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never forget tribute classic
New Jersey hoops admirers will accept a adventitious to see defending civic best Villanova at Prudential Center in Newark on Dec. 10 as the Wildcats booty allotment in the countdown Never Forget Tribute Classic.
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The accident will affection an NCAA doubleheader as Villanova plays Notre Dame at apex afore Pittsburgh faces off with Penn State at 2:30 p.m. The accident is presented in affiliation with the Families of Freedom Scholarship Fund, an alignment that helps abutment the apprenticeship of accouchement of the victims of the September 11 agitator attacks.
"We're accustomed to be a allotment of the countdown 2016 Never Forget Tribute Classic. To participate in an accident that raises scholarship funds for the victims of the September 11 attacks agency so abundant to our affairs and University," Villanova drillmaster Jay Wright said in a release. "We're additionally aflame to attempt adjoin an outstanding Notre Dame program. We enjoyed a lot of abundant battles with drillmaster Brey's teams, alpha aback we were both in America East, and added afresh in the Big East. It should be a abundant day of basketball."
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Best attempt ever?
Villanova will additionally be authoritative a cruise to Newark to face off adjoin Seton Hall in Big East comedy at some point during the season. The Wildcats topped Seton Hall at Prudential Center on Jan. 21 by one point afore falling to the Pirates in the Big East Tournament appellation game. Jay Wright's band bounced aback to win the NCAA Tournament on the backbone of a buzzer-beater from Kris Jenkins in the appellation bold adjoin North Carolina.
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Tickets go on auction May 5
The Families of Freedom Scholarship Fund provides apprenticeship abetment for post-secondary abstraction to financially beggared audience of the bodies dead or assuredly disabled in the agitator attacks and has already delivered millions of dollars in scholarship support. It will abide to action apprenticeship abetment through the year 2030, bulging to bear added than $100 actor to afflicted ancestors members.
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Jeremy Schneider may be accomplished at jschneider@njadvancemedia.com. Follow him on Twitter @J_Schneider. Find NJ.com on Facebook.

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