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Here we go again. “Senator Bob Corker ‘begged’ me to endorse him for re-election in Tennessee,” admiral Donald Trump, 71, tweeted on Oct. 8, assuming that he still doesn’t apperceive how to use “air quotes.” Bob, 65, appear he wouldn’t seek re-election in 2018, allotment instead to retire. Trump, the anytime apprehensive man that he is, fabricated Bob’s accommodation about him. “[Bob] said he could not win without…my endorsement…didn’t accept the audacity to run!”
Senator Corker absitively to clapback on the president’s admired platform, tweeting out this aboriginal reply: “It’s a abashment the White House has become an developed day affliction center. Someone acutely absent their about-face this morning.” Boom. Headshot. Plus, it’s additionally accessible that – gasp! – what Trump said wasn’t absolutely true. Trump “called the agent [Bob] aboriginal aftermost anniversary and asked him to amend his accommodation not to seek re-election,” one of two sources abutting to the bearings told CNN, “and reaffirmed that he would accept accustomed him, as he has said abounding times.”
In this latest annular of Trump advancing a affiliate of his own affair (as Bob is the Republican administrator of the Foreign Relations Committee) best voters were aloof afraid to watch these two fight. Some aggregate memes that mocked Trump’s age, suggesting that the White House needs to banal op on depends. Others ample that Bob could accept larboard out the chat “adult,” because Trump acts added like a toddler than a 71-year-old man.
Trump is accepting a lot of nicknames: Bob Corker, "Adult day affliction center", Tillerson, "Moron", Kim Jung Un, "Dotard".
— Lavande du Sud (@LLavandedusud) October 8, 2017
So what acquired this beef amid these two earlier Republican white dudes? Bob became one of Trump’s abounding enemies afterwards he criticized the president, adage that associates of Trump’s national aegis aggregation were the absolute “people that advice abstracted our country from chaos,” according to the Washington Post. “They assignment actual able-bodied calm to accomplish abiding that the behavior we put alternating about the apple are complete and coherent. There are added bodies aural the administration, in my belief, that don’t. Okay? I’m sorry.” This was weeks afterwards Bob said Trump has “not yet been able to approved the stability, nor some of the competence, that he needs to…be successful.”
UPDATE 11:40 PM: In a new account with The New York Times, Corker said that Trump treats the appointment of the admiral like “a absoluteness show.” And that his adventuresome statements ability set the apple “on the aisle to Apple War III.” He added that Trump acts “like he’s accomplishing ‘The Apprentice’ or something.” It’s adamantine to altercate with his adverse observations.
What do you anticipate about Bob’s comments, HollywoodLifers? What do you anticipate about Trump’s latest tirade?



