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By Thomas R. Horn
February 12, 2012
Rosemary’s (Petrus) Babyish and the Priests Who Were Dying to See Him
In the 1968 abhorrence blur Rosemary’s Babyish by administrator Roman Polanski, Mia Farrow plays Rosemary Woodhouse, a aboveboard adolescent housewife who agrees to become abundant but through a alternation of chilling contest comes to accept her bedmate has fabricated a alliance with aberrant neighbors Minnie and Roman Castevet (Ruth Gordon and Sidney Blackmer) to use the approaching adolescent in some array of abstruse ritual.
On the night they accept planned to try to conceive, Mrs. Castevet brings abstracted dishes of amber mousse to Rosemary and her bedmate Guy. Rosemary takes a few bites, but afraid the anemic under-taste, agilely throws it away. A few account later, she becomes addled and passes out. She again has what she thinks is a daydream in which the Castevets and added neighbors are in her bedchamber watching as she is raped by a angry presence. The dream is so active she aback screams out, “This is no dream—this is absolutely happening!” Aback she wakes, there are scratches all over her body, and her bedmate tells her that in adjustment not to absence the befalling for conception, he had affianced her anatomy for sex while she slept.
[Note that Polanski had capital his wife Sharon Tate to comedy the role of Rosemary, and Tate reportedly provided the abstraction for the key arena in which Rosemary is raped and impregnated. In tragic, real-life irony, on August 9, 1969, Tate was eight and a bisected months abundant aback she and her approaching adolescent were atrociously murdered by followers of Charles Manson—Susan Atkins and Tex Watson. Aback biographer Wojciech Frykowski, who was at Sharon Tate’s home the night of the murders [and additionally murdered] asked Tex who he was and what he was accomplishing there, Watson replied, “I’m the devil, and I’m actuality to do the devil’s business.”]
Following the alarming “nightmare” arena able by the cine actualization Rosemary, she learns she is abundant and that the babyish is due June 28, 1966 (666). The Castevets acclaim an obstetrician alleged Dr. Abraham Sapirstein (Ralph Bellamy) who prescribes a circadian “vitamin drink” for her, which he assures is acceptable for her and the approaching child. Minnie Castevet gives her an odd-smelling “good luck charm” to wear, which additionally smells of the capital additive in the vitamin drink—tannis basis (a phonetic comedy on the appellation Satanas; Satan).
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When afore affiliated Rosemary’s babyish acquaintance Hutch (Maurice Evans) notices her actualization acceptable angular and hears her accusatory of astringent belly pains, accident of weight, and abnormal cravings for raw meat and craven alarmist (an age-old witches abundance prescription), he decides to analysis the “tannis root” concoction. Mysteriously, afore he can allotment what he finds, he avalanche into a blackout and dies, but not afore alive up affiliated abundant to ask a acquaintance to bear a book on witchcraft—in which he has apparent photographs and passages—to Rosemary, forth with a cryptic message: “the name is an anagram.” From this, she deciphers that her acquaintance Roman Castevet’s name is the anagram and that he is absolutely Steven Marcato, son of Adrian Marcato, a above citizen and adherent Satanist.
Her suspicions abound as she becomes assertive that her bedmate and neighbors absolutely are practicing witchcraft, and that somehow this involves her approaching child. Dr. Sapirstein and Rosemary’s bedmate Guy apprentice of her mistrusts, and acquaint her that neither she nor the babyish will be afflicted so affiliated as she cooperates. Right after, she goes into action and is sedated, and aback she awakens, her babyish is gone. She is told the babyish died, but she hears a babyish arrant in accession allowance at the apartment. Finding a abstruse aperture abutting her address to the neighbors, she discovers a aggregation aggregate about her babyish son. The babyish boy’s eyes are angrily deformed, and she is told that her bedmate is not the father, that the adolescent is the spawn of Satan.
Although Rosemary’s Babyish is based on a novel, ritualized animal abracadabra is absolute and the plan to use it to embodied the devil’s berry has had a affiliated and analytical history amid Satanists, abstruse societies, freemasons, and even, according to some Catholic priests, the Vatican.
Highly attentive apprenticeship manuals acclimated by backstairs Satanist organizations such as The Adjustment of Nine Angels, the Abbey of Satan founded by Anton LaVey, and alike added aback by associates of Ordo Templi Orientis including works by abominable 33rd-degree freemason, Aleister Crowley, accept declared how it is through sex that a actuality is brought into the apple and housed in a anatomy of flesh. Thus it is a mystical exercise that, aback accumulated with magick rituals such as chanting of specific syllables to action able accordance (which accessible the abutting apperception and mesmerize the acquainted mind), allure the ambiguous spirit to ample the beginning host. As the accommodating priestess lies aloft the arena or aloft the chantry and is angry by action of the priest, coition gain while the priestess visualizes the aperture of a angelic aperture and Aphotic Chaos abounding out of it bottomward aloft her, accouterment the mystical seed. Like the age-old Pythian of Apollo, the priestess is additionally at this moment a aperture to the address of aphotic gods.
Rocket scientist and cofounder of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Jack Parsons, and his pal L. Ron Hubbard (Church of Scientology founder) were aggregation of Aleister Crowley and recorded one such accident alleged the “Babalon Working,” which they performed in hopes of incarnating the whore of Babylon—a demon adolescent or gibborim—through a aperture during ritual sex. Parsons afterwards wrote that the commemoration was acknowledged and that “Babalon is embodied aloft the apple today apprehension the able hour of her manifestation.”[1]
According to Magick, Liber ABA, Book 4 (widely advised the magnum composition of occultist Aleister Crowley), ritual abracadabra sex can accommodate (what sounds like) cannibalism and animal sacrifice. Crowley says, “It would be childish to adjudge as aberrant the convenance of blaze the affection and alarmist of an antagonist while yet warm. For the able airy alive one charge accept that victim which contains the greatest and purest force; a macho adolescent of absolute chastity and aerial intelligence is the best satisfactory.”[2]
As far aback as 200 AD, the Christian atoning assignment Octavius by Marcus Minucius Felix declared backslider Christians accommodating in orgiastic rituals in a aphotic allowance while adherent the arch of a donkey and sacrificing a babyish for the Host during Black Mass. Best experts accept agnate action has secretly affiliated throughout the ages, and that accurate “Hosts”—that is, the aliment and grape wine acclimated afterwards consecration, which is, according to dogma, afflicted into the accurate actuality of the Anatomy and the Blood of Jesus Christ via transubstantiation—are accustomed by Catholic priests, who accept fabricated awful pacts with Satanists, to the associates of the Black Sabbath. Amid awful placed Abbey experts who advance such action is absolute and alike occurs central the leonine walls of the Holy See would be: Monsignor Luigi Marinelli (whose 1999 book Gone with the Wind in the Vatican awash one hundred thousand copies in aloof the aboriginal three weeks); archimage and Archbishop Emmanuel Milingo, who in a accent at the Our Lady of Fatima 2000 International Conference on Apple Peace, answerable baronial associates of the Abbey bureaucracy of actuality in alliance with “Satan”; and the backward archimage and bohemian assistant of the Pontifical Biblical Institute, eminent Catholic theologian and above Jesuit, Malachi Martin.
When the Manhatten annual “The Fatima Crusader” asked Martin about the accessible anxiety aloft over Archbishop Milingo’s affirmation that baronial Vatican admiral were “followers of Satan,” Martin replied, “Anybody who is acquainted with the accompaniment of diplomacy in the Vatican in the aftermost 35 years is able-bodied acquainted that the prince of black has had and continues to accept his surrogates in the cloister of St. Peter in Rome.”[3] While a few accept approved to discredit Martin by claiming that he was aggregate from a bifold abettor for Jewish lobbying groups during Vatican II (to aftereffect the final abstract of Nostra Aetate, which would, amid added things, acquit the Jews of the afterlife of Jesus) to calumniating him as an absolute “pathological liar” (which the asleep cannot avert themselves against), Malachi was in actuality a abutting claimed acquaintance of Pope Paul VI and formed aural the Holy See accomplishing analysis on the Asleep Sea Scrolls, publishing accessories in journals on Semitic paleography, and teaching Aramaic, Hebrew, and Sacred Scripture.
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In 1965, Paul VI accepted Martin a allotment from his Jesuit and apostolic duties, and Martin confused to New York, area he committed himself to autograph about—and sometimes speaking out on—a array of issues stemming from the Second Vatican Council, to abundant cabal accounts of apostolic history, Catholic dogma, and geopolitics. As a affiliate of the Vatican Advisory Council and a appalling polyglot who could allege seventeen languages (not to acknowledgment actuality claimed secretary to acclaimed Jesuit Cardinal Augustin Bea), Martin had advantaged advice pertaining to backstairs abbey and apple issues, including the Third Abstruse of Fatima, which Martin hinted spelled out genitalia of the plan to aforetime install the alarming False Prophet (Petrus Romanus) during a “Final Conclave.”
On this, Martin’s affirmation that an Illuminati-Masonic accumulation fabricated up of Western plutocrats alleged “The Assembly” or the “Superforce” had infiltrated the able levels of Vatican administering and were alive to accompany about a New Apple Order, may accept led to captivation by agents of the aforementioned accumulation apropos his abortive (some say “suspicious”) afterlife in 1999.
This raises questions as able-bodied about John Paul I, who was adopted pope in 1978 but who died alone thirty-three canicule afterwards (33 is an abstruse masonic marker). Shortly afterwards acceptable pope, John Paul I abstruse of cardinals, bishops, and baronial prelates that were Freemasons. He may accept been murdered to accumulate him from advertisement these men’s affairs and/or to avert an analysis he had launched into the Vatican coffer affiliated with Roberto Calvi, a Grand Orient Freemason and the Chairman of the Ambrosiano Bank, which the Vatican Coffer was primary actor of. Aback in 1978 it was apparent that monies had been illegally apple-pie for the Mafia through that bank, Calvi fled Italy and three canicule later, the Bank’s shares crashed. One day afterwards that, Calvi’s secretary calmly committed suicide, and on June 18, Calvi himself was begin blind below the Blackfriar (connected to Freemasons) Bridge in London with a Masonic Cabletow about his close and chunks of masonry (left as a symbol?) in his pockets. John Daniel says of this in Scarlet and the Beast: “At Masonic ritual murders, Masonic symbols are larboard at the arena for several reasons: (1) to appearance Masons that this was a Masonic murder; (2) to acquaint Masons to chase the Masonic code, or ache like fate; and (3) to prove to Masonic paymasters that the “hit” was accomplished.”[4]
But was John Paul I, like Calvi may accept been (and like Malachi Martin infers in Windswept House), murdered by a Masonic “Superforce” too ample and too able for him to contain; one that Martin would afterwards affirmation was abaft the scenes, secretly alive to use the Vatican to accompany about a all-around Antichrist system? “Suddenly it became absolute that now… the Roman Catholic alignment agitated a abiding attendance of clerics who admirable Satan and admired it,” wrote Martin. “The facts that brought the Pope to a new akin of adversity were mainly two: The analytical authoritative links—the network, in added words that had been accustomed amid assertive accounting homosexual groups and Satanist covens. And the disproportionate ability and access of that network.”[5]
We will abide the analysis into "Rosemary’s (Petrus) Babyish and the Priests Who Were Dying to See Him" in the abutting entry...
[See the U-Tube blow above: Petrus Romanus: The Final Pope Is Here]
Click actuality for allotment -----> 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,
� 2012 Thomas Horn - All Rights Reserved
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1. Ronald L. Conte Jr., “The Future and the Popes,” Catholic Planet, November 14, 2004.2. “Henry Edward Manning,” Wikipedia, aftermost adapted August 28, 20113. “Ultramontanism” The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church, 3rd ed. rev. ed. F. L. Cross and Elizabeth A. Livingstone (Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press, 2005), 1667.4. Cardinal Manning, The Present Crises of the Holy See Tested by Prophecy, reprinted in 2007 beneath the title, “The Pope & the Antichrist” (Tradibooks, Dainte-Croix du Mont, France), 75.5. Ibid., 79-80
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Thomas Horn is the CEO of RaidersNewsUpdate.com and SurvivorMall.com.
Over the aftermost decade, he has authored three books, wrote dozens of appear editorials, and had several affection annual articles. In accession to accomplished accessories at NewsWithViews.com , his works accept been referred to by writers of the LA Times Syndicate, MSNBC, Christianity Today, Coast to Coast, Apple Net Daily, White House Correspondents and dozens of newsmagazines and columnist agencies about the globe. Tom's latest book is "The Ahriman Gate," which fictionalizes the use of biotechnology to disclose Biblical Nephilim.
Thomas is additionally a able-bodied accepted radio personality who has guest-hosted and appeared on dozens of radio and television shows over the aftermost 30 years, including "The 700 Club" and "Coast to Coast AM." Aback attractive for a agent to advance their blur "Deceived" staring Louis Gossett Jr. and Judd Nelson, "Cloud 10 Pictures" called Thomas as their agent to explain the Christian angle on UFO-related demonology.
Web Site: RaidersNewsUpdate.comE-Mail: [email protected]
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