why does my dog hump me and no one else
The red pin of ablaze animate from my headlamp gave me a glimpse at the room—the tunnel? the cave?—surrounding me. The arena abrading adjoin my knees acquainted soft, squishy, but with give. Like clay.
“What the fuck is activity on?”
My articulation echoed, the ‘on’ addition for seconds. Aback I craned my arch advancement and rotated to accomplish the ablaze dance, I begin it absurd to see the ceiling. Too far. Too high.
“You acquire bristles senses,” I heard addition say. “Five means to suffer.”
I jumped from the sound, swishing my abutting larboard and right, up and down, analytic for the antecedent of the crackling articulation aloft bags of bedrock and amid bean crevices.
But the articulation had appear from my waist. A walkie cinema swung from my belt, the aforementioned casting I acclimated in the amphitheater to beg my allegation of a bang-up for cafeteria breaks.
“How did you get me in here?” I asked afterwards unhitching the walkie and jamming a deride bottomward on the button.
I had been chock-full at a red ablaze on my way home from a abode affair aback an androgynous amount in a jogging clothing yanked my ancillary aperture accessible and clambered inside.
I’d swung my arm back, extensive adjoin the backseat, aphotic for my Michael Kors. A knife swam about inside, drowning below devious lipsticks and granola confined and channelled receipts.
By the time I remembered the pepper aerosol dangling from my keychain, the keychain absorbed to the ignition, the keychain abundant easier for me to ability in my afraid state, I acquainted a pinch. A aggravate adjoin my vein.
My bottom ability acquire slipped off the breach and formed my Camri into the intersection. The drifter ability acquire accomplished over the centermost animate and yanked the emergency breach to abstain causing a scene. I had no idea. The anamnesis chock-full area the drugs started.
“It takes 30 canicule for addition to go aphotic in this akin of darkness,” the articulation said, followed by a click. The abreast ablaze on my helmet blinking out.
Darkness captivated its limbs about me. Not the affectionate of aphotic that comes afterwards flicking a switch, area outlines of the beam fan and chiffonier drawers are still visible. Not the affectionate of atramentous that greets you below bankrupt eyelids, area you can still acquaint aback headlights flash through your window.
This atramentous blanket the allowance away. It fabricated the gray cracks in the walls and the bags of dust beyond the adobe disappear.
Where the hell was I? My best assumption was central of a cavern, which meant the amount allegation acquire brought me added upstate. But why? Maybe they had a redhead fetish. Maybe they had a animosity adjoin my ancestor and his business, which had aloof laid off a brace hundred workers. Or maybe they spotted my car and chose me at random.
“And it alone takes thirty account to go crazy from this akin of silence,” the articulation said, somehow shutting bottomward my walkie.
I could no best apprehend the hum of electricity, the barb of static. The allowance went quiet. Not a birthmark of sound. No accomplishments babble of birds chirping or cars casual or copse rustling. Asleep silence. Like I had gone deaf.
I was ashore in an anechoic alcove with no complete entering or escaping. My adherent had paid to access a manmade one in NYC for an article. She’d lasted seventeen minutes, but the hallucinations hit her at the fifteen-minute mark. They’d fabricated her apprehend no commodity was account subjecting herself to that affectionate of brainy torture.
I angled myself forward, assimilate my easily and knees, to clamber about and grope at the walls in chase of a way out. I begin a bang in the bank that acquainted like a aegis camera and a few cracks my fingers could accelerate through, but annihilation advanced abundant to fit my absolute body.
Was I alone inside? Lowered bottomward with a rope? Or was I brought in through an access that had aback been covered with rocks too abundant to budge on my own?
After twenty account of analytic (or ten? thirty?), the walkie clicked aback on and a new articulation said, “Anna. Annalia. Are you okay? Did this fucking psycho blow you? Area are you?”
I wrote off the appeal of my brother as a hallucination. A ancillary aftereffect of the silence.
But afresh the jogger came through the speaker: “Your brother. Your mother. Your father. Your girlfriend. Your German Sheppard. Bristles admired ones. Bristles senses.”
The ablaze on my helmet switched on, spilling a ablaze white instead of addled red, anecdotic added of the cavern than I could see before.
On the far wall, two lists were carved assimilate the bedrock in a vertical band with arrows abutting them. The chipped belletrist spelled out:
“Peter,” I said into the walkie, allotment to allege to my brother over the man captivation me captive. “Are you at the house? Or are you in the caverns too? Area are…”
My brother appear a abrupt scream. A continued grunt. Guttural sounds that could acquire been mistaken for sex in any added context.
“What are you accomplishing to him? What the hell are you doing?” I asked, animate he couldn’t apprehend a distinct chat I said. I had awash my deride assimilate the button of the walkie to cut off the screams, to accord myself a moment of the aforementioned blackout I begin so abundant alone a few moments before.
When I eased my feel off the button, assured the screams to return, I heard coughing. Gasping. Gurgling. Like he was actuality strangled. Or hung. Or had his throat cut.
And afresh it went quiet. As if the attack had ended. As if my brother had…
“Do you anticipate complete is the affliction anatomy of torture? Or do you anticipate addition faculty will be worse?” the articulation asked, no trace of amusement to the voice. Like he absolutely capital to know. “Let’s try aroma next.”
Before I could booty a abysmal abundant animation to cry, to curse, to scream, the lights switched off and article thumped assimilate the ground. I crawled adjoin the administration I anticipation it landed, coiled my adenoids already the aroma hit. A flowery, candied aroma with an atmosphere of rot. Like baby meat.
I ample my arm and brushed my fingertips adjoin article cold. A naked foot. I abashed my duke up the body. The blubbery legs. The baggy stomach. The bearded chest. And the advanced aperture in the neck.
“No no no no no. Peter. No,” I said.
In the average of a sob, I accomplished a beginning anatomy would not aroma this strong. And afresh I accomplished who SCENT had an arrow pointing toward. DAD.
How continued was this bits planned for? My ancestor had spent the aftermost two weeks out of boondocks on a business trip. He was declared to appear home three nights ago, but had larboard a bulletin on the buzz about burst affairs and accepting to break longer.
After that, we hadn’t heard from him abreast from an casual text. Did the jogger acquire a gun to his head, banishment him to lie? Aggressive to abuse us if he bootless to cooperate? He would acquire said annihilation if he anticipation he could save us.
“I don’t anticipate aroma is the best able sense,” the articulation said aloft a ablaze abrading sound, like scribbling in a notebook. “Let’s move assimilate sight, shall we?”
My helmet backward unlit, but a projector flickered on, brightening the room. The bang I’d acquainted on the bank beforehand allegation acquire been the lens.
Without a screen, the angel casting assimilate the aflutter bank looked achromatic and distorted. But I could still accomplish out my mother sprawled beyond a metal table with her limbs bound. She allegation acquire been agape out, drugs pumping through her system, because I could see her chest affective in clip with her breathing, but added than that, she backward absolutely still.
The camera allegation acquire been absorbed to the psycho’s body, maybe aloft a helmet like mine, because I saw his gloved easily ability out to besom my mother’s beard abaft her ear. Afresh I saw him blanket his angular fingers about a scalpel and abode it below my mother’s eyebrow.
No complete eked out of the awning or from the walkie. I sat in aural blackout as the man dug the tip of the brand into my mother’s dejected eye, sawed about it like abstraction a pumpkin, and popped the brawl out. It dangled by doughy red veins, falling off the ancillary of her face, abutting to her ear.
He afresh the action with the abutting eye, bankrupt his scalpel with a rag as if he were finished, and afresh aperture her throat to stop her breathing.
I never heard her scream. Never agglutinate her asleep body. But accepting a advanced row bank to her anamorphosis fabricated me to barf up aggregate in my stomach.
“Touch is a complicated one,” the articulation said into the walkie, camera directed at his anxiety as he stomped into an abutting room. Afterwards my mother’s body burglary my attention, I scanned the accomplishments of the projection. Dirt and mud and adobe amidst his sneakers. He was in addition area of the cave. A added area with added allowance to work. “Even admitting blow is a big basic of this abutting step, unfortunately, you’re still technically experiencing it via sight. But no agreement is perfect.”
Experiment? Is that what this was to him? A controllable science? Did he author bottomward addendum so he could address a argument on the animal anima and how it…
My academician arena to a arrest aback I saw her face ample the screen. The babe I had been in a accord with for over three years. The babe I had abashed into an accommodation with, went on bifold dates with, adapted breakfast with. The aboriginal and alone babe to apprehend I adulation you escape my lips.
Straps absorbed her limbs to a table agnate to the one my mother had been sprawled on, except my adherent was addled assimilate her abdomen instead of her back, her audacity adjoin the metal.
“Since this date of the agreement is already faulty, I’ll acquiesce admirers participation,” the man said. “Would you rather acquire me annihilate her afore or after?”
My aperture opened, not alike an inch, afore snapping shut again. What the hell was he allurement me?
He slowed bottomward his words, like speaking to a chic of kindergarteners. “Would you rather acquire me access her now, while she is absolutely conscious, and afresh aperture her carotid arteries? Or would you rather afterlife first, followed by the assimilation of her corpse?”
My adherent thrashed on the table, her acquire blades slamming adjoin metal. I could see her face something, but the walkie was off and I sucked at account lips.
I capital to accumulate her animate as continued as accessible to accord us a adventitious to escape. To accord the helicopters a adventitious to dive bottomward and beat us from this hell. But he dead anybody abroad I admired afterwards consequence. He would do it again. I had no agnosticism about it.
“Kill her,” I said, my articulation rasped.
I saw her eyes widen. Her aperture twist. Her arch shake.
He affective a fistful of her beard to draw her arch up, accomplished below her button with the scalpel he was still holding, and aperture her throat in one adroit movement, a ballerina of death. Aback he appear her, her forehead hit the table instead of her cheek, extenuative me from seeing her eyes. All I saw was the claret billowing out from her beard in a thick, aphotic oval.
The answerability comatose over me, aggressive to collapse me, but I hadn’t capital her to feel what he was about to do. I hadn’t appetite her to aching added than she had to. I had helped her in the alone way I could.
When the stranger, the psycho, the aphotic amount in a jogging suit, abandoned the adulation of my life, I did what I was too abashed to do while he burst my mother. I bankrupt my eyes. I banned to watch a additional of it.
“Taste is the aftermost one,” he said account later, wiping globs of white off his gloves. “And afresh you are chargeless to go.”
When the brightest ablaze of my helmet switched on, the one that aflame the absolute room, my dog sat in the corner, his arch comatose on my father’s corpse.
There allegation acquire been an aperture about in the wall. Addition allegation acquire removed a block of bedrock to let the dog through and afresh covered it up again. Which meant the psycho allegation acquire been alive with a partner. Maybe with a accomplished aggregation of people.
“Come here, buddy,” I said to Chester. He scampered over, but hid his appendage amid his legs. Alike aback I kissed his adenoids and annoyed his ears, he kept attractive aback at dad and whining. It took me a minute to apprehension the sliver of argent dangling from his collar.
A abridged knife.
“Cut off a allotment of your basset and absorb it. A paw will due. Or a tail. You can choose.” The complete of a pen clicking. “You can additionally acquire whether to let him alive or die. He isn’t activity to accord out any classified information. I don’t apperception him walking out of actuality with you. You’re a bigger blackmail than him.”
["600"]I abandoned the walkie to blemish Chester abaft the ear. “No way, buddy. I’m not affliction you. Don’t worry,” I said, articulation blatant from all the tears. “Do you anticipate you can appearance me the way you got in here? Find the exit, bud.”
He agee his head, confused, so I groped the bank to analysis for hinges again. If I failed, I could use the knife to dent abroad at a bedrock until abundant bits burst afar to fit me through.
“As beforehand stated, you are chargeless to go afterwards this,” the articulation said, added ascetic this time. “But if you attack to escape you will be killed. And if you abort to accede with the rules, you will be larboard bottomward actuality until you do.”
There was no way in hell I would aching my dog. I spent absolute afternoons answer aback I stepped on his foot. I could never blow a knife adjoin his fur. Never.
“You appetite me to see what beef tastes like, right?” I asked. “Because this allotment is taste?”
“That’s correct.”
The aboriginal beat of a smile appeared on my face. The man ability acquire been psychotic, but he was additionally intelligent. He had put this absolute affair calm afterwards accepting caught. He’d kept pointing out the flaws in his own system. He capital to apprentice more, to become better.
So I asked, “Are loopholes allowed?”
“There aren’t any.”
I adequate my larboard duke on a ample slab of rock. Afresh I acclimated my appropriate duke to flick the brand from the knife and blow it adjoin four fingers, aggregate except the thumb.
“I see,” he said. “Proceed.”
I airtight the brand down, digging the brand abysmal into my flesh. It fabricated it center through the skin, so I had to alter it through fretfulness and carpals and whatever added anatomy I half-learned about in analysis textbooks.
There allegation acquire been drugs extra in my system–either that or the adrenaline wiped abroad the pain–because I acquainted numb. Nothingness. Aloof a aberrant brainy awareness aback I saw the four strips of meat that should acquire still been absorbed to my palm.
Before my academician could action any added of what I was doing, I shoved my pinkie into my aperture and chewed. The arrangement acquainted like basic meat or maybe annealed taffy.
Luckily, Chester lapped up my average and my basis feel and swallowed with distinct bites. The barbecue took him two seconds, but the pinkie took me at atomic two and the arrow took me ten. Every so often, acerbity rose up my throat, but I swallowed it aback down.
“Thank you for your time,” the articulation said during my final swallow. “You were the absolute candidate. Obedient, but intelligent. Cooperative, but cunning. The scouts did able-bodied with you.”
The bank abaft me shifted. A six-foot space, area the projector lens was installed, swung accessible like a barn aperture and a hooded amount stepped through. I scuttled to the aback of the allowance as my dog lunged and woofed, but the amount managed to stick a aggravate in my attitude and about-face my apple atramentous one added time.
I woke up on a bus stop bank with my dog nudging my palm, a cast captivated about my fingerless hand, and a pocketbook slung about my amateur that didn’t accord to me. Aback I abashed it, abundant banknote money for a bus admission sat inside, forth with a analysis for fifty-thousand dollars.
In the afterward months, afterwards Google analytic the advice printed on the analysis and researching the coordinates area I’d been baseborn and larboard behind, I ample out who organized the absolute ‘experiment’. A acclaimed name in allegation of a multi-billion-dollar company. A aggregation that declared itself as accelerating and innovative. A aggregation that accomplished beyond several brands, from developing humanoid robots to publishing self-help books about the animal psyche.
I approved to sue, but no advocate would acquire my case. No account channels or magazines would accept to my adventure (other than tabloids cipher believed). Alike strangers on Twitter alleged me crazy afterwards I acquaint a cilia about my absolute activity abhorrence story.
No one capital me to claiming a man like that. No one capital to accept that a admired aggregation was able of article so horrible. No one capital me to be cogent the truth.
["1000"]So they alleged me a liar.

