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Good Sunday morning. HAPPY 31st ANNIVERSARY -- Ronald Reagan alive the Tax Ameliorate Act of 1986 31 years ago today.
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COMING UP THIS WEEK -- PRESIDENT TRUMP is activity to Capitol Acropolis on Tuesday to appear the Senate Republican activity lunch. Needless to say, with all that’s activity on in the Capitol, this will be absolutely the moment for the admiral and Senate Republicans. ALSO THIS WEEK: The admiral is affair with Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong on Monday.
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SPOTTED at Masseria aftermost night: Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong with “a massive aegis detail,” per our tipster.
-- @elizabethjdias: “Spotted: PM of Singapore @leehsienloong adequate the brunch arena and snapping pics @UnionMarketDC. (He didn’t admit @ZekeJMiller & me)” http://bit.ly/2gyvxeG “He ate brunch at Bidwell, with his absolute entourage, and afresh took photos of several diners on his way out.”
ALSO THIS WEEK -- @angelurena: "President @BillClinton will accompany @PhilMurphyNJ on Tuesday for a GOTV agitate alpha at the IBEW 164 anteroom in Paramus, NJ.”
**SUBSCRIBE to Playbook: http://politi.co/2lQswbh
TRUMP’S SUNDAY -- “POTUS emerged from the White Abode at 9:38 am ET cutting a red hat, a white polo and aphotic pants to go to an bearding breadth but basin would calendar that today — at a crisp, bright 55 degrees and accepted to get warmer — is a absolute day for golf. The celebration is en route,” per pooler BuzzFeed’s Adrian Carrasquillo.
MAUREEN DOWD in PLAINS, GEORGIA: “Jimmy Carter Lusts for a Trump Posting”: “Most bodies would run abroad agreeable at the anticipation of alive for a bang-up who humiliates subordinates in public, throttles them in private, demands connected flattery, spends all day watching cable TV and behaves in a berserk capricious way. And yet, there is addition who is acquisitive to assignment for Admiral Trump. Curious, but it’s a Democrat. And alike curiouser, it’s a adolescent affiliate of the presidents club. And curiousest, it’s addition whom Trump has disparaged on Twitter as one of the affliction presidents in history. ...
“So is it time for addition Carter adept mission, and would he do it for Trump, his arctic adverse in so abounding ways? ‘I would go, yes,’ he said, cutting a big ‘JC’ belt catch and sipping coffee in his agronomical house, which is abounding with Carter ancestors paintings and with appliance he fabricated himself, including his four-poster bed. Rosalynn sits nearby, agreeable in slyly at moments.” http://nyti.ms/2yJO7aE
USA TODAY OP-ED: "President Trump: With tax ameliorate we can accomplish it morning in America again" https://usat.ly/2yFigWd
SCOOP – BRITTANY BRAMELL TO CIA – Bramell -- an Uber, Sen. Lindsey Graham (S.C.) and above Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) alum -- is alive in accessible diplomacy for CIA Administrator Mike Pompeo. She was best afresh abettor agent for accessible diplomacy at TSA.
STORY OF THE DAY -- “O’Reilly Settled New Aggravation Claims, Afresh Fox Renewed His Contract,” by NYT’s Emily Steel and Mike Schmidt: “Last January, six months afterwards Fox News ousted its administrator amidst a animal aggravation scandal, the network’s top-rated host at the time, Bill O’Reilly, addled a $32 actor acceding with a longtime arrangement analyst to achieve new animal aggravation allegations, according to two bodies abreast on the bulk — an abnormally ample bulk for such cases. Although the accord has not been ahead fabricated public, the network’s ancestor company, 21st Century Fox, acknowledges that it was acquainted of the woman’s complaints about Mr. O’Reilly. They included allegations of afresh harassment, a nonconsensual animal accord and the sending of gay chicanery and added sexually absolute actual to her ...
“It was at atomic the sixth acceding — and by far the bigger — fabricated by either Mr. O’Reilly or the aggregation to achieve aggravation allegations adjoin him. Despite that record, 21st Century Fox began arrangement negotiations with Mr. O’Reilly, and in February accepted him a four-year addendum that paid $25 actor a year. ... In acknowledgment to questions about why he beatific sexually absolute actual to Ms. Wiehl, Mr. O’Reilly said that during his time at the network, he had been beatific aggressive letters about every day, including some that had atrocious material. To accord with this problem, Mr. O’Reilly said, he set up a arrangement in which the actual would be forwarded to his attorneys so they could appraise whether he bare to booty any acknowledged action. Mr. O’Reilly said Ms. Wiehl was amid those lawyers.” http://nyti.ms/2zEeWLb
-- BuzzFeed’s @juliareinstein: “Bill O’Reilly’s agent says the NYT ‘maliciously smeared’ O’Reilly to abash him and ‘keep him from aggressive in the marketplace’”.
THE BIG QUESTION -- “Can Trump break on clue on tax reform?,” by Bernie Becker and Aaron Lorenzo: “Congressional Republicans are basal themselves for a new obstacle on tax reform: Admiral Donald Trump and his affection for disruptions. There's no agnosticism that Trump abominably wants a tax deal, and he appears actual accommodating to biking the country in abutment of one. But the GOP assembly that are crafting the tax admeasurement are additionally animating themselves for the admiral to potentially afflict their negotiations at any moment, as he has done throughout his nine months in arrangement and this anniversary on a bipartisan Senate acceding to bank up Obamacare allowance markets.
“‘Sure, it’s activity to come,’ said Sen. Bob Corker (R-Tenn.), who’s been the ambition of his allotment of tweets from the president. Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.), who brokered the bloom acceding that Trump has confused amid criticizing and praising, added that he had already told the admiral that his blockage on clue on tax ameliorate could be key to accepting a battleground achievement. ‘If the admiral of the United States focuses on one thing, with aggregate he’s got, for as connected it takes, he can usually get what he wants,’ Alexander said.
“Republicans accept aggregate is falling into abode for the aboriginal above tax check aback 1986. They ascendancy Congress and the White House, associates are motivated to cleft a big aldermanic achievement they can attack on in 2018 and they are on the bend of a bicameral account acceding that would acquiesce them to absolutely apply on a tax amalgamation instead of the Senate casual a budget.
“But there are already signs that Trump could waver if a tax bill proposes to cut tax incentives in barter for lower rates, a difficult activity that could end up adopting taxes on assorted industries or groups of taxpayers. The admiral was reportedly not blessed that the GOP angle to end the answer for accompaniment and bounded taxes, a account abundantly acclimated by upper-income taxpayers, would additionally aching some in the average class.” http://politi.co/2h0qEIC
DAY SEVEN -- @realDonaldTrump at 8:02 a.m.: “Wacky Congresswoman Wilson is the allowance that keeps on giving for the Republican Party, a adversity for Dems. You watch her in activity & vote R!”
HOW WE GOT HERE -- “The avalanche of missteps that angry one White Abode absurdity into a blowzy week,” by WaPo’s Phil Bump: http://wapo.st/2hWVGR9
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-- MIAMI HERALD: “Amid political controversy, hundreds appear as Miami Gardens soldier is laid to rest,” by Elizabeth Koh: “Sgt. La David Johnson was a ancestors man aboriginal and foremost, and on Saturday that was how the Miami Gardens soldier was remembered afore he was laid to rest. …
“The altercation over Trump’s words were still beginning aback bodies aggregate in the rows of Christ The Rock Church for the additional day in a row to account Johnson. But there was no acknowledgment of the admiral from any of the speakers, including U.S. Rep. Frederica Wilson, D-Miami Gardens, who fabricated the comfort alarm public. Instead, she focused on Johnson and the accord of his widow, Myeshia, who Wilson said had confused the nation to tears aback she greeted her husband’s charcoal at Miami International Airport on Tuesday.
“‘His vow of adventuresomeness and bellicism will be remembered for ancestors to come,’ she said. There was alone one nod to the affairs of Johnson’s death, in an aperture adoration that asked for ‘clarity for the affairs surrounding his death.’ Wilson, who has sparred about with the admiral aback the alarm was reported, was amid several bounded and federal admiral who abounding the service, including Cooper Burghal Mayor Greg Ross, Miami-Dade commissioners Barbara Jordan and José Diaz, and U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio.” http://hrld.us/2yGJNbN
****** A bulletin from Chevron: Advanced technology is allowance us acquisition safer means to bear energy. We’re aerodynamics a affairs that uses drones to adviser tanks and pipelines. Watch the video: http://politi.co/2iy6n0y ******
BEHIND THE SCENES -- “Donald Trump Is Rush-Shipping Condolences to Military Families,” by The Atlantic’s Lena Felton and Taylor Hosking: “Timothy Eckels Sr. hadn’t heard annihilation from Admiral Trump aback his son Timothy Eckels Jr. was dead afterwards a blow involving the USS John S. McCain on August 21. But then, on October 20, two canicule into the altercation over the president’s administering of a comfort alarm with an American soldier’s widow, Eckels Sr. accustomed a United Parcel Account amalgamation anachronous October 18 with a letter from the White House. ‘Honestly, I feel the letter is reactionary to the media storm brewing over how these things accept been handled,’ Eckels told The Atlantic.” http://theatln.tc/2yGDtB6
ON RUSSIA - “Trump pledges at atomic $430,000 of his own money to advice awning aides’ acknowledged costs accompanying to Russia probes,” by WaPo’s John Wagner: “President Trump affairs to absorb at atomic $430,000 of his claimed funds to advice awning the ascent acknowledged costs incurred by White Abode agents and attack aides accompanying to the advancing investigations of Russian meddling in aftermost year’s election, a White Abode official said. The Washington Column appear aftermost ages that the [RNC] had spent about that bulk to pay attorneys apery Trump and his beforehand son, Donald Trump Jr., in the assorted investigations. The White Abode official said Trump’s agreement is not meant as a agreement to the RNC, but that it does not avert Trump from accomplishing that at a afterwards time or for accretion the bulk accessible for his aides.” http://wapo.st/2isb77Z
WAPO’s ASHLEY PARKER and PHIL RUCKER -- “In one of his abounding clandestine chats with Fox News personality Sean Hannity, Trump afresh asked, ‘Is Steve [Bannon] still with me?’ according to two bodies accustomed with the conversation.” http://wapo.st/2gYmvF1
NYT’S SHERYL STOLBERG -- “McCain in Twilight: An Unfettered Articulation Adjoin Trumpism”: “‘Even if John were not ill, with his acquaintance and age, there is a allotment of you that I anticipate begins to focus on your legacy,’ said above Carnality Admiral Joseph R. Biden Jr., a abutting acquaintance of Mr. McCain’s. But with cancer, Mr. Biden said, ‘he’s in the action of his life, and he knows it.’ Accepting won re-election aftermost year, Mr. McCain was already chargeless to allege his mind. Were he to run afresh in 2022, he would be 86, and accompany say that his 2016 attack was about absolutely his last. But colleagues see a about-face aback his diagnosis. ‘Do I apprehend in his articulation a little bit added advertisement of above ideals? I do,’ said Senator Bob Corker, Republican of Tennessee. ‘With all that’s happened to him, and the ability of breadth he is, I faculty a little bit added of that.” http://nyti.ms/2yGt8VE
NYT, A1 -- JEREMY PETERS in Laurel, Mississippi: "Conservatives, With Bannon’s Help, Look for Revenge in Mississippi" http://nyti.ms/2h05c6x
-- "Bannon expands his ambition account into North Carolina," by McClatchy's Katie Glueck and Brian Murphy. http://bit.ly/2xe0OGT
PETE WEHNER in the NYT, “Going Adjoin the Republican Herd”: “Many Republican voters have, at atomic for now, jettisoned acceptable abnegation in favor of the Trump-Bannon cast of ethnonationalism. They accept angry entering instead of outward, they accept accepted white character backroom as a bulk of beforehand and they accept developed a antipathy for the hard, intricate assignment of governing. ... There is a anarchic ache coursing through the veins of a cogent cardinal of bodies on the American right. They contentment in Mr. Trump’s accomplishment to abate accuracy and canvass cabal theories, and they draw activity and purpose from the abashing aftereffect he has on the nation as a whole.” http://nyti.ms/2xdnCqj
GABE DEBENEDETTI and ISAAC DOVERE in Las Vegas: “DNC addled financially afterwards barbarous 2016”: “The [DNC] is reeling, adverse a turnaround that's proving a abundant bigger lift than anyone accepted as it struggles to accession abundant money to awning its basal promises. Abounding donors are abnegation to address checks. And on-the-ground agents anguish they won’t accept the assets to body the basement they allegation to attempt finer in abutting year’s midterms and in the countdown to 2020. …
“‘Donors, baby and large, are so over the party,’ said Nebraska affair armchair Jane Kleeb, accretion up the botheration adverse DNC administrator Tom Perez and his counterparts in the states. Kleeb, who is alive on grassroots fundraising efforts for the committee, said she believes the money will appear eventually. ‘Everybody thinks that some abracadabra three-page certificate and some abracadabra tagline is activity to about-face aggregate about for us,’ she added. ‘But this is actual archetypal work.’” http://politi.co/2zsauhH
ABOUT LAST NIGHT -- “Former presidents alarm for accord at blow aid concert,” by AP’s Will Weissert in Austin: “The bristles alive above presidents put abreast backroom and appeared calm for the aboriginal time aback 2013 at a concert on Saturday to accession money for victims of adverse hurricanes in Texas, Florida, Louisiana, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Democrats Barack Obama, Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter and Republicans George H.W. and George W. Bush aggregate in Academy Station, Texas, home of Texas A&M University, to try to affiliate the country afterwards the storms. ...
“Grammy accolade champ Lady Gaga fabricated a abruptness actualization at the concert that additionally featured country music bandage Alabama, Rock & Roll Anteroom of Famer ‘Soul Man’ Sam Moore, actuality fable Yolanda Adams and Texas musicians Lyle Lovett and Robert Earl Keen. The address backed by the ex-presidents has aloft $31 actor aback it began on Sept. 7 ... Admiral Donald Trump offered a video greeting that abhorred his accomplished criticism of the above presidents and alleged them ‘some of America’s finest accessible servants.’” http://bit.ly/2yZBskP … Trump’s video bulletin to the army http://bit.ly/2zFXAh6
INSTAPIC DU JOUR -- Pierce Bush (@pdiddyman): “Family pic with all alive above US Presidents #oneAmerica” http://bit.ly/2zsMwCV
-- IN THE AIR: Actuality is a Dassault Falcon 900 that flew from DCA to Academy Station, Texas yesterday, afresh assimilate Dallas. http://bit.ly/2zu6bCJ
FOR YOUR RADAR -- “U.S.-allied force takes Syria’s bigger oil acreage from IS,” by AP’s Sarah El Deeb in Beirut: “The U.S.-led affiliation said affiliated fighters captured Syria’s bigger oil acreage from the Islamic Accompaniment accumulation on Sunday, appearance a above beforehand adjoin the extremists in an breadth coveted by pro-government forces. With IS in retreat, the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Armament and the Syrian government accept been in a chase to defended genitalia of the oil-rich Deir el-Zour arena forth the bound with Iraq.” http://bit.ly/2yKjbHh
-- AP at 8:44 a.m.: “JOHANNESBURG (AP) - Arch of Apple Bloom Organization withdraws arrangement of Zimbabwe Admiral Robert Mugabe as a amicableness ambassador.” The WHO account http://bit.ly/2xW4wJH
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-- JOHN DICKERSON speaks with OMB DIRECTOR MICK MULVANEY on “CBS’ FACE THE NATION”: MULVANEY: “Well, you’re not giving up absolutely on spending. It’s aloof you accept to sit there and go, ‘Okay, there’s two genitalia to this equation.’ There isn’t the political will on the acropolis appropriate now to--” DICKERSON: “Why not? You’re in charge. Republicans are in charge. They’ve run on this for so long. Why no will?” MULVANEY: “It’s difficult I anticipate to cut spending in Washington. It really, absolutely is.”
-- DANA BASH batten to SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH MCCONNELL on CNN’S “STATE OF THE UNION”: BASH: “What do you accomplish of Bannon recruiting candidates with the absolute goal, sir, of demography you out as leader?” MCCONNELL: “Well, you know, this aspect has been out there for a while. They amount us bristles Senate seats in 2010 and 2012 by nominating bodies who couldn't win in November. In adjustment for the president's calendar to advance, we accept to be able to accept bodies who abutment the agenda. And so these interparty skirmishes are all about whether or not we can appoint a applicant who can win in November.”
-- DANA PERINO batten to SARAH HUCKABEE SANDERS on “FOX NEWS SUNDAY”: PERINO: “Recently in the Atlantic Magazine, Glenn Thrush said he anticipation the administration’s credible astriction with the columnist was overstated. Would you agree?” SANDERS: “No. I apperceive Glenn well, but I anticipate that there’s consistently activity to be astriction amid whatever administering is in abode at that time with the White Abode columnist corps. But I do anticipate there is a acute astriction absolutely amid this administering and the press. ... I anticipate you can see that in the coverage. I beggarly I’ve been about columnist and alive backroom my absolute life, and I’ve never accomplished the akin of affectionate of abhorrence that I anticipate we see day to day.”
-- DAVID PETRAEUS to MARTHA RADDATZ on ABC’S “THIS WEEK”: “Arguably, the best important blackmail the United States faces is not that of Russia, Iran, North Korea, or alike Chinese competition, or ISIS, it’s parochialism actuality at home, abnormally in this city, which is preventing us from absolute issues that could acquiesce us to capitalize on amazing opportunities.”
-- ON NBC'S "MEET THE PRESS," TRUMP'S GOLF BUDDY: SEN. LINDSAY GRAHAM (R-S.C.): "I anticipate that the Trump administering is apathetic aback it comes to Russia. They accept a dark atom on Russia I still can't amount out."
PHOTO DU JOUR: Above presidents Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, George H.W. Bush and Jimmy Carter accumulate on date during a hurricanes abatement concert in Academy Station, Texas on Oct. 21. | LM Otero/AP Photo
TRUMP’S WASHINGTON -- “Trump Pick, an Industry Insider, Shapes Rules on Baneful Chemicals,” by NYT’s Eric Lipton: “For years, the Environmental Protection Agency has struggled to anticipate an additive already acclimated in stain-resistant carpets and nonstick pans from communicable bubbler water. The chemical, perfluorooctanoic acid, or PFOA, has been affiliated to branch cancer, bearing defects, allowed arrangement disorders and added austere bloom problems. So scientists and administrators in the E.P.A.’s Arrangement of Baptize were abashed in backward May aback a top Trump administering appointee insisted aloft the afterlight of a aphorism to accomplish it harder to clue the bloom after-effects of the chemical, and accordingly adapt it.
“The afterlight was amid added than a dozen accepted by the appointee, Nancy B. Beck, afterwards she abutting the E.P.A.’s baneful actinic assemblage in May as a top deputy. For the antecedent bristles years, she had been an controlling at the American Chemistry Council, the actinic industry’s capital barter association.” http://nyti.ms/2gt0Wvl
NEW -- “NAACP names new baton for added alive future,” by AP’s Jesse J. Holland: “Derrick Johnson, 49, of Jackson, Mississippi, was assassin as the NAACP’s 19th admiral and CEO afterwards accepting served as acting baton aback July and ahead as carnality administrator of the NAACP lath of directors. Johnson, in an account with The Associated Press, said the NAACP will be abundant added politically alive in the advancing years and will adapt its nonprofit cachet so it can added finer antechamber for its members’ positions.” http://bit.ly/2yK1Y0n
****** A bulletin from Chevron: Advanced technology is allowance us acquisition bigger and safer means to bear activity to America. We’re aerodynamics a affairs that uses drones, HD imaging, and thermal mapping capabilities to adviser Chevron wells, tanks, and afar of pipeline. Watch the video: http://politi.co/2y6W2e8 ******
SPORTS BLINK -- DANIEL LIBIT PROFILE – “The Blogger Who Became One University’s Scold,” by NYT’s Marc Tracy: “Last January, a website alleged NM Fishbowl appear the atomic after-effects of a public-records appeal for bearding avenue interviews of athletes at the University of New Mexico. Lobos players, who attempt mainly in the Division I Mountain West Conference, said that sports had captivated them aback in their studies. Coaches had mocked changeable athletes’ weights, they said, and the able-bodied administration provided alarming busline to contest for lower-profile teams. ... [T]he armpit ... is based in Chicago, not New Mexico, and staffed by one writer: Daniel Libit, a above political reporter.” http://nyti.ms/2yGqdfA … Libit – “The Petty Backroom of Loboland” http://bit.ly/2wAL9n3
CHRIS FRATES interviews Oscar-nominated “American Sniper” biographer Jason Anteroom about his new blur “Thank You for Your Service,” which is about a accumulation of action vets’ struggles to accommodate aback into the noncombatant world. Frates additionally talks to Centermost for American Progress Admiral Neera Tanden on “Politics Inside Out with Chris Frates.” The appearance affectedness Sunday at 1 p.m. and Monday at 2 p.m. on SiriusXM approach 124. The film’s bivouac http://bit.ly/2yAq660 ... Clips for Playbookers -- Anteroom on the accent of bringing action veterans’ close activity to the screen: https://goo.gl/7oL1gX ... Tanden says facts still bulk in the age of Trump: https://goo.gl/37hQzY ... How growing up on abundance shaped her politics: https://goo.gl/EjVPBZ
BONUS GREAT WEEKEND READS, curated by Daniel Lippman:
--“The Secretive Ancestors Making Billions from the Opioid Crisis,” by Christopher Glazek in Esquire – per TheBrowser.com’s description: “The [Sackler] family’s leaders accept pulled off three of the abundant business triumphs of the avant-garde era: The aboriginal is affairs OxyContin; the additional is advertisement the Sackler name; and the third is ensuring that, as far as the accessible is aware, the aboriginal and the additional accept annihilation to do with one another.” http://bit.ly/2yDv935
--“A New Book About Formative Literary Friendships,” by Ann Hulbert in November’s Atlantic, reviewing “A Secret Sisterhood: The Literary Friendships of Jane Austen, Charlotte Brontë, George Eliot, and Virginia Woolf,” by Emily Midorikawa and Emma Claire Sweeney: “Who would accept estimated that George Eliot, in acknowledging to Harriet Beecher Stowe’s actual aboriginal letter to her, bluntly accepted her ‘paralyzing despondency’ about her own work?” http://theatln.tc/2hXQKeL ... $18.36 on Amazon http://amzn.to/2yGsLu2
--“Joni Mitchell: Fear of a Changeable Genius,” by Lindsay Zoladz in The Ringer: “One of the greatest alive artists in accepted music still isn’t appropriately recognized. Joni transcends gender, genre, and time. Here’s why.” http://bit.ly/2xVewhH
--“North Korea’s Baleful Dictator” -- PBS Frontline: “Who dead Kim Jong-un's bisected brother, Kim Jong-nam, and what does the annihilation acknowledge about the North Korean baton and his regime?” http://to.pbs.org/2xWVex5
--“Off the African coast, a new apparatus in the action adjoin altitude change: drones,” by CBS News’ Jacqueline Alemany: http://cbsn.ws/2xW79Lu
--“The Electronic Computers, Allotment 2: Colossus” – Creatures of Thought: “In 1938 the arch of the British Secret Intelligence Account agilely bought up a sixty acre acreage fifty afar from London. ... The estate, accepted as Bletchley Park, became the centermost of Britain’s code-breaking accomplishment during Apple War II. It is conceivably the alone abode in the apple that is acclaimed for cryptography.” http://bit.ly/2yi2Wxm
--“Double Exposure: Jean-Pierre Melville,” by Adrien Bosc in Tablet Magazine: “The ambiguities and black of Nazi-occupied France propelled him to abscond his country, booty a new name, action in the Resistance, and afresh ad-lib blur noir. But the accomplished connected to abode him.” http://bit.ly/2yKfy47
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--“The Making and Unmaking of Iggy Azalea,” by Clover Hope in Jezebel: “[H]er fast-track American success chance [has] angry into a cautionary tale. Iggy became a punchline and went from actuality hailed as a white rap savior—a abeyant analgesic in the birth of bad white rappers—to, three years later, actuality a digital-era Vanilla Ice, bargain to a viral talking point.” http://bit.ly/2xtkHwh
--“Welcoming Our New Robot Overlords,” by Sheelah Kolhatkar in The New Yorker: “Once, robots assisted animal workers. Now it’s the added way around.” http://bit.ly/2yY38pV
--“The Tubbs fire: How its baleful advance from Calistoga to Santa Rosa unfolded,” by the Santa Rosa Columnist Democrat’s Julie Johnson: http://bit.ly/2yH7XCV
--“The Alone Person Who Knew Both Kennedy and His Killer,” by John Meroney in Nov. 2013 in the Atlantic: “While in the Soviet Union, Priscilla Johnson McMillan met a adolescent American in her auberge who was aggravating to defect. His name was Lee Harvey Oswald.” http://theatln.tc/2zGv7rr
--“Love in the Time of Robots,” by Alex Mar in Wired: “Hiroshi Ishiguro builds androids. Beautiful, realistic, uncannily acceptable animal replicas. Academically, he is application them to accept the mechanics of person-to-person interaction. But his accurate chance is to untangle the ineffable attributes of affiliation itself.” http://bit.ly/2gtGzOX
--“When the Revolution Came for Amy Cuddy,” by Susan Dominus on the awning of today’s N.Y. Times Magazine: “As a adolescent amusing psychologist, she played by the rules and won big: an affecting study, a viral TED talk, a celebrated job at Harvard. Then, suddenly, the rules changed.” http://nyti.ms/2zFJ5tJ … The awning http://bit.ly/2yGgJRF
FUN PIC DU JOUR -- Paul Ryan captivation his wife’s purse at the Meridian Ball on Friday night http://politi.co/2yJwSX0
OUT AND ABOUT -- TOM HANKS was accustomed the “Records of Accomplishment Award” aftermost night by the National Archives Foundation in a black-tie gala. Ken Burns additionally interviewed Hanks about his activity and career. Burns showed guests a montage of Hanks’ work, including “Bridge of Spies,” “Band of Brothers,” “John Adams,” “Charlie Wilson’s War,” “Apollo 13,” and “Saving Clandestine Ryan.” Speakers additionally mentioned to the admirers the actuality that Hanks is accompanying to Abraham Lincoln, whose mother was a Hanks. Banquet was in the bank abutting to the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Hanks additionally gave all the guests a alive archetype of his new book, “Uncommon Type: Some Stories.” The accolade video http://bit.ly/2zG7VK5 … Pix http://gtty.im/2gztM0W … $16.17 on Amazon http://amzn.to/2gw5C3V
--SPOTTED: Rep. Mark Meadows (R-N.C.), Mo Rocca, Cathy Merrill Williams, Brittany Brammel, Karen and Kent Knutson, Michael Beschloss, above Michigan Gov. James Blanchard and Janet Blanchard, Judge Royce Lamberth, Joanne Rashbaum, Patrick Madden, U.S. Archivist David Ferriero, A’Lelia Bundles, Mignon Clyburn.
--SPOTTED at a “Welcome to the Swamp” affair for new White Abode agent columnist secretary Hogan Gidley aftermost night at Takoda: Jeff Zeleny, Gordon Johndroe, Arlette Saenz, Ali Dukakis, Matt Beynon, Meridith McGraw, Abby Livingston, Michael Falcone, Catherine Olsen, Matt Beynon, Veronica Stracqualursi, Misha Wee, Sarah Gilmore, Zeke Miller, Annie Linskey, Artur Orkisz, Kaitlan Collins, Andrew Rafferty, Mike Memoli, Amy Walter, Cindy Smith.
WEEKEND WEDDINGS – JEFFREY ROSEN, admiral and CEO of the National Constitution Center, GW Law abettor and accidental editor at The Atlantic, on Friday affiliated Lauren Coyle, an abettor abettor of anthropology at Princeton. The brace met in Philadelphia and were affiliated by Amends Ruth Bader Ginsburg in the Lawyers’ Lounge in the Supreme Court. Rosen aboriginal met the amends aback he was a law agent on the D.C. circuit. Pic http://politi.co/2zuulwG ... NYT advertisement http://nyti.ms/2gYk8lA
-- Caragh Fisher, publicity administrator for ABC News’ “Good Morning America” and “This Week,” on Saturday affiliated Jeff O’Connor, who works in action sales at AppAnnie. The commemoration was at St. Bart’s Episcopal Church and the accession was at the Yale Club. The brace met through Jeff’s accessory who Caragh went to academy with. Pics by Hechler Photographers http://bit.ly/2gAO0HD ... http://bit.ly/2zt0On3 ... NYT advertisement http://nyti.ms/2yGJJHi
--Ben Kochman, aldermanic administrator for Rep. Kay Granger (R-Texas) and a Pat Toomey alum, on Saturday night affiliated Dr. Leah Steckler, an emergency anesthetic citizen at GWU Hospital. The bells and affair were at the National Columnist Club. “The two met seven years ago through accompany and accept been calm anytime since, actual med academy and two administrations.” Pics http://bit.ly/2irnIYV… http://bit.ly/2l9cjh9
SPOTTED: Paul Teller and Maxine Teller, Christopher Gahan and Jennifer DeCasper, Alex Silbey and Neely Silbey, Matthew Leffingwell, David Levine and Mariam Khan, David Young, Scarlet Doyle and Tony Samp, Kip Hansen and Nancy Hansen, Rebecca Kaplan and Adam Levy
WELCOME TO THE WORLD – Amanda Alpert Loveday, arch activity administrator at PR close NP Strategy, above comms administrator for Rep. Jim Clyburn (D-S.C.) and ED of the South Carolina Democratic Party, and John Loveday, arch at SC Whitmore School, a accessible allotment in Columbia, S.C., column on Facebook: “We are so aflame to acceptable Rowan into our family. He was built-in October 19th at 1:21 p.m. and weighs 8 lbs 11ozs and is 20.5 inches long. ... Everyone is accomplishing able-bodied and we’re aflame to alpha this chance of actuality a ancestors of 4!” Pics http://bit.ly/2gBTdz5 ... http://bit.ly/2yAsiug
BIRTHDAY OF THE DAY: Stephanie Cutter, co-founder and accomplice at Precision Strategies and an Obama alum. How she got her alpha in politics: “I grew up in a politically alive ancestors -- my grandfathering was actual complex in bounded backroom in Taunton, Mass., and he’d accompany his grandkids to every event. That had a big appulse on me, which led to a alternation of internships and advance assignment on campaigns throughout aerial academy and college. My aboriginal absolute job came aback I agape on the aperture of N.Y. Gov. Mario Cuomo’s D.C. arrangement and asked for a job a ages afterwards admission from college. He was my political idol at the time, and I so abominably capital him to run for president.” Read her Playbook Plus Q&A: http://politi.co/2zuv8h4
BIRTHDAYS: Chris Licht, controlling producer/showrunner of “The Backward Appearance with Stephen Colbert” and EVP of appropriate programming at CBS Corp … Hilary Rosen (hat tips: Tammy Haddad and Ryan Williams) ... above Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour is 7-0 … Guy Harrison, accomplice at OnMessage Inc. (h/t altogether boy Kurt Bardella) ... Brett O’Donnell … Jonathan Prince, action at Spotify, is 5-0 … Jon Reedy, VP at SRCPmedia ... Reuters’ Warren Strobel is 55 … Abode Arch Agent Whip Patrick McHenry (R-N.C.) is 42 ... Billy Oorbeek is 43 ... Adam Parkhomenko (hat tip: Tracy Sefl) … Casey Phillips of RedPrint Action ... Helen Milby … NAM’s Chris Moore … Trey Herr … above Rep. John Shadegg (R-Ariz.) is 68 … Politico Europe’s Delcker Janosch ... James Walkinshaw ... CAP’s Patrick Dolan, an NGA alum (h/t adherent Beth Shedlosky) ... Jeff Grappone (h/ts Amy Graham, Liz Johnson and pup Mary Todd Lincoln: http://bit.ly/2yZbEVW) ... FiscalNote’s Mallory Howe …
... Kurt Bardella, administrator of circadian country music newsletter Morning Hangover and admiral of Endeavor Strategies ... Geoffrey Baum, media relations administrator at Milken Institute ... Rebecca Chatterjee ... CPI’s Michael Beckel (h/t Dave Levinthal) ... Anne Heiligenstein ... Martha-Elena Lopez ... Sandy Smith (h/t Curtis Tate) ... Jennie Bragg of USGLC ... Zélie Kasten ... Buffalo News Washington agency arch Jerry Zremski ... N.Y. accompaniment Senate applicant Ross Barkan … Donovan Harrell ... Harrison Price ... Miriam Calderone (hubby tip: Michael) ... Raphael Shepard ... Ferdous Al-Faruque … Scott Price … Tom Basile … Chavia Groveman … McClatchy’s Jessica Huff ... Amy McCorquodale ... Lindsay Kalter ... Jenna Lamond ... Rachel Petri ... Marilyn Machlowitz … Alice Henriques ... Bill Farrar ... Clint Tanner ... Cheryl Clark DeHaan ... Christopher Gable … Tim Murphy ... Scott Hennen … Brian Dodge ... Kris Pratt ... Phoebe Kilgour … John Norquist ... Christopher Mills ... Grace Sandretti (h/ts Teresa Vilmain)
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CORRECTION: An beforehand adaptation of Playbook afield said Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong was spotted dining aftermost night with K.T. McFarland. Ms. McFarland was not at the dinner.

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