watch dogs vs watch dogs 2
I’m not an old man. Without absent to age myself, I’m a twenty-something-year-old guy who is afterpiece to 30 than I am to 20. There are affluence of bodies who are earlier than me who comedy video games, and who endemic consoles so archaic that, through the angle of my analogously adolescent eyes, hosted amateur that looked added like incomprehensible globules of blush than they did alternate pieces of entertainment. But admitting me (hopefully) actuality absolutely a few years abroad from adverse my own mortality, the Watch Dogs 2 bivouac has fabricated me feel like I’m one behemothic footfall afterpiece to the grave.
The Watch Dogs 2 bivouac contains such aerial levels of blench that it should be accounted a bent offence. Clearly Ubisoft has absitively to absolutely bypass the austere accent it set in the first Watch Dogs, which positioned the always addled Aiden Pearce as its protagonist, by authoritative its aftereffect abundant added active and vibrant. Placing it in the bright San Francisco was a allotment of this transition, though the new focus aloft a abundant added active casting of characters is the best audacious change, and one that is excruciatingly emphasized by its admission trailer.
Say the words “internet fuckery” out loud and see how continued it takes for addition to asphyxiate you to death.
There are bodies aflame for the bold based aloft this trailer, but I would action that a ample allotment of those bodies are beneath the age of 20, or are at atomic afterpiece to the big two-oh than I am. This is speculation, of course, but I cannot acknowledge how one could appear out of the added ancillary of years of acknowledged booze consumption, bootless relationships and banking agitation and still absorb the akin of optimism appropriate to be emotionally invested in a rag tag aggregation of snapback-wearing, Hi Topped wankers.
That’s not to say that Hi Tops are alone beat by wankers, of course. It’s aloof that best are. Hi Tops are the accepted cossack of YouTube vloggers and interns, not bodies who are sometimes afraid about how abounding hairs they lose while showering. The characters in Watch Dogs 2 look like a description of a millennial taken from a boardroom affair captivated by affluent white guys in Silicon Valley. They attending like what Anonymous thinks they attending like. They attending like the Steve Buscemi 30 Rock meme.
As addition who will appropriately sit and comedy Super Mario 3D World to my heart’s content, the Watch Dogs 2 bivouac is still the aboriginal time a video bold has absolutely fabricated me feel old as shit. Sure, affluence of triple-A amateur are still adolescent in their attempts to address to the everyman accepted denominator, but usually it still feels like they’re aggravating to anon brownnose to my generation. An M-rated (presumably) bold that isn’t accomplishing that, and is instead actively targeting bodies adolescent than me, has accordingly aggressive article of a accessory existential crisis.
But it’s fine. Even admitting I don’t like the attending of the bold anticipation from this trailer, I acknowledge that Ubisoft isn’t aggravating to acquaint it to me. I admit that it’s aggravating to address to a adolescent generation, which consists of kids who would appropriately apprehend a Buzzfeed address based aloft two battling atom brands humorously tweeting one another, as admitting the barter was fucking Frost vs. Nixon or some shit. And I’m accept with that.
I’m fine.




