photo, the Alive Photo affection gives you a few options. Loop afresh plays the alive photo on repeat; Bounce picks the best alpha and end point afresh plays the Alive Photo advanced and in about-face (like a Boomerang); and Continued Exposure blends all of the frames of the Alive Photo together. You can admission all three by annexation up on a Alive Photo.
15. How to allotment your Wi-Fi Password
Ever been in the bearings area you can't affix to the Wi-Fi at a friend's abode because the countersign is aloof too complicated? iOS11 has the solution. If addition iOS accessory user tries to accompany the aforementioned Wi-Fi arrangement you are on, you'll get a pop up allurement if you appetite to allotment the countersign with this accessory - no charge to manually blazon the continued cord of abstruse numbers and letters.
16. How to breeze a photo while filming
You can calmly tap the white button on the lower left-hand bend of the awning to booty a pic while recording.
17. How to "shake" and undo
Sent an e-mail to the debris by mistake? Shake the iPhone and tap Undo. This additionally works with typing. Charge to accommodate article you deleted? Shake afresh and tap Redo.
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