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ACN 061 681 098
25 November 2015
ASX Market Announcements Australian Securities Exchange 20 Bridge Street
SYDNEY NSW 2000 By Electronic Lodgement
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Dear Sir/Madam
Paladin Energy Limited (Paladin or the Company) (ASX:PDN / TSX:PDN) announces the repurchase of a arch bulk of US$11,000,000 (the Repurchase) of its outstanding US$254,000,000 6.00% Convertible Bonds due 2017 (the 2017 Convertible Bonds).
The banknote bulk for the Repurchase was about US$9.9 actor as the bonds were bought aback at an boilerplate bulk of 90 per cent. The Repurchase has resulted in about US$2.0 actor of banknote accumulation to Paladin in the anatomy of abhorred arch and advertisement payments over the aeon to ability of the 2017 Convertible Bonds.
The Company has adjourned the Repurchase out of operating banknote flow, which has been architecture back the admission of the December division in-line with antecedent guidance. The action was additionally conducted to booty advantage of trading conditions, which abide to see the 2017 Convertible Bonds trading at a abatement to their face value.
This Repurchase of US$11,000,000 calm with the beforehand repurchase of the US$20,000,000 appear 8 September 2015, has bargain the arch bulk outstanding of the Convertible Bonds due 30 April 2017 from US$274,000,000 to US$243,000,000.
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Due to the adept attributes of the initiative, the appulse (and net savings) was not included in the FY2016 advice provided in the 30 September 2015 Quarterly Financial Report appear 12 November 2015.
The 2017 Convertible Bonds (ISIN: XS0775195562) were issued on 30 April 2012 and are listed on the Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited.
The adjustment date for the Repurchase is accepted to booty abode on or about 27 November 2015 or such added date as may be agreed with the repurchase agent. Upon adjustment for the Repurchase, the repurchased 2017 Convertible Bonds will be cancelled.
Paladin has adjourned the application payable for the Repurchase from its centralized banknote resources.
None of the Directors or the abundant actor of Paladin accept any interest, absolute or indirect, in the Repurchase.
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Yours anxiously Paladin Energy Ltd
Ref: 402791
Level 4, 502 Hay Street, Subiaco, Western Australia 6008 Postal: PO Box 201, Subiaco, Western Australia 6904
Tel: 61 (8) 9381 4366 Fax: 61 (8) 9381 4978 Email:[email protected] Website:
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