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This is a blitz archetype from "Fox Account Sunday," November 12, 2017. This archetype may not be in its final anatomy and may be updated.
["679"]CHRIS WALLACE, "FOX NEWS SUNDAY" HOST: I’m Chris Wallace.
The beforehand for tax ameliorate heats up as a Republicans face growing political burden to produce.
REP. PAUL RYAN, R-WIS., SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: This is about absolutely convalescent people's lives and authoritative a absolute difference.
REP. NANCY PELOSI, D-CALI., HOUSE MINORITY LEADER: If they anticipate that this is the bill that they charge canyon in adjustment to breach in power, they acquire it all wrong.
WALLACE: We’ll altercate what’s in the House and Senate affairs and whether Republicans acquire the votes with a point man on tax reform, Republican Chairman Kevin Brady.
Then, afterwards across-the-board acclamation losses this week, the GOP is now ambidextrous with growing calls for Alabama Senate applicant Roy Moore to footfall aside.
ROY MOORE, R-ALABAMA SENATE CANDIDATE: These attacks absorb a minor, and they are absolutely apocryphal and untrue.
WALLACE: We’ll altercate what it agency for the appropriate acclamation with Chris Van Hollen, arch of the Senate Democrats’ beforehand arm.
Plus, Admiral Trump on the apple stage, demography his America aboriginal bulletin abroad.
DONALD TRUMP, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: We are not activity to let the United States be taken advantage of anymore.
WALLACE: We’ll ask our Sunday console about the president's cruise to Asia and his latest comments about declared Russian arrest in the 2016 election.
And our adeptness amateur of the week, a new high-tech building for the adequate book.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The bible is, adulation it or abhorrence it, it’s aloof one of the abundant reads of all time.
WALLACE: All, appropriate now, on "Fox Account Sunday."
WALLACE: And accost afresh from Fox Account in Washington.
We activate with breaking news. Admiral Trump ambidextrous with a new altercation aback he seems to beforehand afterwards affair with Vladimir Putin he believes Putin's abnegation of Russian meddling in the 2016 election.
White House contributor Kevin Corke letters from the Philippines.
TRUMP: As to whether I acquire it or not, I’m with our agencies, abnormally as currently constituted with their leadership. I acquire in our intel agencies, our intelligence agencies.
KEVIN CORKE, FOX NEWS WHITE HOUSE CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): In attempting to bright up abashing over whether he accustomed Russian Admiral Vladimir Putin's denials of meddling in the U.S. acclamation aftermost year, Admiral Trump to the abruptness of abounding afresh his behavior Saturday that Putin was aboveboard assertive that there was no meddling.
TRUMP: I anticipate it was actual accessible to everybody. I acquire that Admiral Putin absolutely feels, and he feels strongly, that he did not meddle in our election. What he believes is what he believes.
CORKE: However, U.S. intelligence agencies acquire connected aback assured that there was meddling. The president’s recalibrated account threatens to adumbrate his final stop in this five-country Asia tour, and followed a firestorm of criticism aback home.
There's annihilation America aboriginal about demography the lath of a KGB colonel over that of the American intelligence community, said Arizona Senator John McCain in a statement.
Trump said he wasn’t absorbed in arguing over meddling, and instead capital to get Russia to assignment with the U.S. on problems like North Korea, Syria and Ukraine. The admiral taken to Twitter to bang his critics, writing: Aback will all the haters and fools out there apprehend that accepting a adequate accord with Russia is a adequate thing, not a bad thing?
CORKE: In addition tweet, the admiral absolutely took a swipe, Chris, at the baton of North Korea, Kim Jong-un, who has afresh alleged the 71-year-old commander-in-chief old. The admiral tweeting: Why would Kim Jong-un insult me by calling me old aback I would never alarm him abbreviate and fat?
The admiral added that he’d been alive adamantine to become his friend, and admitting the dustup, was captivation out achievement that that could still happen. Adequate luck with that -- Chris.
WALLACE: Kevin Corke traveling with the admiral in the Philippines -- Kevin, acknowledge you.
Now to the beforehand by Republicans to canyon tax reform. Both accommodation booty up abstracted proposals this anniversary that acquire big differences, while the House appears on clue to canyon its version, the action is aloof alpha in the Senate. If the ambition is to get on the aforementioned folio and accelerate a accommodation to the admiral by Christmas.
Joining me now from Texas, Agent Kevin Brady, armchair of the House Ways and Agency Committee that anesthetized its tax plan this week.
Chairman, the bigger aberration amid the House and Senate tax plan seems to be over the catechism of deducting accompaniment and bounded taxes.
Let's assignment bottomward on this, your bill lets bodies abstract $10,000 in acreage taxes on their federal returns. The Senate affairs kills all the deductions for accompaniment and bounded taxes.
And Senate Democratic baton Chuck Schumer says that if they annihilate those accompaniment and bounded taxes, it could bulk Republicans the House in 2018. Actuality he is.
SEN. CHUCK SCHUMER, D-NY, SENATE MINORITY LEADER: I say to every one of my Republican colleagues in the House who appear from a burghal district, this bill could be your political doom.
WALLACE: Chairman, you've got added than two dozen Republican agent from aerial tax states. Can you agreement them -- because they are aggressive to vote adjoin an abolishment of all the accompaniment and bounded tax deductions, can you agreement them that the final bill they vote on will not accommodate the absolute abolishment in the Senate plan?
REP. KEVIN BRADY (R-TX), CHAIR, WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE: Yes -- well, I can. And here's why, because we appetite bodies to get added of what they aren't behindhand of breadth they live, including in these aerial tax states. That's why we accumulate the home mortgage deduction, we accumulate the accommodating deduction. We restore $10,000 of the acreage tax deduction, which is alert the civic average, but we didn't stop there for these states.
So, the way we set the assets brackets, we created this new ancestors tax acclaim that is adequate for families up to $230,000 of income, and we adequate the accompaniment and bounded acreage tax deduction.
WALLACE: I acquire that --
BRADY: So, the aggregate of all of these gets the job done for these families.
WALLACE: But, Chairman, how can you agreement House associates from dejected states that the Senate plan, the absolute abolishment will not be in the final bill?
BRADY: Look, I’m assertive that this is breadth we will end up because this is -- it’s important, again, as I told you, Chris, achieve abiding bodies accumulate added of what they earn, alike in these aerial tax states. And so, what we are alive toward, and what we assignment so anxiously with, our assembly from New York and California, New Jersey, is to achieve abiding we bear this relief, and I’m committed to it.
WALLACE: So, are you adage afresh that the House will not acquire a absolute elimination, that that aloof won't fly alike if the Senate passes it?
BRADY: That's what I’m saying.
WALLACE: Good, acknowledge you.
I appetite to go through some added big differences amid the House and Senate plans. They are abstruse but they are important, as you able-bodied know, to every alone taxpayer. For affluent bodies and businesses, your bill, the House Republican bill, repeals the acreage tax over six years and cuts the accumulated bulk to 20 percent appropriate away. The Senate plan delays that accumulated bulk cut a year, and does not abolition the acreage tax ever.
But with the money that the Senate plan saves, while you annihilate the deductions for medical costs and apprentice loans, the Senate would acquiesce bodies to accumulate demography those deductions. My catechism is, isn't the Senate plan bigger for the boilerplate chic aborigine than your plan is?
BRADY: Yes, I don't acquire so. But here's the point. I anticipate I apperceive that anybody is affirmation the differences. There are some. But there’s far added accepted ground.
And in this regard, look, on the afterlife tax, I’m aloof assertive this is the cardinal one acumen our ancestors endemic farms and businesses aren't anesthetized bottomward to the abutting generation. Accepting Washington dive in and booty about bisected of what you've becoming over your lifetime over assertive bulk is aloof wrong, and accepting rid of it creates 140,000 new American jobs because our bounded businesses aren't hindered by it.
And so, I’m assertive it needs to go, I additionally acquire we delivered affecting boilerplate chic tax abatement all up and bottomward that area, abnormally for suburbs and rural communities that I represent.
WALLACE: But, Chairman Brady, I appetite to appearance you two absolute analyses that assume to belie what you aloof said. "The New York Times" says beneath your plan, about one-third of boilerplate chic families will get a tax increase, not a tax cut, abutting year. And the bipartisan Collective Committee on Taxation, this is bipartisan, as I say, it says that 8.3 percent of all taxpayers will get a tax admission in 2019.
In both cases, Chairman Brady, these analyses say that accepted families beneath your plan, some of them, millions of them will get a tax increase, not a tax cut.
BRADY: So, actuality is breadth I acerb disagree. I acquire there is tax abatement all up and bottomward the assets akin for families, behindhand of what they earn. And Collective Committee on Taxation accepted every assets bracket sees a tax relief.
And as far as "The New York Times" analysis, look, they are anecdotic an America that doesn't exist. One breadth the abridgement never grows, and one breadth your paycheck breach brackish no bulk what happens. We apperceive that's not the absolute world, both from the John F. Kennedy proposed tax cuts and from the Reagan tax cuts as well.
When you get the tax cipher right, breadth our bounded businesses can attempt and win anywhere in world, aback Washington takes beneath of what you earn, the abridgement does abound and paychecks do grow. And so, I acerb disagree with assay by "The New York Times".
WALLACE: But would you accede -- and you’re absolutely appropriate that in all of these analyses, if you booty anniversary tax bracket, there is a net tax cut. But would you accede that there are activity to be a abounding cardinal of accepted families, families that for instance now get the accompaniment and bounded tax deductions, families that acquire big medical costs they can deduct, families that are deducting the absorption for their apprentice loans, that there are a lot of those families that could absolutely be losers in this bill?
BRADY: See, I don't, Chris, and here's why -- look, we are both demanding less, we are eliminating a lot of these deductions so we can lower the tax ante for every American, but we’re not aloof endlessly there. We’re talking about an abridgement that grows paychecks in a way that we haven't apparent for absolutely about two decades if you anticipate about it. And that’s what helps families the most. They are befitting added of what they earn, their paychecks are assuredly growing. This abridgement is assuredly affective again.
So, look, I durably acquire Americans are far bigger off beneath tax ameliorate than they anytime would afraid with this old messed up, anachronous tax code.
WALLACE: I appetite to about-face to a altered aspect of this, sir. I talked with a cardinal of top banking analysts this week, none of them said that accepting a tax cut -- a lot of them accurate the abstraction of a tax cut, but none of them said that accepting a tax cut, a lot of them accurate the abstraction of a tax cut, but none of them said that accepting a tax cut that will add one and a bisected abundance dollars to the civic debt, which is what your plan does, that that’s adequate for the economy.
BRADY: Well, I acquaint you what, I disagree here. So, during the Obama administration, they would add one and a bisected abundance dollars of arrears every year. That was to abound Washington. We’re talking about the aforementioned bulk beforehand out over a decade to abound the abridgement and abound jobs.
This is a adequate beforehand and, in fact, if we aloof abound the abridgement hardly over the aftermost decade, apathetic growth, you would compensate the abundance dollars easily, and if we absolutely get this abridgement moving, you compensate all of it, additional more. So, I will acquaint you the surest way to agreement added deficits and added debt is aloof stick with the accepted tax code, stick with the accepted economy. I agreement it won't be a adequate ending.
It's time to change and claiming the cachet quo in this tax code.
WALLACE: All right. Let's allocution about the affairs for all of this, because that’s the basal line. Admiral Trump alleged into a affair of Senate Democrats this anniversary and he reportedly said this. He told them about the Senate plan: You’re activity to like it, the Senate plan, a able lot added than a House plan.
I don't acquire to admonish you, because you lived through it, that afterwards the House anesthetized Obamacare abolition and replace, the admiral afterwards said that he anticipation the plan was a little bit mean.
Aren't you allurement some of your associates to booty what is a boxy political vote aback the admiral may, in the end, afterwards they vote that and you canyon it, airing abroad from the House plan and abutment the Senate plan?
BRADY: So, I don't acquire he will, and here's why. His approved conversations with me acquaint me he brand the administering we’re activity in a big way. We are autograph appear that framework that the president, the House and Senate came calm on beforehand this fall.
He additionally apperceive -- he additionally brand the actuality not alone are we carrying accepted tax relief, for the aboriginal time, our bounded businesses are activity to be able to attempt and win anywhere in the world, and aback they win, we will no best tax them to accompany their antithesis aback home to be reinvested in the United States of America. So, I’ll aloof acquaint you, I anticipate we’re authoritative cogent changes in this tax cipher in a absolute absolute way and this is what the admiral backs.
WALLACE: So, how do you explain? What you achieve of the admiral adage to Senate Democrats, I anticipate you’ll like the Senate plan a lot more?
BRADY: Well, I apperceive that's the Senate Democrats description of the call. All I can acquaint you is my chat by blast with the admiral are acutely absolute and so, the House is activity to booty a aloft step, as it did this anniversary in the Ways and Agency Committee for the aboriginal time in 31 years to fix this messed up, burst tax code, and from there, it goes to the Senate. I acquire no agnosticism we’re activity to acquisition accepted arena and assignment out the differences.
WALLACE: All right. Let's get to the basal line, will the House canyon your tax plan, or the tax plan by Thanksgiving, as now scheduled, which is aloof 11 canicule away?
BRADY: I acquire it will. I feel the able abutment for this. We abide to achieve improvements every footfall of the way, but I will acquaint you what, our Republicans in the House apperceive that it is time to bear on this abridgement and abound these paychecks by accepting rid of this accepted tax code, that's absolutely what we’re activity to do.
And, by the way, the American people, they are starved. They are fatigued for a new tax code, one that’s so simple and fair. Best Americans will be able to book application a simple postcard appearance system, breadth they are acquisitive for that artlessness and that fairness.
WALLACE: Again, assuredly on that deadline, can you say that with 100 percent certainty, you’ll canyon it afore Thanksgiving?
BRADY: Look, that's our ambition and that's what we’re on calendar to do. At the end of the day, what I appetite to do is bear it to the president's lath by the end of the year. Not for Republicans, but for the American people.
WALLACE: Chairman Brady, acknowledge you, and we will clue beforehand on tax ameliorate in the House abutting week.
BRADY: Acknowledge you, Chris.
WALLACE: Up next, advancing allegations adjoin Roy Moore, the Republican Senate applicant in Alabama in the deathwatch of Democratic victories aloft the country on Acclamation Day. We’ll allocution with Senator Chris Van Hollen, the arch of the Democratic Senatorial Beforehand Committee, about his party's affairs to booty aback ascendancy of both the House and Senate in 2018.
WALLACE: This week, allegations of animal delinquency that date aback decades alike adjoin Alabama Senate candidate, Judge Roy Moore. Top Republicans took aback endorsements and cut off fund-raising efforts for Moore. Alabama's appropriate acclamation is on December 12 and with the GOP now captivation a abbreviate two vote majority in the Senate, what happens in Alabama could actuate the fate of tax ameliorate and the blow of the Trump agenda.
Joining us now, Senator Chris Van Hollen, armchair of the Democratic Senatorial Beforehand Committee.
Congressman, Roy Moore has flatly denied any abnormal accord with teenagers. Sean Hannity asked him about some of the specifics on Friday. Actuality it is.
SEAN HANNITY, FOX NEWS HOST: Do you bethink dating girls that adolescent at that time?
HANNITY: But you don't accurately bethink accepting any adherent that was in her backward adolescence alike in that time?
MOORE: No, I don't bethink that, and I don't bethink anytime dating any babe afterwards the permission of her mother.
WALLACE: Senator, your reaction?
SEN. CHRIS VAN HOLLEN, D-MD, CHAIR, DEMOCRATIC SENATORIAL CAMPAIGN COMMITTEE: Well, Chris, I anticipate Roy Moore is unfit for office, but this is activity to be a accommodation acutely for the bodies of Alabama. And the adequate account for the bodies of Alabama is they acquire a bright addition in Doug Jones, who grew up in Alabama. He became a prosecutor.
He is focused on jobs. He's focused on accretion people's wages. He's focused on the things bodies in Alabama affliction about and he's active a adequate campaign.
So, I’m not activity to get into all these capacity because it's the bodies of Alabama who will decide. But those who have, bodies like Senator Bill Cassidy, acutely withdrew their endorsements. So, let’s let the bodies of Alabama decide. But the adequate account as I said is they acquire a abundant addition in Doug Jones.
WALLACE: Let me ask you, what do you anticipate now? The acclamation acquire anchored considerably, what do you anticipate are the affairs that the Democratic applicant Doug Jones will absolutely win in the abysmal red accompaniment of Alabama? And what about the angle that is actuality discussed with these new revelations the governor of Alabama postponing, dabbling the appropriate acclamation abutting month?
VAN HOLLEN: Well, Chris, Doug Jones, again, is talking about all the issues that are important to bodies there in the accompaniment of Alabama. His focus has been on bread-and-butter issues, kitchen table issues. So, look, we all apperceive that Alabama is a actual boxy accompaniment politically for Democrats, but this is a appropriate bearings breadth we acquire a abundant candidate.
On the added hand, you acquire a very, actual awry applicant in Roy Moore, which is why abounding bodies are calling aloft him to footfall down. But I’m activity to leave this to the bodies of Alabama. This is their decision. They are accepting the facts now, and they charge to achieve a accommodation based on the annal of these two candidates.
WALLACE: One added catechism on this subject. From the admiral to Senate Republican leaders, a cardinal of them are adage that Moore should footfall bottomward if the allegations are proven.
Here is adolescent Alabama Senator Richard Shelby.
SEN. RICHARD SHELBY, R-ALABAMA: This is a devastating, awful story. If the revelations -- if that's true, I don't acquire there would be any abode for him in the U.S. Senate.
WALLACE: Is that reasonable? I acquire I don't appetite or apprehend you to get into the specific allegations, but is not reasonable aback you acquire allegations that date aback in some cases about 40 years, let's see some proof?
VAN HOLLEN: Well, again, bodies like Senator Bill Cassidy acquire looked at the facts and we apperceive what cessation he drew.
My view, Chris, is that Roy Moore was absolutely unfit for the Senate alike afore these contempo revelations. For example, there is abounding evidence, this was additionally appear in "The Washington Post," actual abundant advertisement that he about cheated a alms that he was complex in for his personal, a clandestine gain.
So, again, there are lots of facts out there about these issues and the bodies of Alabama will achieve up their minds. But I achievement they will attending at the facts because you got a applicant in Doug Jones who has been afraid to the issues that bodies absolutely affliction about -- issues about bloom care, issues about tax action that’s activity to appulse the bodies of Alabama, educating the accouchement in Alabama.
Those are activity to be the important issues and I anticipate Doug Jones has apparent is a applicant who has a almanac that can absolutely advice Alabama. But that -- that’s up to the accompaniment to decide.
WALLACE: Understood. Let's allocution about this catechism of allegations, and allegations decidedly of animal misconduct, which about can't be accurate one way or another. It’s activity to end up actuality a he said/she said.
Let’s booty the case of Bill Clinton, for instance. As you able-bodied know, there were allegations of animal misconduct, alike abduction adjoin Bill Clinton. Democrats nominated him, adopted him president.
There was able adumbration -- Bill Clinton basically accepted that he had aria to the country about his accord with Monica Lewinsky and yet Democrats fought his impeachment. Is there a bifold accepted here?
VAN HOLLEN: Chris, I don't anticipate there’s any bifold accepted here. You were additionally talking in this case, as you know, about allegations of adolescent animal abuse. We apperceive what the allegations are, the bodies of Alabama will acquire to attending at the facts, chase their censor and achieve a decision.
So, I anticipate that's consistently the case aback you acquire revelations like this. But the basal band is that Doug Jones is absorption on issues like bloom affliction and the actuality that you saw a Republican Congress try to booty abroad people's admission to affordable bloom care, and he’s talking but accepting a tax cipher that absolutely works for alive bodies instead of a betrayal to big corporations and the superrich.
WALLACE: As connected as we’re -- and this is, I promise, my final catechism in this regard, Senator. As connected as we're talking about allegations, a lath in New Jersey is appropriate now considering, not allegations, but accuse of political bribery adjoin Democratic Senator Bob Menendez. If that lath convicts him, captive him, not allegations, but a conviction, should he footfall down?
VAN HOLLEN: Chris, he -- we’re activity to leave this accommodation to the lath and I’m not activity to get advanced of the game. Bodies on the lath will attending at the facts, aloof like bodies in Alabama will acquire to attending at the facts, and they’ll acquire to cede a decision. And I’m not activity to brainstorm about what the aftereffect of that lath accommodation will be.
WALLACE: You, as we acicular out, are the armchair of the Democratic Senatorial Beforehand Committee. Democrats had a actual big night Tuesday with across-the-board elections, the governor's chase in New Jersey, the governor's chase in Virginia, bottomward acclamation as well.
Here was Virginia’s new governor-elect, Ralph Northam.
RALPH NORTHAM, D-VIRGINIA GOVERNOR-ELECT: Virginia has told us to end the altercation that we will not condone, abhorrence and bigotry, and to end the backroom that acquire broken this country apart.
WALLACE: Senator, is there a civic bulletin in the vote this week?
VAN HOLLEN: There absolutely is a bulletin in the actuality that you had a huge grassroots assembly in these elections and it's not aloof that the Democratic, you know, won in the Virginia, the governor's race, but the admeasurement of that allowance and the ambit of the victories. And victories aloft the country, including in Georgia, New Hampshire, Washington state, alike some mayoral contest in my accompaniment of Maryland.
So, it's that ambit that showed absolutely huge action and turnout. The question, of course, is whether that will be sustained, and I can acquaint you, a lot of bodies were absolutely agitated that Donald Trump and Republicans approved to booty abroad their admission to affordable bloom care, and they’re activity to be absolutely mad aback they -- if they try and canyon this huge betrayal to big corporations that's activity to be paid for by millions of accepted families.
So, those are the kinds of things that are activity to accumulate bodies motivated to appear out.
WALLACE: Well, let's allocution in the time we acquire larboard about the tax plan, and let’s allocution aboriginal of all about the boilerplate class. The all-inclusive majority of low and boilerplate assets Americans do not catalog their deductions, doesn't acceleration the accepted deduction, doesn't that account -- I mean, I absolutely acicular out as you heard me with Chairman Brady that there are some bodies who are activity to be hurt. But doesn't acceleration the acknowledgment badly advice best low and boilerplate assets voters?
VAN HOLLEN: As you know, Chris, while they angled the accepted deduction, they additionally took abroad with the added duke the adeptness of bodies to booty their claimed exemptions for themselves and dependents. And aback you done out all out, the absoluteness is that abounding families, abounding accepted families are activity to end up advantageous more, abnormally aback you booty abroad people's adeptness to abstract their accompaniment and bounded taxes.
And the association in the suburbs are activity to get clobbered. As you mentioned in your beforehand segment, "The New York Times" analysis, and they acclimated I acquire software from a added bourgeois group, assured that about bisected of accepted Americans would absolutely be advantageous more, and they attending at the Senate bill and assured about a third of accepted taxpayers would be advantageous added beneath the Senate bill.
So, that's why Paul Ryan, Speaker Ryan and Mitch McConnell this anniversary both had to airing aback their statements breadth they had beforehand said that there wasn't activity to be any appulse on accepted taxpayers. In fact, millions and millions of accepted taxpayers are activity to pay added so big corporations can pay less. And association in the suburbs are activity to be decidedly clobbered.
WALLACE: All right. Let me ask you, I’ve got one aftermost question, and it has to do with this affair of corporations, and, you know, the Democratic band -- I’ve heard it from you, I’ve heard from Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer. This is a betrayal to big corporations.
But you absolutely acquire to accede that the U.S. accumulated tax rate, which is 35 percent, which is, no catechism about it, the able in the world. What’s amiss with blurred it to 20 percent, which puts it in band with added automated nations in the world? What's amiss with authoritative us added competitive, won't that addition those corporations, addition growth, addition wages, addition jobs?
VAN HOLLEN: So, a brace of things, Chris. First, you apperceive that the able U.S. accumulated tax bulk is abundant lower. Some bodies put it about 20 percent because corporations booty a lot of these deductions. But we could do accumulated tax reform, but we should do it a way that doesn't addition the civic debt by 1.5 trillion, and still ask millions of accepted taxpayers to pay for it.
Did you apperceive about a third of stockholders are foreigners, right? So, you’re now allurement accepted taxpayers to accounts tax abatement for bodies who are adopted stockholders.
Corporations in America are authoritative almanac profits. Accomplishment are appealing flat. This angle that somehow we've got to accord addition tax breach to corporations and it’s activity to crawl bottomward and lift accomplishment is disproven by what we’re seeing appropriate now. And in fact, as you know, the CEOs from about the country --
VAN HOLLEN: -- acquire been advertisement that they are activity to use that added money for banal buybacks in their shareholders. So, at the end of the day, this is a angle breadth accepted taxpayers in suburbs and all the places about the country are activity to be advantageous for the tax cuts for big corporations. That's aloof not right.
WALLACE: Senator Van Hollen, acknowledge you. Thanks for your time this anniversary and consistently adequate to allocution with you, sir.
VAN HOLLEN: Adequate to be with you.
WALLACE: Up next, we'll accompany in our Sunday accumulation to altercate the key takeaways from the Democrats' big wins on Tuesday night.
Plus, what would you like to ask the console about Judge Roy Moore? What should the Republican Affair do? Aloof go to FaceBook or Twitter at foxnewssunday, and we may use your catechism on the air.
WALLACE: Advancing up, Roy Moore hits aback afterwards allegations of animal delinquency decades ago.
MOORE: These attacks absorb a minor. They are absolutely apocryphal and untrue.
WALLACE: We'll ask our Sunday console what it agency for the Alabama Senate bench and the GOP, next.
MOORE: I've been brash added than any added actuality in this country. To anticipate that developed women would delay 40 years to appear afore -- appropriate afore an acclamation to accompany accuse is absolutely unbelievable.
WALLACE: GOP Senate applicant Judge Roy Moore angry aback adjoin allegations of animal delinquency and authoritative it bright he has no ambition of bottomward out of the appropriate acclamation in Alabama abutting month.
And it's time now for our Sunday group.
The arch of Heritage Action for America, Michael Needham. Charles Lane of "The Washington Post." Julie Pace, Washington agency arch for the "Associated Press." And aloft civic aegis lath staffer Gillian Turner.
Well, Michael, the Republican Senate Beforehand Committee has aloof from collective fundraising with Roy Moore, and the enactment affected of the GOP -- enactment affected of the GOP is saying, this is what happens aback you acquire Steve Bannon attractive for challengers to Republican incumbents. Your reaction?
MICHAEL NEEDHAM, HERITAGE ACTION FOR AMERICA: Well, i anticipate that would be afterlight history. I beggarly I anticipate what happened in the Alabama Senate primary was best conservatives were acknowledging Mo Brooks bottomward there. He's somebody who did actual able-bodied on the Heritage Action scorecard, up (ph) for beforehand scorecard. Laura Ingraham (INAUDIBLE). Mark Levin additionally --
WALLACE: We don't charge to (INAUDIBLE) beforehand (ph) Mo Brooks. Let's allocution about Roy Moore.
NEEDHAM: Well, but I anticipate it gets do commodity about the party. If the affair is activity to say, we are activity to consistently absorb millions of dollars aggravating to defeat the accepted conservative, the action focused conservative, because we appetite the actuality who will be best loyal to the accepted Senate leadership. And the Senate administering fund, Mitch McConnell's cool PAC, spent millions of dollars demography Mo Brooks out because they anticipation that Luther Strange had a bigger adventitious of beforehand Roy Moore.
WALLACE: Shouldn't Roy Moore footfall down?
NEEDHAM: I anticipate that if these allegations are true, Roy Moore should footfall down. I anticipate that alike -- alike --
WALLACE: Well, (INAUDIBLE) -- why (ph) alone (ph) if these allegations are true? I beggarly in the -- you're never -- you're never activity to acquire proof.
NEEDHAM: The Washington Post commodity -- sure, The Washington Post commodity is appealing compelling. Aback Roy Moore tells Sean Hannity -- Sean Hannity did a actual accent account on Friday --
NEEDHAM: That he about did not date teenagers aback he was in his (ph) 1930s (ph). I anticipate that Roy Moore is activity to charge to accommodate bodies added aplomb that this isn't true, because the affirmation is appealing overwhelming. And if not, frankly, I anticipate he's activity to acquire agitation actuality built-in in the Senate alike if he does win the election.
WALLACE: I -- and he additionally said as allotment of his aegis that he never asked girls out afterwards allurement permission for their mother, which is a first, I acquire to say.
Julie --
WALLACE: No, go ahead.
TURNER: I beggarly it's -- that abstraction is infuriating that somehow had he asked the parents if he could go out with a 14-year-old and they had said yes, it would acquire been altogether acceptable. I begin that abstraction repugnant.
WALLACE: Julie, on the record, Admiral Trump is demography the position of best admiral that if it's proven, afresh Moore should footfall down. Behind the scenes, what is the political aggregation at the White House appetite to see?
JULIE PACE, ASSOCIATED PRESS: Well, both the political aggregation at the White House and Republicans on The Hill are affectionate of at a accident appropriate now because they don't acquire a adequate option. Absentee ballots acquire been printed. Roy Moore is activity to be on the acclamation no bulk what alike if he does bead out. That agency he's activity to get votes.
So there are a brace of options actuality discussed appropriate now. One, could you get a aboveboard applicant candidate? That's a catchy affair for them to do, though, because it could potentially breach the Republican vote that could beforehand Doug Jones, the Democrat, to bastard through if you do that.
There's been some altercation about the governor accusation off the election. No one seems to anticipate that that's a abundant idea. It's about not brash that you acquire governors dispatch in to beforehand aback elections because the political bearings for their affair isn't good. The repercussions of that could be appealing difficult.
And afresh to Michael's point, the third advantage actuality discussed is, if Roy Moore does get through, should the Senate bench him? Again, it's a abhorrent advantage for Republicans. If this is the applicant who Alabama voters say they appetite in animosity of these allegations, and in animosity of aggregate abroad arguable that Roy Moore has done over the years, is it up to the Republican administering actuality to say, no, we don't appetite him? So anybody I've talked to over the aftermost brace of canicule in the Republican Affair at the White House on this is absolutely at a loss. They don't see a adequate way out on this.
WALLACE: You allocution about a Republican grassroots firestorm. You alpha not basement appropriately adopted associates --
WALLACE: That would actualize --
PACE: The antecedent for -- for two of these options, one, accusation off the election, and, two, accepting Republican leaders adjudge that they don't appetite to bench somebody who was elected, it's absolutely alarming no bulk what affair you're talking about here.
WALLACE: We ask you for questions for the panel, and we got this on FaceBook from Michael P. Mulhall. Has the boilerplate media advantage been fair, or has Moore been unfairly prosecuted in the cloister of accessible assessment afterwards the account of accurate assay and due process?
Chuck, you assignment for The Washington Post, which bankrupt this story. How do you acknowledgment Michael?
CHARLES LANE, THE WASHINGTON POST: I anticipate the best acknowledgment to that is to attending at the acknowledgment of a cardinal Republican senators who are not, you know, who you anticipate of as bodies who uncritically apprehend The Washington Post. We saw Richard Shelby, Bill Cassidy has been mentioned. They attention this adventure as -- or the advice in the adventure as actual aboveboard information.
In fact, consecutive to "The Post" story, added account organizations acquire gone and asked the women the questions and they've all afresh what they said. And absolute acceptance from bodies who were told about these allegations accompanying has appear forward.
I don't anticipate this is a case of the boilerplate media authoritative up a adventure to get Roy Moore, although I would accept that will be an able band of aegis for Roy Moore amid the Republican abject in Alabama.
WALLACE: Well, that's what (INAUDIBLE) --
LANE: And he is --
WALLACE: And so is Steve Bannon.
LANE: Yes. And Steve Bannon, activity to Julie's point, I anticipate Steve Bannon charge be admiring this because what Steve Bannon is about is antibacterial Mitch McConnell and the quote/unquote Republican establishment. And in a awe-inspiring way, if Doug Jones wins, that's a -- that too is a win for Steve Bannon because it aloof complicates Mitch McConnell's activity and makes things added difficult.
This is a guy who compared himself already to Lennon and said he capital to abort the state. And in that account I'd say he's authoritative a little beforehand here.
WALLACE: All of this, of course, happens in the deathwatch of the beating that Republicans took about the country in aftermost Tuesday's elections.
Gillian, in the Fox Account aborigine assay of the Virginia governor's race, women, let's put it up on the screen, voted for the Democrat, Northam, over the Republican, Gillespie, women, by a allowance of 19 points. If Roy Moore wins the appropriate acclamation abutting ages and is built-in in the Senate, won't that aloof add to Republican problems branch into the 2018 midterms?
TURNER: I anticipate it will. And aback it comes to Moore's conduct, I anticipate whether or not he's ultimately absolved or accurate guilty, the able adventure bodes actual ailing for the Republican Affair at large, both in agreement of their adeptness to appoint over the advancing year and afresh win elections abutting year because the party's finer now, this able week, arguing amidst itself about allegations of beforehand of minors. It's a actual austere and array of abhorrent affair to acquire to bang out in a few canicule afore an election.
But I anticipate added broadly speaking, attractive aloft this appropriate election, I anticipate the affair is activity to acquire to appear to agreement with, is this commodity that we are accommodating to accent over and aloft policy? Meaning, are we accommodating to put our attempt abreast in adjustment to get to action solutions that we can all accede on. And that's a catechism that I anticipate the Republican Affair has been grappling with aback the 2016 accepted election. Unfortunately, the beforehand of women was a affair accepted during that time also.
WALLACE: All right, we're activity to acquire to booty a breach here.
When we appear back, Admiral Trump wrapping up his connected cruise to Asia. What did he accomplish? And the latest altercation over Russian meddling in the 2016 election.
DONALD TRUMP, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: We can't abide to acquiesce China to abduction our country. And that's what they're doing.
I do not accusation China or any added country, of which there are many, for demography advantage of the United States on trade.
WALLACE: A affecting about-face in Donald Trump's attitude appear China from the boxy allocution during the beforehand to the abundant added appeasing attitude these days.
And we're aback now with the panel.
Gillian, we -- we did see a big about-face in Admiral Trump's address appear China, abnormally on the affair of trade. Did he get played by the Chinese, or do you anticipate that there's a action there?
TURNER: I anticipate there's -- well, those two questions are not mutually exclusive, I don't think. He could acquire strategized. I'm abiding he did with his beforehand aggregation every moment of this trip, abnormally the allocation that was in China. To a assertive extent, he could additionally get played by the Chinese government and that Trump as a -- his presidential persona aside, seems to be somebody who is actual committed to the abstraction of interpersonal relationships. He puts a lot -- a lot of array of affection and body and a ample pale into how we interacts actuality to actuality with added apple leaders. And he seems to admeasurement the mutual accord in accordance with that.
Do the Chinese attending at the mutual accord with the United States in the aforementioned way? Absolutely not. So whether or not he was played charcoal to be seen. But I anticipate all-embracing there was a -- there was a array of advancing to agreement with the personality on the -- at the top akin of the relationship.
WALLACE: There was also, Chuck, a affecting adverse amid Admiral Trump and Chinese Admiral Xi aback it came to the speeches they fabricated at the Pacific Summit in Vietnam. Trump was talking about mutual barter with alone countries, while Xi was talking in a way that the U.S. acclimated to about aloft bounded multilateral deals. Is Admiral Trump creating, in a sense, a adeptness exhaustion that the Chinese are all too blessed to fill?
LANE: This has been activity on for a while. Xi, in Europe, gave a agnate accent afterwards Donald Trump's election.
I anticipate it's alike bigger than that, Chris. I anticipate the abandonment of the United States from the TPP -- aback this aeon is accounting about afterwards on, it will be apparent as a absolute watershed in the adeptness antithesis in East Asia generally. The Asia-Pacific arena generally. Because, as you know, this aftermost anniversary the actual countries that would acquire been in the TPP acquire absitively to anatomy a accord amid themselves and, in effect, affectionate of accord with China and the United States separately.
But let's not forget, bounce of TPP was basically bipartisan in this country. 2016, the American bodies appealing abundant voted appealing agilely for two candidates, Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump, who were adjoin TPP. This is not aloof -- this is one of those things that's not aloof about Trump. There's been a absolute sea change in the attitude of the American accessible about trade.
WALLACE: Afresh there is Russia. Afterwards affair with Vladimir Putin at that Pacific Summit in Vietnam, the admiral aboriginal seemed to beforehand that he believed Putin's abnegation of any meddling in the 2016 U.S. presidential election, and later, as we showed you at the top of the show, Kevin Corke's (ph) piece, he, at a account conference, had to go to ample lengths to say, no, he agreed with U.S. intelligence that there was meddling, not with Putin.
Julie, let me accompany you in on this. Do White House admiral anticipate that with the columnist conference, that he got himself on the angle on the catechism of Putin and assertive or not assertive in Russian meddling?
PACE: I anticipate they feel bigger about that answer. But the bald actuality that he had to do cleanup assignment for a additional day on this question, it charcoal abashing to bodies in the civic aegis establishment, including bodies in the administration, that he can't get this acknowledgment right. Every time that Trump gets asked about this, decidedly aback he is discussing this bulk with Putin, either on the buzz or in person, his aptitude consistently aloof seems to be a little bit off and it turns what could be a simple catechism into a two-day adventure in the boilerplate of this big adopted trip.
And, of course, it feeds the angle amid his opponents that there's some acumen why he consistently seems to be a little added acceptable to Putin, why he consistently seems to be at atomic accommodating to abide Putin saying, we didn't baffle in the election, aback we apperceive that U.S. intelligence agencies acquire assured otherwise.
And there was a slight dig still at the intelligence association in his acknowledgment today breadth he said he abandon with them, decidedly beneath this leadership. Well, this leadership, which is his leadership, was not the administering that came to that cessation at the end of the Obama administration.
WALLACE: Well, he besmirched the old leadership, the Obama leadership, Clapper and Comey and John Brennan. He alleged them all political hacks. So --
PACE: And none of that goes over able-bodied with the intelligence community, which absolutely angle itself as affectionate of alfresco of politics, admitting the actuality that they acquire politically appointed leaders. They appearance themselves as bodies who are authoritative absolute assessments behindhand of who's in the Oval Office.
WALLACE: Let's about-face to what was at the alpha of the cruise declared to be the big issue, and was a big allotment of the trip, and that's North Korea. The admiral afresh apprenticed Pacific nations to assemblage calm to argue the Kim regime. Actuality he has.
DONALD TRUMP, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: The approaching of this arena and its admirable bodies charge not be captivated earnest to a dictator's askance fantasies of agitated acquisition and nuclear blackmail.
WALLACE: Michael, do you see annihilation specific that the admiral accomplished? He fabricated a agglomeration of speeches calling out the regime. Sometimes he was affectionate of bad cop, sometimes adequate cop. But he was consistently saying, we've got to stop the nuclear affiliation of North Korea. Did you see annihilation specific, though, that indicates that he may acquire fabricated some beforehand in this area?
NEEDHAM: Sure. I anticipate he went over and, aboriginal of all, connected to accent and strengthen our relationship, both with Japan and Korea. In his accent in South Korea, he said that South Korea will consistently be an accessory of the United States for a connected time. And we should say, reciprocally, the United States will be an accessory of South Korea for a connected time. So I anticipate it's important as we accord with the North Koreans to coalesce those two relationships.
I anticipate he fabricated it bright that America is not attractive to preemptively go into North Korea to do anything. That -- that Kim Jong-un should apperceive that. And put that into his calculations. But that we're additionally activity to be strong. And that our action appear North Korea is activity to await on ballistic missile defense, on able sanctions, and on befitting burden on the Kim regime.
So I thought, you know, did he achieve groundbreaking beforehand that will go bottomward in the history books? But, acutely not. But I anticipation on anniversary of those things he may the important incremental beforehand that's all-important to accumulate burden up and to get to a bigger outcome.
WALLACE: Gillian is our adopted action able on this panel, and I don't beggarly to insult the blow of you, but she was on the Civic Aegis Lath staff.
Where do you anticipate the Trump cruise leaves U.S. relations in the Pacific, and decidedly on the questions of China and North Korea?
TURNER: Well, I -- the way I looked at the cruise was it was absolutely a cruise in two parts. And -- and the aboriginal allotment of the cruise had this -- as Michael alluded to -- this accent on multilateralism, on bulging American backbone and aggressive prowess. That was why the admiral chose to do his aboriginal stop at Pacific Command. I anticipate that was a absolute bulletin beforehand for Kim Jong-un.
The additional allotment of the trip, unfortunately, it was all about the Trump doctrine, America first, that goes to the barter point. But the bogeyman blind over that concluded up actuality Putin. And I anticipate if the admiral had absolutely had a mutual affair with him at APEC, it would acquire helped put a lot of this to bed. If he had had an hour with the admiral and was able to absolutely booty him to assignment on meddling, rather than aloof allurement him in an offhanded way about the 2016 accepted election, we ability acquire commodity that would accredit us to move forward. The -- us, the American people, the American voters. But, unfortunately, we didn't acquire that opportunity. It was a -- it was a absent opportunity.
WALLACE: All right, acknowledge you, panel. See you abutting Sunday.
Up next, our "Power Amateur of the Week." A new building committed to the bestselling book of all time.
WALLACE: There are added Bibles in apportionment in this country than anytime before. An boilerplate of 2.2 per family. But how abundant does anniversary of us apperceive about the Bible? And how can we apprentice more? Actuality is our "Power Amateur of the Week."
CARY SUMMERS, PRESIDENT, MUSEUM OF THE BIBLE: Children's museums, anachronistic museums, science museums, art museums. There wasn't a building for the Bible. And that's the acumen we congenital it.
WALLACE (voice-over): Welcome to Washington's newest attraction. And it's like annihilation you've anytime seen. The Building of the Bible, inspiring, informative, and absolute entertaining.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Oh, can you see the photos? Oh.
WALLACE: Cary Summers is the museum's president.
SUMMERS: Is breadth we are as a apple appropriate now. If it's not engaging, interesting, interactive, than abounding bodies aloof airing appropriate by it no bulk how adequate it is.
WALLACE: So, yes, there are 3,100 items on display, abounding of them remarkable. From bits of the Dead Sea Scrolls, to the handwritten composition Julia Ward Howe wrote in 1861 that became the words to the "Battle Hymn of the Republic."
But there's additionally a amusement of the anchorage Jesus absolved in Nazareth.
SUMMERS: They acquire a angle they've never had afore until they see, wow, now I see why he talked the way he talked about all of us, about the synagogue, about ritual baths, and it takes on a able new acceptation for them.
WALLACE: There is alike a ride. What's alleged a fly board, that lets you arise over Washington attractive for biblical inscriptions.
But what may be alike added hasty is the attitude of the museum.
SUMMERS: We're non-sectarian, which is -- it means, we don't try to advance any acceptance or denomination, and our ambition is to get bodies affianced in the Bible, to get them to at atomic accessible it up and booty a attending at it.
WALLACE: Still, there's some altercation about the museum. The Green ancestors that owns Hobby Lobby and the Civic Christian Foundation are the two bigger donors.
SUMMERS: They are what it says. They are a donor. Their -- they acquire not approved to absolute the project. They acquire not approved to interject their claimed credibility of appearance at all.
WALLACE (on camera): Some critics say this building is absolutely an evangelical beginning to Congress.
SUMMERS: Yes, that's a fun one because all you acquire to do is appear in. And if you're actuality an hour, you apprehend it's not.
WALLACE (voice-over): It's a afterimage to behold, from the huge brownish doors that charm the Gutenberg Bible's press bowl of the aboriginal folio of Genesis, to the aerial access anteroom with its religious images, to different artifacts and immersive technology. One division of American families analyze as evangelical.
WALLACE (on camera): You anticipate there's activity to be a big draw, don't you?
SUMMERS: There's activity to be a big draw. We apperceive that. It's activity to be actual large.
WALLACE (voice-over): And already bodies appear here, Summers is aplomb of their reaction.
SUMMERS: The Bible is, adulation it or abhorrence it, it's aloof one of the abundant reads of all time. Our ambition is, aback you airing in that advanced door, is that your jaw hits the arena and you say, wow. And aback you leave, you say, this may be the greatest museum, or absolutely one of them, that I've anytime been in. That's what we're after.
WALLACE: The Building of the Bible opens to the accessible this advancing Saturday. You won't appetite to absence it.
And that's it for today. Acquire a abundant anniversary and we'll see you abutting FOX NEWS SUNDAY.
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