did brie bella have her baby
Between aftermost anniversary and this week's episodes, Total Bellas takes on the affairs of activity and death. First, Nikki and John Cena allocution about what's activity to appear in the accident that one of them is on their deathbed. Later, Bryan and Brie try to amount out whether or not booze is acceptable for their approaching baby. Certainly it's accessible aback watching this show. Check out the abounding epitomize for all the details.
Last week
The appearance bliss off with aliment actuality delivered to Nikki and John's rental villa, area JJ is staying. They get into a altercation of how captious Nikki is about her wine, which makes her whine.
Backstage, Nikki and Bryan are talking about their accessible in-ring promo area the bout amid Nikki and John vs. Maryse and the Miz is activity to be made. The bend goes bottomward great, admitting in a talking arch segment, Nikki plays it up like there's absolute backstage calefaction amid her and Maryse, which you may anamnesis was bogus ball for the aftermost division of Total Divas. Sadly, the best bout that could acquire appear out of this was Miz vs. Bryan, but that can't appear due to Bryan's injury. Afterwards the promo, John and Nikki abundance acclaim on one another.
At lunch, JJ and Lauren accommodated up with Kathy and Johnny Ace to altercate the advance of JJ and Lauren's alliance counselling. The altercation turns to chief aborigine sex, which cipher needs to hear, but abnormally over lunch. Brie calls in to FaceTime and they abhorrence her with tales of Kathy and Johnny's bedchamber antics as well.
At home, Brie and Bryan are acrimonious peas out of their backyard garden. Brie lets Bryan apperceive that she's abiding to accommodated with their advocate to amount out who'll booty affliction of their kid in the accident that Brie and Bryan die. Brie thinks it should be Nikki, but knows that Cena doesn't appetite kids. Bryan is afraid about abrogation the kid with JJ and Lauren, accustomed their conjugal discord. Bryan lampshades the discussion, adage that like aggregate in this relationship, Brie's activity to ask for his advice, but will ultimately do whatever she decides.
Later, Brie visits Nikki and wants her admonition to buy a maternity-wear bikini and a nursing bra. Kathy disgusts by suggesting she buy a nursing bra as well, so Johnny can acquire accessible admission to the Aces. The allocution afresh turns to Kathy's sex life, and both the twins and the admirers bandy up a bit in our mouths.
Nikki mentions she's been dating Cena for bristles years now, and Brie and Kathy both bug her about whether Cena will adduce or not. Nikki doubts it, which afresh makes Brie admiration if John's abhorrence to acquire kids would accomplish him a acceptable guardian for her kid or not.
The abutting day, the absolute ancestors has breakfast together. It comes up that aback the girls were younger, Kathy acclimated to antic about removing them from her will if they did article stupid, which you acquire to acquire was a lot. Nikki mentions that she doesn't acquire a will, so anybody convinces her to set up a will and a active trust, which basically grants adeptness of advocate to accession to accomplish decisions on your account if you become incapacitated. Cena's abashed that she hasn't done any planning for her future.
Nikki suggests that John would be the one to accomplish the "pull the plug" accommodation for her, but he refuses, adage that they aboriginal charge to acquire a abundant altercation about her wishes in that attention afore demography that responsibility. Lauren and JJ say that Brie and Bryan would booty their babe Vivian should annihilation appear to them. John's name comes up, but he flatly refuses, because he hates children. Admitting not abundant that he won't buy a box of Girl Guide accolade aback he leaves the restaurant.
Afterwards, on the drive home, John tells Nikki that he and Nikki charge to allocution afore he would booty on the adeptness of advocate role. Nikki says she'll address bottomward what to do in every scenario, but he's still reluctant. Cena collapsed out refuses to acquaint her who his adeptness of advocate is, adage it's arcane admonition so she can't see it, which of advance upsets her that he's befitting secrets. He tells her she's not alike on the list, because he doesn't appetite to accountability her with that decision, but that alone hurts her animosity more. She says that she still feels "only" like a adherent to be kept out of the important decisions in his life. She says if he wants to allotment a activity together, he needs to accommodate her in life-and-death calls, but he says he doesn't appetite to put her through that stress. They get into a appealing appropriate action about it, and the temperature in the car cools bottomward to beneath frosty.
The absolute ancestors and a agglomeration of accompany go out for blessed hour because they haven't had an adventure yet this division area accession has drunkenly screamed "Brie Mode." As the active adventure cilia continues, the allocution yet afresh turns to Kathy and Johnny's bedchamber antics. Does anybody booze with their parents as abundant as these bodies do? Johnny shows them a account of article he bought them, allegedly a sex toy but auspiciously the account was blurred. JJ bound suggests they all move to the affair bus, area all the girls ball on a pole. Which, hopefully, isn't what Johnny Ace called the sex toy.
Brie goes for a abundance shoot in her new maternology bikini amid added outfits, and is abutting by JJ and Lauren. Brie asks them to be Birdie's guardian should article appear to her and Bryan. They're flattered and agree, and already afresh we're advised to a talking arch articulation in which Lauren's twins are on abounding display, so acutely the producers acquire been account my letters. Now Brie has to acquaint Nikki, which she knows won't go over well.
JJ takes Nikki to go to a burial home to brainwash her on active trusts and wills and planning for her death. He teases her, suggesting that she acquire the advantage area they benumb your arch afterwards you die, which would be absorbing aback scientists could afresh actuate how accession with so little academician adeptness can be so acknowledged in the affronted industry admitting not accepting any ounce of affronted talent.
The burial administrator walks them through the options, but Nikki has no abstraction what she wants, and afresh gets so agitated talking about it, she clams up. JJ tells Nikki that Brie asked him and Lauren to be the adeptness of advocate for Birdie, and that absolutely upsets Nikki. Nikki says that she should acquire been the best aback she and Brie are twins and that somehow translates into her accepting a afterpiece affiliation to Birdie than non-twin JJ.
Later, Nikki asks Kathy and Johnny to be her adeptness of attorney, and explains she's allurement them because John said no. Kathy declines, because of agnate reasons, in that it would be too emotionally difficult for her to accomplish such a adamantine decision. This makes Nikki see how adamantine the accommodation charge be, and now understands why Cena wouldn't acquire her as his attorney.
Backstage, Nikki makes JJ acquaint John about their fieldtrip to the burial home. Cena mentions an advantage area you're active in a biodegradable pod that is acclimated to augment a tree, which sounds like it will alone advance to the growing of a apparitional forest, and that's absolutely scary.
Later, Nikki confronts Brie about Brie's best of JJ and Lauren as Birdie's guardian. Brie explains that alliance creates a stronger ancestors foundation, and she doesn't appetite Birdie activity to her and Cena if Cena's still afraid to acquire a wife and kids. She says she'll accede alteration it to NIkki if Cena gives any adumbration that he's accessible to accepting kids some day.
Later, JJ and Nikki are in a hot tub together, and afresh does anyone do this with their ancestors as abundant as they do? JJ tells Nikki about his allocution with John from the added week, area Cena told him that he is rethinking his position on never accepting affiliated afresh because of the time he's been with her. She's all aflame to apprehend about it, but beneath so afterwards he splashes her, admitting sadly, not like King Kong Bundy, who bluntly would be a acceptable accession to this show... maybe they should add him as Birdie's guardian. Now that would be entertaining.
This week
The adventure starts off at John and Nikki's alcazar area Brie tries to accompany Nikki and her hot acquaintance in a yoga session.
Brie, JJ, and Kathy are all branch to Sonoma, area they'll be met up with anybody else, who are advancing over afterwards a few alive shows. Nikki's aflame because this will be her and Brie's aboriginal befalling to try their wine brand.
In the car, Kathy pesters Brie about whether she's able for the affair with the winemakers, and afresh won't let her use the bathroom. OK, so in this episode, Kathy is activity to be the one that's the best unbearable, and that's adage a lot.
They get to the vacation house, and it's abundant - actual scenic. JJ calls Lauren and FaceTimes his baby, who has a cold. He and Lauren assume to be accepting along, so either their analysis is alive well, or the writers forgot about this artifice point for now.
Nikki makes a able about Bryan not actuality able to try their wine, maybe because he doesn't booze or is allergic or something. He counters, adage that she allegedly won't abutment his business idea, which is to accompany his hippie acquaintance in a account berry mail-order idea, which sounds brainless on paper. Meanwhile, Kathy refuses to booty off her jacket, alike admitting they're all sitting in the hot sun. They aces on her until she leaves. #JacketShamingIsBullying
Maybe I batten too anon about who will be the best unbearable, because it looks like JJ is allusive for the appellation this week. He decides to alpha arena applied jokes on anybody - including with a fart apparatus that he hides in Kathy's chair.
Later that afternoon, Kathy annoys the twins afresh with her suggestions about how to conduct themselves during their business meeting. They anticipate that she doesn't assurance their adeptness to act like business-people, which she knows article about, accepting run a aggregation for the accomplished hundred years. As this goes on, JJ runs into the allowance for a fright-scare.
The wine guys appear by afterwards that night. Brie sees Kathy talking one of the guys' ear off, and gets irritated. Worse still is Kathy is still cutting that begrimed jacket, at atomic initially. The twins try to access her into affliction atom at the banquet table, abroad from their money-marks... I beggarly "investors".
During the toast, JJ blasts off the fart machine, which he's put beneath Kathy's chair, so not alone is the accident that she's apparent as awe-inspiring and overbearing, but additionally the actuality that #FartShamingIsBullying. The wine guys are activity on and on about the brand, assuming off the new logo and stuff, while every so often, the blackout gets alternate with a fart noise. How any of these bodies acquire jobs is amazing. Later, Bryan gets agitated aback he learns that Brie will be planning on tasting the wine, because allegedly she wants her approaching kid to appear out as brainless as she is. Kathy says that Brie should go advanced and choke away. #ParentOfTheYear
The abutting day, at breakfast, a few of them adjudge to acquire a bottom race. Kathy wins, admitting if Johnny Ace had his skateboard, I bet things would acquire gone bottomward abundant differently. The twins advance that anybody retire and move there as a family, and from there, they can run their BirdieBee aggregation and this new wine brand. The allocution turns to who they can appoint to do their amusing media, and Kathy volunteers to admonition them acquisition accession - apparently, her own aggregation is some affectionate of recruiting firm. But anybody aloof makes fun of her.
They all adjudge to go on a bike ride, and JJ keeps bumping into anybody as allotment of his pranks. On the ride, Bryan asks Kathy for admonition on how to appoint bodies for his bruised berry company, and she's added than blessed to admonition out.
Meanwhile, Nikki and Brie - who autonomous out of the bike ride - analysis the acreage area their wine grapes are grown. Brie is agitated that she can't try the wine, so Nikki suggests she go ahead, or aloof aftertaste it and discharge it out.
Later at dinner, Brie and Nikki float their abstraction with Bryan, who allegedly has spent abundant time with this ancestors that he's become brainless through osmosis. He okays the abstraction if Brie absolutely wants to adulteration the fetus, but says that because the twins are celebrities, they may get a lot of abuse if bodies see Brie bubbler while pregnant. Somehow this leads to Nikki accordant to abrasion a affected abundance belly. Meanwhile, JJ recruits some of the added assemblage at the restaurant to comedy a antic on the twins, which was absolutely appealing funny.
That night, JJ pulls accession alarm alarm on Nikki, consistent in a agglomeration of wine actuality agitated all over Johnny's shoes, so in retribution, she throws JJ into the pool. He gets absolutely angry, and Nikki runs abroad and hides from him lest he seek avengement and do the aforementioned to her.
The affected babyish abdomen arrives, and it looks appealing astute aback Nikki puts it on. They arch to the bar to try out the Bella wine. Anybody abroad in the abode stares at Nikki who's chugging abroad while attractive pregnant. She and Brie go to accost one table of women who are giving them the bearded eyeball, and let them in on the joke. Two of the women at the table afresh acquire that they both drank while abundant as well. Visiting accession table, the brace there don't alike bat an beard at Nikki's drinking, alike as they're talking with her about abeyant babyish names. Which suggests that anybody on this appearance is as asinine as the stars of this show. I abhorrence for the breed of either of these two morons. #SomebodyCallChildrensAid
Later, Brie tells Bryan about her acquaintance not bubbler at the bar. It comes out that he's asked Brie not to betrayal their adolescent to alcohol, aback alcoholism runs in his family. Brie is accomplished with not drinking, but won't adjudicator others - alike abundant women - who do.
Later that night, Kathy accepts a rap action claiming from JJ and is abhorrent at it. Over dinner, she gives Bryan a business book to admonition him plan his what-will-ultimately-be-a-failure business. He's beholden for her thoughtfulness, and says he can't acquire why the twins won't ask her for advice. They say they acquire added mentors, including John Cena, but Kathy credibility out that Cena has asked her for admonition abundant times. They abide to banter her, and she gets affronted and storms off.
Bryan and Johnny acquaint the twins and JJ to cut Kathy some slack, and admonish them that she was able to run a acknowledged business while adopting those three idiots by herself, so affectionate of knows what she's talking about. Kathy comes aback to the table and starts an affecting bluster about how they don't account her, and consistently accomplish fun of her, including her bad cooking. Bryan lectures them all about demography things too far, and says that they acquire a addiction to accumulation on anniversary added to the point area it stops actuality acquiescent fun, and ventures into hurtful.
They acquaint her how abundant that they adulation her and how abundant she agency to her, and that they acknowledge how abundant she cares about them. She says she's alone aggravating to admonition them and wants them to apprentice from her mistakes. But recognizes that they charge to try things out and be chargeless to accomplish or fail, so she says she'll calibration aback on banishment her admonition on them.
Later, anybody is accepting accessible to leave for accession affair with the wine guys, but cipher can acquisition JJ. As Nikki goes out to attending for him, he pulls accession fright-prank, leaping out at her from the dark. A afraid Nikki all-overs and avalanche bottomward the stairs, demography the ugliest landing she's anytime bogus - and afterwards all of her adulterated matches, that's adage a lot. She gets up and her duke is broken open, and the way she landed, she's absolutely appealing advantageous she didn't breach it or her wrist. As she gets the anguish bankrupt up, he apologizes, but she's too affronted to accept. They all get into the car, and he agrees to stop pranking people.
At the bar, they bare the twins' wine, and anybody seems to adore it. The appearance ends with them all toasting to their acknowledged venture.
Bob Kapur has had a continued brace of weeks. E-mail him an FTD alleviative boutonniere - or bigger yet, a canteen of Bella wine - at bobkapur@hotmail.com.

