trump and putin meme
Yes: the Trump pee pee tapes ability absolutely be real.
The Steele Abstracts aloft abounding eyebrows (pee pee tapes arena a bell?), but there are added revelations that were appealing abundant abandoned that may appear into comedy during Mueller's investigation.
Donald Trump’s ties to Russia has consistently been a bit... questionable.
From his absolute acreage affairs in the country to the abounding memes dabbling fun at his accord with Russian President Vladimir Putin, Trump’s accord with the Kremlin accept ranged from amusing to absolute adumbral — but could accept some austere after-effects for his administering and the U.S. as a whole.
In January 2017, Buzzfeed appear a appealing abominable address on Trump’s affiliation to the Russian government. Compiled by above intelligence abettor Christopher Steele, the allegations aural what we now apperceive as the Steele Abstracts are appealing harrowing.
Of course, the best abominable allotment of what's in the Steele Abstracts are the abject capacity of the 'pee pee tapes'.
According to the report, Russian authorities recorded Trump in a allowance at the Ritz Carlton Auberge in Moscow area Trump allegedly assassin prostitutes to “perform a ‘golden showers’ show” on the auberge bed area he knew above President Obama and Michelle Obama had slept while in office.
Related: What Are Golden Showers? And How Trump Allegedly Used Them To Punish Obama
The address additionally states that Trump’s “unorthodox behavior” over the accomplished few years provided Russian authorities with affluence of “embarrassing material” to bribery him.
["735"]Not surprisingly, Trump has angrily denied any wrongdoing, arrant “fake news.” But as Special Counsel Robert Mueller continues his assay into Trump’s ties to Russia, added and added genitalia of the Steele Abstracts are acutely authentic — and a top CIA analyst has alike authentic the abstracts credible.
As amusing as the anticipation of a Trump pee pee band is (like, seriously. C’mon dude.), it’s absolutely alone the tip of the iceberg. As Mueller’s assay moves forward, we’re alpha to get a acceptable attending at the anathema things that absolutely went on arch up to and during the 2016 Presidential Election.
1. Russian authorities authentic and “cultivated” Trump for at atomic bristles years
According to the report, Russia advantaged Trump as a political bulk continued afore the Republicans nominated him as their presidential applicant for the 2016 election. Steele’s sources claimed the Kremlin authentic Trump because they saw him as a “divisive, anti-establishment candidate,” assertive he’d be able to about-face the “current all-embracing cachet quo in Russia’s favor.”
This includes time spent acquisition bribery on Trump (yes, like the pee pee tapes) aback in 2013, as able-bodied as a “Russian dossier” on Hillary Clinton comprised of “eavesdropped conversations” dating aback to Bill Clinton’s presidency. The Kremlin’s capital ambition was to bisect the U.S. and acquiesce for a acknowledgment to a pre-WWII political organization.
According to John Sipher, the CIA analyst who advised the abstracts in September 2017, “the Russian accomplishment may able-bodied accept started as an anti-Clinton operation, and alone became accumulated with the abstracted accomplishment to breed the Trump aggregation aback it appeared Trump ability win the nomination.”
2. Russia promised Trump intelligence on his political opponents: TRUE
Throughout the 2016 election, there were whispers that Russia was agriculture Trump’s aggregation with information, decidedly about Clinton. The abstracts appear that a “regular exchange” with Russia “existed for at atomic eight years.”
While his aggregation denied it, in July of 2017 Donald Jr. appear emails amid him and above anchorman Rob Gladstone who seemed to affiance Don Jr. “information that would allege Hillary” (which, of course, is a federal crime) — a abounding year afterwards Steele originally appear such collusion.
As Sipher explains, “Mr. Steele could not accept accepted that the Russians blanket advice on Hillary Clinton, or that they were because bureau to weaponize them in the U.S. election, all of which angry out to be stunningly accurate.”
3. Russia again afraid the U.S.: TRUE
The Steele Abstracts claimed that Russia again attempted hacking into above western corporations and governments. “Russia has an all-encompassing programme of state-sponsored abhorrent cyber operations,” Steele wrote. According to the dossier, Russia’s top targets were G7 and NATO governments as able-bodied as their aegis and intelligence services.
Though the address addendum that Russia had “limited success” in accomplishing so, they begin success through “IT aback doors.” Coincidentally, in October 2017 letters alike that in 2015, “Russian accompaniment hackers blanket a accumulating of National Aegis Bureau (NSA) hacking accoutrement and added abstracts from the claimed computer of an bureau contractor” through a Moscow-based antivirus software.
4. Russia was abaft the DNC leak
Speaking of hacking, bethink the huge DNC aperture during the 2016 acclamation that appear the Democratic National Committee abundantly advantaged Hillary Clinton over Bernie Sanders? According to Steele, it was Russia who provided the emails to Wikileaks — with “full ability and abutment of Trump and chief associates of his attack team.”
The aperture allegedly served two purposes, one actuality to about-face bodies adjoin Clinton and the Democratic party. The additional purpose is far added malicious. Since abounding bodies were quick to accusation Russia for the hack, the abstracts claims that a antecedent abutting to Trump appear the Republicans were beholden “to accept Russia as a media bogeyman to affectation added all-encompassing base business ties to China and added arising countries.”
However, in August 2017, The Nation appear a address debating the abstraction that the DNC aperture was the aftereffect of a Russian hack, citation above U.S. intelligence admiral who claimed the aperture was, in fact, an central job. Following this report, it’s advantageous to agenda that Steele’s abstracts does acknowledgment that Trump’s teams acclimated moles aural the DNC as able-bodied as hackers based in the United States in accession to Russian hackers.

5. Russia's affected account actively formed to bisect American Democrats: TRUE
The abstracts states that Putin, “motivated by abhorrence and abhorrence of Hillary Clinton,” capital to amplitude Sanders voters abroad from Clinton and beeline into Trump’s arms.
As Sipher acclaimed in his assay of the report, “it was not until March 2017, however, that above administrator of the National Aegis Agency, retired Gen. Keith Alexander in Senate affidavit said of the Russian access campaign, ‘what they were aggravating to do is to drive a block aural the Democratic Affair amid the Clinton accumulation and the Sanders group.’”
A March 2017 address additionally advised the all-encompassing bulk of “fake news” that appeared on Sanders’ supporters’ pages. According to the report, at atomic “40 percent of the area registrations for the affected account sites he saw bustling up on pro-Sanders pages aback to Eastern Europe.”
6. Trump’s aggregation captivated abstruse affairs with Russia: TRUE
The Steele Abstracts alleges that Carter Page, one of Trump’s attack advisors, captivated abstruse affairs with Russian official Igor Sechin. During these meetings, “Page had bidding absorption and accepted that were Trump adopted US President, again sanctions on Russia would be lifted,” the abstracts states.
Lo and behold, in June 2017 Yahoo appear a allotment anecdotic Trump’s “efforts to appoint the Accompaniment Department about appropriation sanctions ‘almost as anon as they took office.’” A above Accompaniment Department official told Yahoo, “There was austere application by the White House to unilaterally abolish the sanctions,” which Capitol Hill auspiciously blocked.
Despite actuality unsuccessful, Page’s efforts did not go unnoticed. In April 2017, the FBI anchored a surveillance accreditation afterwards Page told admiral he "can't definitively say" the affair of US sanctions on Russia "was never aloft by anyone" during his time in Russia.
7. Trump’s pee pee tapes
All of this brings us to the abominable pee pee tapes. Did Trump absolutely pay women to pee on a bed area he knew Obama slept? And did Russia get it on video?
As added and added of the abstracts proves true, it begs the question… why would Steele accomplish this one specific affair up?
“The important agency to accede is that Trump did not appoint with the prostitutes himself, but instead allegedly approved to asperse Obama,” Sipher said in his assay of the believability of the Steele Dossier. “If there is annihilation constant in what we accept abstruse about President Trump, it seems that his behavior are about alone about abolishment and eradicating annihilation accompanying to President Obama’s tenure.”



