how to reset iphone 7 to factory settings
Step OneLaunch iTunes from your programs list.
["450"]Step TwoConnect your iPhone to the computer via USB and baddest it from the toolbar. If you are still application an old adaptation of iTunes you can baddest your accessory from the sidebar.
Step ThreeBefore continuing bang the Back Up Now button to ensure your accessory is backed up afore the restore.
Step FourIf appetite to appetite to download and restore to the latest accessible firmware, bang the Restore iPhone.. button from the Summary window.
If you accept already downloaded the firmware ipsw for the firmware you would like to restore to, authority bottomward the Shift key and bang Restore iPhone.... You can acquisition a account of firmware download links for the iPhone here.
Select the firmware ipsw book from your adamantine drive again bang Open.
*Please agenda that you may not be able to decline to lower firmware adaptation if Apple has chock-full signing that firmware.
Step FiveiTunes will ask you if you appetite to restore the iPhone to its branch settings. All of your media and added abstracts will be erased. Bang the Restore button to continue.
Step SixYou may be apparent the firmware's changelog. Bang Next to continue.
Step SevenClick Accede to accede to Apple's Software License Agreement.
Step EightIf needed, iTunes will activate downloading the new firmware. This may booty a while.
Step NineThe firmware will again be extracted and accession will begin.
Step TeniTunes will acquaint you already the accession is complete and your iPhone will reboot.
Step ElevenYou may be abreast that there is a carrier amend for your iPhone. If there is, bang the Download and Amend button.
The settings will be updated.
Click OK to accede the acknowledged installation.
Step TwelveYou will again be accustomed to your new iPhone. You can accept to 'Set up as a new iPhone' or 'Restore from this backup'.
Select the advantage you'd like. If you chose to restore from backup, you can use the dropdown to baddest from antecedent backups.
Click the Abide button.
Step ThirteenThat's it! You accept a refreshly adequate iPhone. Bang the Get Started button to appearance the accessory in iTunes.

