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lego batman 3 codes
KUALA LUMPUR: In apprehension of the soon-to-be-released The LEGO BATMAN MOVIE that's abiding to booty the apple by storm, LEGO is giving admirers of the Dark Knight a appropriate LEGO BATMAN MOVIE acquaintance at Toys 'R' Us MidValley Megamall.
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At this appropriate one-day affair, accident this Saturday, 14 Jan 2017, there will be bags of prizes to be won, aliment to be adored as LEGO introduces its Limited Edition THE LEGO BATMAN MOVIE Toys 'R' Us Absolute Arkham Asylum Set to conductor in the alarming new movie.
Date: Saturday, 14 Jan 2017Location: Toys 'R' Us, Midvalley Megamall
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Here's 5 alarming affidavit you should appear for the different LEGO Batman experience!
1.One-of-a-kind THE LEGO BATMAN MOVIE comedy areaUnleash the barbaric architect in you at the specially-designed comedy breadth for Dark Knight LEGO fans.
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2.Get a examination of a absolutely fan-built THE LEGO BATMAN MOVIE DioramaBuilt by LEGO User Group of Malaysia (LOM).
3.Crack the cipher for a appropriate THE LEGO BATMAN MOVIE giftTake the #BuildSomethingBatman challenge. Appointment LEGO Malaysia's Facebook, attending for THE LEGO BATMAN MOVIE 360 video and break the code. The aboriginal 50 admirers who appear with the cipher will get a appropriate THE LEGO BATMAN MOVIE gift.
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4.Make and Booty your own THE LEGO BATMAN MOVIE vehicleExclusive alone to Toys 'R' Us, any acquirement of the THE LEGO BATMAN MOVIE Comedy Sets (excluding Minifigures) allows you to body your own bat adaptable at the comedy breadth and accompany it home.
5.The absolute THE LEGO BATMAN MOVIE Toys 'R' Us Absolute SetFirst 100 aboriginal bats who acquirement THE LEGO BATMAN MOVIE Toys 'R' Us Absolute Arkham Asylum set will get an absolute LEGO admirable bag which includes a accidental minifigure from the movie. The aboriginal 25 will get a admirable bag additional a brace of tickets to premiere of THE LEGO BATMAN MOVIE.
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For added information, appointment LEGO® Malaysia's Facebook www.facebook.com/legomalaysia.official or Toys 'R' Us Malaysia's Facebook www.facebook.com/toysrusmy

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