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With the president’s apathetic acknowledgment to accusatory neo-Nazis, his accepted comments about abandon on “both sides” column Charlottesville, and the alt-right’s accepted abutment of the accepted admiral (at atomic on 4chan and Reddit), I was absorbed in seeing how these two agenda conversations overlap. But how could we admeasurement that overlap in a allusive way? One abstraction we had was to attending at the links that were actuality discussed. Reddit is a abode of sharing--sharing jokes, images, and urls. Conversations or boards circumduct about hyper-specific capacity and we wondered how abundant overlap there ability be amid the links that are aggregate and discussed in the two communities.
["620"]A source of levity - Hilarious Donald Trump memes - Pictures - CBS ... | funny donald trump memesOur abstracts was sourced from a database of accessible Reddit comments originally aggregate by redditor u/Stuck_In_the_Matrix and after migrated to BigQuery by addition user, u/fhoffa.
We exported all accessible posts and comments from r/altright, which had its aboriginal column on Dec. 4, 2015, and r/The_Donald, which was created on June 27, 2015, from the alpha of anniversary subreddit through April 2017 (for r/The_Donald), and January 2017, which is back r/altright was banned for actionable Reddit’s agreement of use. (In retrospect, we should accept bound our assay to June 2015 through January 2017, the aeon back both forums were alive simultaneously.) At the time of our analysis, in May 2017, r/the_Donald had 396,526 subscribers. Because it was taken bottomward and banned, a lot of abstracts was lost. Thus, it was abundantly adamantine to acquisition the final subscriber count, what we did acquisition was that in November 2016, r/altright had 7,625 subscribers. The BigQuery database is mostly complete but there are occasionally gaps which we abounding application a accessory source, a database maintained by the aforementioned redditor, u/Stuck_In_the_Matrix.
Francis wrote a alternation of Python scripts to action all column and animadversion altercation to abstract any links referenced within. The scripts go over anniversary column and its comments and attending for strings of altercation that attending like URLs and saves those strings to a abstracted file.
We acclaimed angel links by attractive for angel extensions in anniversary URL -- if any accepted angel book addendum ("jpg", "jpeg", "gif", "png", or "gifv") is present in the URL, we tagged it as an image. There were so abounding images in the annal that we angry that angel abstracts set into addition activity focused accurately on belief beheld ability and memes. Our Knight Prototype Armamentarium Admission will armamentarium assay on those images. Added on that later.
We extracted the top akin domains (TLDs) of anniversary articulation we collected. We broadcast added accepted TLDs, such as (and variants like,, and, so that we could accumulation them by commodity or subreddit. These accurate sites are so ample and alter so abundant in agreeable that the TLD abandoned provides little context. What we begin to be the best interesting, were added subreddit links and Wikipedia.
Finally, we aggregate and counted the outbound links and computed arbitrary statistics on how they are used, namely attractive at the cardinal of references fabricated to specific URLs. Generally, the best important affair for this assay was popularity, and that we bent by bulk of links referencing specific sites. For example, the added links to Wikipedia, the added ‘popular’ Wikipedia became in the graphs.
In both communities, self-referential links to to added posts in the aforementioned subreddit bedeviled the counts, followed carefully by links to added subreddits. We were absorbed by how generally anniversary subreddit references itself, but on consideration, the cocky referential links shouldn’t appear as a big surprise: references to added posts from their own subculture body ‘in jokes’ and an cabal community.
It was additionally alluring to see what added subreddits are referenced often, and to anticipate about that as an indicator of what the association is talking about.
Our purpose was to assay what kinds of alfresco URLs were actuality shared, and whether there was overlap amid these two communities. What were the kinds of media and conversations that were overlapping, and what added sites were they bond to? Additionally, how generally were they internally bond to Reddit?
If you browse the subreddits affiliated in r/altright, what do you see? Is it hasty to see a lot of links to r/the_Donald or to r/conspiracy, r/autotldr? In r/altright, links to r/The_Donald overshadowed links to any added subreddit. It wasn’t to us -- r/The_Donald is a abundant aloft subreddit and discusses Trump, who is abundant admired by the r/altright community.
But what of the others? As researchers, our abutting footfall is to dig into why these subreddits are popular. Acceptance isn’t an adumbration of support, necessarily. A articulation to r/socialism does not beggarly that the readers of r/altright are pro-socialism. But they are watching that subreddit and discussing it. This was a acceptable quantitative base for added qualitative assay we are accomplishing next. Actuality are some examples of comments that articulation to r/socialism from r/altright:
"people on r/socialism aren't aloof economically Left, they're socially as well. They accept annihilation in accepted with you, they accept in an autonomous marxist utopia."
/r/socialism is waaaayyy abominable too.
"We charge to admission places like r/socialism and alpha authoritative posts about actuality cheated on, cucked, etc."
“Hey /r/socialism mods, thoughts on this: You accept failed. Socialism is dead. The workers are on our side. This acclamation was alone the beginning.”
["700"]Funny Donald Trump Pictures and Viral Images | funny donald trump memes"Oh yeah how'd you know!? I alive there with my 6 adopted atramentous kids that i accession by myself because i abhorrence my chase so abundant anytime back i got banned from /r/socialism, man they abiding showed me."
"This charge be the r/socialism burglarize club.....”
"I don't anticipate this sub is activity anywhere. I mean, if it gets big abundant maybe. But you accept subs like /r/socialism and /r/communism that aboveboard promotes abandon and generally white genocide.Also, bethink that the alt adapted is still actual baby in general, and not abounding bodies assay as alt right, abnormally not publicly. I've apparent lots of accidental Twitter accounts from women who abutment Trump and are appealing red pilled on chase and immigration, but don't go as far as announcement arrant 1488 memes or annihilation like that. These types of bodies (men as able-bodied as women) may actual able-bodied alpha anecdotic as alt right, at atomic privately, as the movement continues to grow. At any rate, these added "casual" assemblage are artlessly accumbent with us and will acceptable vote for behavior and politicians that we acquisition favorable, alike if they don't booty the time to allotment their opinions on alt adapted forums."
Conversely, sometimes ‘popularity’ of links can point to accepted abutment for a specific abstraction or ideology. But what is additionally important to attending at is what is the ‘culture’ and what makes up that ability from a qualitative perspective. Trolling and jokes appearance intentionality and norms for subcultures, abnormally subcultures on Reddit, 4chan and 8chan. You could say these are ‘just jokes’ and that anyone is advantaged to achieve them, and you’d be right. But it’s absorbing to see what gets joked about, if there’s pushback adjoin those jokes, and how agnate in attributes jokes tend to be. So we apprehend months annual of posts and looked at the kinds of jokes fabricated in r/altright to see what affectionate of overlap, if any at all, it had with added subreddits. Actuality are a few comments that affiliated to r/internethitlers. Again, what’s important actuality is not abundance but intention. Does it bulk how generally anti-semitic or ancestry jokes are fabricated or does it bulk that these jokes are advised as normal, funny humor? Back defining, studying, and visualizing abhorrence speech, it’s not aloof about abundance but additionally about norms and responses aural the culture. The beneath are acceptable examples of the r/altright’s norms in practice:
Here are some of the comments that articulation to r/internethitlers from r/altright:
You should appearance them [this]( animadversion that I wrote as well. It's affidavit that Trump supporters abutment eugenics! *gasp*
[/r/internethitlers] [*Can you brainstorm what will appear back the white man awakens in America? There are added of us here, than any country on Earth. Hail Victory!""](”
Here are added examples of trolling and jokes on r/altright:
"I was announcement in r/internethitlers and the mods over there tagged one of our boys with a swastika. I anticipation that was appealing cool! Best SRS subs would artlessly bead the banhammer on crimethink.
It would be accurate if our mods could tag ambiguous users like that with a dildo or something. Some bodies aren't advised trolls, aloof emotionally backward redditors who charge a scarlet letter. u/controlblue is a acceptable archetype of this, he's a acceptable guy but he aloof doesn't get it for whatever reason. Maybe a jar of peanut adulate would be appropriate.
* Dildos for shitlibs* Stars for our greatest allies* Pharaohs for kangs* Tacos for beaners* Goats for goatfuckers
And so on.
Just a anticipation anyway."
And from r/internethitlers:
"Unfortunately, we can't do abundant about blacks (I know, I appetite a shoah too) beside accumulate them in a abiding accompaniment of abjection in their cocky fabricated ghettoes."
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The accent actuality is what the words mean, and not aloof the abundance of the words. “Shoah”, for example, is the Hebrew chat for accident and is the Hebrew appellation for the Holocaust. However, it’s generally acclimated by the alt-right and added subgroups, like white supremacists and neo-Nazis, for all kinds of ‘displeasing’ situations. The alt-right is co-opting the term, and alteration it, agnate to the way that Pepe was co-opted This is archetypal trolling behavior.
It’s alike listed in this concordance folio that the r/altright acclimated to articulation to as actuality ‘a adverse situation.’ By allotment the Hebrew chat for the bonfire as the community's argot for annihilation displeasing, about mild, these Reddit communities are finer absolution the severity of the Holocaust. And that's intentional.
When Reddit banned r/altright, abounding of the users there flocked to Voat’s r/identitarianism board. There, too, they use “shoah” as an all purpose appellation for banishment or banning.
So area was the overlap? Posters on r/altright were actual abundant watching and talking about agreeable on r/the_Donald, but that wasn’t the alone abode area the two subreddits overlapped. It’s adamantine to say how abundant admission or babble about r/altright existed in r/the_Donald because of how ample and blatant r/the_Donald is. With several hundred thousand subscribers, r/the_Donald has a lot of agreeable and a lot of bodies commenting.
What’s added important to highlight actuality is not aloof abundance of links, but what the links mean. Is it worse or bigger that Bonfire jokes abide aural these subreddits or does the bulk of the jokes occurring bulk added than what the jokes mean? Whitney Phillips, media folklorist and biographer on 4chan and trolling culture, break afar the accent of ‘irony’ and ‘joking’ within
“Many bodies accept aloft the issues of performativity, back you’re responding to commodity that may be antic or is a joke. You can’t beachcomber abroad commodity abroad on the area that it is ‘just joking.’ You accept to accept how irony is performed [within a community] and what bodies are aggravating to achieve through their joking. You can’t say aloof joking, or demography it absolutely actively bare a performative element. Accepting a abstracts set that appearance these links actuality shared, that can appearance you a lot. But you accept to appearance what is actuality performed, does it authorize with irony or amusement aural that community?”
Phillips raises a acceptable point: does it bulk how frequently those jokes action or does it bulk added what they beggarly to the community? It can be a admixture of both. Does it bulk if both spaces absolutely appetite to dive into cabal theories? What’s important actuality is how we ascertain the actuality of agreeable and what that agreeable qualitatively means. Back allegory things like violence, conspiracies or abhorrence speech, we charge to attending aloft abundance of accident to acquire acceptation and importance. It’s not how abundant commodity occurs but that it occurred at all. That actuality said, accepting any affectionate of quantitative assay to outline abundant trends and capacity is abundantly important and point advisers area to attending at trends, as able-bodied as giving an all-embracing overview of the community. Quantitative assay can point a researcher in the administration of area to look, abnormally back ambidextrous with big data, and actual ample abstracts sets. In our case, seeing the aggregate of links, and the overlap of aggregate links gave us a abode to attenuated our assay and focus in on the kinds of conversations that were accident about those aggregate links.
A cogent allotment of the outbound links on both subreddits acicular to Wikipedia, so we capital to assignment bottomward and attending at which accessories anniversary affiliated to often.
There is some overlap amid the subreddits, but not a lot, but it’s beneath about the abundance or bulk of the aggregate links, and aloof that some of the links are aggregate at all. A catechism I’m still aggravating to acknowledgment with my assay is how do you actuate credo and aggregate political interests? Can it be abstinent by the aggregate of chat on one affair or by baby babble that is accurate and allowed?
As a researcher, I favor the closing argument. Back a subreddit does altercate commodity like “white superiority,” e.g. r/altright acknowledging white nationalism, it’s absorbing to see back conversations from one subreddit drain to another.
CAPTION: The r/altright subreddit absolutely authentic “white nationalism” as allotment of their bulk ideology.
CREDIT: Screenshot of r/altright sidebar, April 2017.
It is notable that the altercation is accident in that space, that it is accustomed to happen. So the accent is not that it’s a accepted altercation but that users feel adequate in accepting that altercation on that board. That’s area the overlap amid two subreddits gets absolutely interesting, abnormally with annual to aggregate links.
We begin actual little overlap in the accepted wikipedia articles, but there are a few analytical exceptions: "Streisand effect" and an commodity about a adolescent beastly corruption arena in South Yorkshire got a agnate aggregate of absorption on both boards. The alone agnate bulk of frequency/popularity was the wikipedia folio advertence Donald Trump. What is absorbing in the above, though, is what all the aggregate URLs are. The added acutely racist ones angle out added on r/altright, as they annual for a aloft allotment of links overall, but came up several times on r/the_Donald, too.
["800"]40 Most Funny Donald Trump Memes That Will Make You Laugh | funny donald trump memesIt helps to apperceive that the Bellamy address was additionally accepted as the “flag salute” in the 1890s back it was alien forth with the Pledge of Allegiance. Today you’d apparently admit it as a Nazi address -- agreement the adapted duke over the affection was formally adopted by Congress in 1942, in allotment because the long-armed address was so broadly associated with Nazis.
The Battle of Vienna is about Poland angry the “spread of Islam” from the Ottoman Empire. This is a animadversion from the r/the_Donald
“ Essentially, the Muslims had been acid blood-soaked swaths beyond Europe, North Africa and Central Asia for centuries. The Ottoman Empire was attempting to admission added into Europe. Capturing the burghal of Vienna would accept accustomed them a cardinal advantage, as this was admission to the Danube, etc.
The King of Poland marched his army bottomward and kicked their asses, and the Ottoman aggression into Europe was halted.”
And this is a animadversion from r/altright,
”Well, I absolutely accede that adoration can account aberrant decisions. However, I anticipate commodity that's actuality apparent adapted now, whether bodies apprehend it or not, is the intertwining of adoration and chase in an about awakening of celebrated conflicts.
It's been a little over 300 years back the Holy Roman Empire and the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth fought and won adjoin the armament of Islamic angry [in Vienna] (
I adjure Europe finds its body and listens to bodies like Cardinal Schonborn instead of continuing this debris accessible bound policy.”
Or that conversations about White Americans, area about the abatement of ‘white’ birthrates in the alt-right subreddit and statistics about the bulk of white bodies in abjection vs atramentous bodies in the r/the_Donald subreddit. Both conversations were about the perceived abatement of White people, admitting on actual altered topics: bearing bulk vs poverty. The absolutely Wikipedia page, admitting on, White Americans, break bottomward White Americans by demography information, amusing definitions and analytical chase approach definitions.
It is annual demography a afterpiece attending at why r/altright was so absorbed in
Animal abundance in Nazi Germany, but the Nazi’s were abundantly admiring of beastly rights so apparently the commodity is either a aegis of Nazis (they weren't all bad, they were nice to animals!) or vegetarians.
The Minnesota Transracial Adoption Abstraction is generally trotted out to authenticate that white americans are genetically superior. (The Wikipedia admission on the abstraction is the accountable of a 7 year adjudication action that added or beneath revolves about efforts to accumulate any criticism of the abstraction or it’s alignment off of the site.)
While this is aloof a baby allotment of the kinds of assay we’ve been accomplishing on the altright, it’s absorbing to see what and back conversations overlap amid added political groups and added amusing media spaces and networks.
Our abutting adventure will be to assay the images we begin in these two communities, with a admission from the Knight Prototype Fund. We’re architecture a dashboard to clue images and memes so that advisers and reporters can bound acquisition the origins of an angel or meme. Follow us on Twitter for updates -- we’re Susie, Francis, and Caroline.
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