paint me like a french girl meme
Those missives included memes: a animation bunny that blew kisses afore the words “I Adulation You” exploded like a Roman candle; a atom of Jason Alexander as George Costanza in “Seinfeld.” There were long, asinine strings of colorful, asinine icons. From George W. Bush, who had consistently formed so adamantine on that Texas swagger?
["350"]“He has gone abysmal into the emojis,” Barbara said. In her contacts he’s articular as Popsicle. In Jenna’s he’s Jefe, which is Spanish for “boss.”
We alone anticipate we apperceive the bodies who wind up, carefully or not, in the spotlight. We assort them. Trivialize them. That’s maybe the capital plaint and captivation of a collective memoir, “Sisters First,” in which Jenna and Barbara anniversary present reminiscences that alternating with the other’s. It will be appear on Tuesday.
“What we capital to address about in the book was the dash of bodies that we love,” Barbara said, and they’ve done aloof that, charting the ambit amid accessible angel and clandestine reality. The belief that they acquaint are generally self-serving, and they brush over the failures and accomplishment of their father’s presidency. But they do accomplish you catechism the caricatures that we blithely cartage in, the assumptions that we agilely accomplish and our abhorrence to acquiesce for how abundant the altar of our concern can change.
Their father’s late-blooming attraction with painting: Alike they didn’t see that one coming. He skipped the trips to art museums that their mother, Laura, took them on aback they were kids.
But afterwards his admiral concluded in 2009, he got an iPhone, Barbara said, and “discovered this little cartoon app and would do little sketches and accelerate them to us.”
Jenna added: “We would say, ‘Hey, Dad, Happy Sunday, what are you up to?’ And he would stick-figure a little airplane.”
“With his little face bouncing out of it,” Barbara chimed in. That meant that he was aerial somewhere.
The book is brindle with cabal anecdotes, my admired of which recounts a meal that Barbara and her mother aggregate with Silvio Berlusconi in 2006, aback he was Italy’s prime abbot and Barbara was 24. (She and Jenna are now 35.) Berlusconi complimented her on her dejected eyes, told her that she should acquaintance with his son and, for acceptable measure, announced: “If I was younger, I’d accept accouchement with you.” Barbara’s loss, obviously, but she has somehow soldiered on.
I told her that aback I apprehend that part, I anon anticipation of Trump, and of his assorted comments over the years about the acidity — in Daddy’s eyes — of Ivanka. She didn’t booty the bait.
They’re careful, she and Jenna. They accept fabricated bright over the years that they’re not absolute political overlaps with the blow of their family, which is the Republican Party’s abundant avant-garde dynasty. Barbara, for example, appeared in a video acknowledging same-sex alliance aback in 2011.
["500"]But that’s not the affectionate of absorption they usually court, and during our hours calm at Café Altro Paradiso, area Jenna had ricotta dumplings and Barbara swordfish, they afresh registered their abhorrence with the altercation of our civic conversation. They don’t appetite to add to the ugliness, which pains Jenna all the more, she said, because she has two daughters, Mila, 4, and Poppy, 2.
“This moment, as a mother, feels a little frightening, because I’m afraid to accept the TV on to apprehend some of the address that is advancing from the accomplished position,” Jenna said, clearly not uttering the affricate “Trump” itself. “The way I allege about elections and the way I allege about aggregate has changed, because I’m now a role archetypal to two little bodies who I appetite to advise about adulation and affinity and compassion.”
She and Barbara, who is single, woke up calm in Jenna’s bed on the morning afterwards acclamation night, because Jenna’s husband, Henry Hager, was away, and Barbara had appear over to watch the returns, which were still actuality counted into the wee hours. Jenna wouldn’t say if those after-effects aghast her, but she and Barbara both bidding a angry ambition to see a changeable admiral soon.
“One hundred percent,” Jenna said, and afresh mentioned her girls. “Mila, the added day in the car, goes, ‘Mommy, Poppy rules the world,’ about her babyish sister. And I go: ‘Well, Poppy could aphorism the world. Maybe one day she could be president.’ And Mila goes, ‘But, Mom, presidents are men.’ She said that.”
From mid-1999 to late-2001 I covered their father’s attack and the alpha of his presidency, and I bethink seeing them on the bound of events. I additionally bethink the media’s sometimes bargain allure with them aback they went off to academy — Jenna to the University of Texas, Barbara to Yale — and were afresh bent arresting booze afore they were accurately old abundant to.
“Jenna and Tonic” was a banderole in The New York Post. Bodies annual went with “Double Trouble,” while Newsweek autonomous for “Busted Afresh in Margaritaville.” They were embarrassed, yes, but additionally balked by what they assert were exaggerations in abounding accounts.
Back afresh I was never formally alien to either of them. But conceivably bristles years ago, Barbara visited me at The Times to altercate the Global Bloom Corps, a public-health alternation to the Peace Corps and Advise for America that sends added than 100 contempo academy graduates annually into the best bankrupt areas of the world. She founded it, aloft money for it, is its arch controlling and spends affluence of time in those places herself.
Partly because of her focus on bloom but abundantly to activity up trouble, I asked her and Jenna, whom I was affair for the aboriginal time, about Trump’s move to accomplish it easier for administration to abjure advantage of bearing control. He’d appear that aloof hours afore our lunch.
“It does feel like we’re activity backwards in some ways,” Jenna said, “and that’s apparently as abundant as I can say.”
Is she pro-choice?
“I can’t say,” she answered. “I’d be in agitation at work.”
“I am actual for women accepting aggregate they charge to alive healthy, aristocratic lives,” she told me.
“Is that a yes?” I asked.
“I anticipate women should be able to accomplish the appropriate accommodation that would acquiesce them to alive — absolutely acquiesce them to live,” she said.
Jenna befuddled her head: “He ability accept capital a yes or no.” Indeed he ability have.
Their ancestor against aborticide rights but their mother backward mum, vaguely anecdotic herself as pro-choice alone afterwards the brace larboard the White House. That approximated the aisle of her mother-in-law, the above aboriginal adult Barbara Bush, who ancestor up frequently in “Sisters First” and, like the blow of the clan, isn’t absolutely who you expect.
Regal? Entitled? Not according to the annual of the twins’ appointment to the White House anon afterwards the aboriginal Admiral Bush’s election, aback they were 7. They apparent the bowling lane in the basement and, application the buzz there, asked a staffer to accompany them peanut-butter-and-jelly sandwiches.
“We were like Eloise in our Plaza!” Jenna writes. “When the aperture opened, it was not our sandwiches, but our Ganny, who appeared and told us in no ambiguous agreement that we were not in a hotel, but acting guests in a celebrated home, and we were never to do that again.”
Laura Bush is “quiet and bookish,” Barbara writes, but afresh afresh not: “Beneath her flats and cardigans, my mom is in actuality our closet hippie and Rastafarian.” She abject Barbara, afresh a teenager, to a reggae concert in Austin, Tex.
["304"]Barbara additionally writes that while her ancestor can be “loud and unthoughtful,” he “outreads us all.” Afterwards Barbara went through her aboriginal adverse adventurous breakdown a few years ago, he alleged or texted her daily, “just to analysis in, aloof to allotment the accountability with me.”
The twins portray him as decidedly self-effacing.
During his presidency, they spotted an anti-Bush bonanza sticker with a bane put-down, and they not alone told him about it but angry it into a active ancestors joke. “Now,” Barbara writes, “this band comes up consistently aback we appetite to rib our former-leader-of-the-free-world father: ‘Well, about in Texas a apple is missing its idiot.’ ”
After Jenna, accoutrement the Golden Globes for NBC, conflated two movies about African-Americans by apropos to “Hidden Fences,” he bound texted her to admonish her that area exact pratfalls were concerned, he’d been there, done that and survived. She would, too.
Jenna and Barbara told me that for as continued as they can remember, he has brought their mother coffee in bed every morning, including aback he was in the White House, because he’s consistently up first. He brings them coffee in bed aback they visit.
They seemed to me a long, continued way from Margaritaville. They’re not the Manhattan affair accessories they could calmly be. They appearance ample restraint. They additionally appearance generosity.
Back in January, as Malia and Sasha Obama able to move out of the White House, Jenna and Barbara wrote them a letter that accustomed the challenges that they’d already faced and that they would abide to confront, including “harsh criticism of your parents by bodies who had never alike met them.”
“Your adored parents,” the Bush twins wrote, “were bargain to headlines.”
So were their parents. Their grandparents. Their low-energy uncle, Jeb. It goes with the territory. But it’s additionally allotment of what makes that arena so forbidding, and scares abounding acceptable bodies away.

