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craigslist secret code
"How should we fix Craigslist?" sounds like a impaired question. The Web's best accepted classified-ad armpit is fantastically acceptable at putting bodies together. It's the quickest, easiest way to acquisition a roommate, accession to airing your dog, accession to buy your junk, or accession to do, ahem, added being with your junk. With its old-school architecture and drop-dead-simple interface, anyone can accept Craigslist, which agency that anybody uses Craigslist. In the business of classifieds, it faces around no allusive competition.
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And again there are its ambrosial business mores. Craigslist is appealing abundant free—the armpit accuse for job listings in big cities and for accommodation listings in New York, but added than that you can column as generally as you want, in as abounding categories as you want, for nothing. It is additionally absolutely chargeless of banderole advertising, a rare, adored abruptness on the Web these days, and a axial aspect of its hippie image. Though Craigslist is a advancing business—estimates put its 2009 revenues at $100 million—it feels added like a love-in: He could be account billions, but Craig Newmark, the eponymous founder, has sacrificed it all in adjustment to accord the apple a abundant way to get together.
Which is all fantastic. And yet there's no arguing that Craigslist is dysfunctional. Abounding of its categories are beat with spam or acutely affected listings. It is an enabler of artifice and added animal misdeeds—we can abatement the abominably amazing abridged belief blaming Craigslist for causing murders, but its anonymity-friendly interface does accomplish it accessible for idiots to column abusive things, sometimes to adverse effect. Craigslist is additionally a blend to navigate: The armpit ability accept a simple interface, but it's bulky to search—you can acquisition being by keywords, but it gives you no added way to attenuated bottomward listings. You can't array a area in any way added than chronologically, a affliction that sends every new ad hurtling bottomward the page—and prompts bodies to column the aforementioned ad many, abounding times. Newmark brand to say that Craigslist operates beneath a "culture of trust." But the site's bigger declining is its abnegation to action any means to bolster trust. All kinds of Web ventures—e-commerce sites, dating sites, social-networking sites, and analysis sites like Yelp—have begin means to abate the risks of bearding encounters amid strangers online. Craigslist has bootless to apprentice these lessons; it has remained puzzlingly, annoyingly static.
Two contempo developments prompted me to anticipate about means to fix Craigslist. The aboriginal was Gary Wolf's accomplished awning adventure in this month's Wired, which takes Newmark and Craigslist CEO Jim Buckmaster to assignment for their camp administration style. In essence, it's administration by neglect. They assume to be against to authoritative any changes to the armpit on the area that bodies adulation it the way it is—which is true, but bodies accept admired a lot of things that were after improved, including, best pertinently, the Yellow Pages and bi-weekly classifieds. Craigslist isn't broken, but that's no acumen not to fix it.
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That brings me to Redbeacon, a startup that launched at this week's TechCrunch50 conference, which offers a able eyes for convalescent the array of encounters we now attending for on Craigslist. Redbeacon is a cantankerous amid Craigslist and the restaurant-reservation armpit OpenTable; it acts as an agent amid barter and bounded account providers—dog walkers, bakers, plumbers, gardeners, etc. If you're attractive for a gardener, go to Redbeacon and blazon in your needs—what affectionate of garden you have, how generally you'd like the agriculturalist to stop by, what specific ability you'd like him to possess, and so on.
Your appeal goes to bounded gardeners who've registered with Redbeacon; they accede your needs and accelerate aback quotes for their services. The gardeners aren't anonymous—you see their names and reviews from added Redbeacon and Yelp users. Connecting with the account providers is additionally a snap: Just bang on the bid you like and columnist "accept." There's no buzz tag or amaranthine e-mail chains, and because the businesses pay Redbeacon a fee back accession accepts an offer, you can be analytic abiding they're not activity to cell out—which in my acquaintance is a huge botheration on Craigslist. (See Redbeacon's presentation video here.)
Redbeacon won TechCrunch's top prize—$50,000 in berry money—but, as abounding of the conference's attendees acicular out, it faces a chicken-and-egg problem. Barter will use the armpit alone if abounding businesses assurance up, but businesses won't assurance up after the apprehension of accepting a lot of customers. As Wolf credibility out, that has continued been Craigslist's abstruse to success—it's accomplished analytical accumulation and is now about absurd to topple. While I'm aflame about Redbeacon, my capital achievement is that it prompts accession in local-service sites and that it pushes Craigslist to change its ways.
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How should Craigslist fix itself? Wired asked several Web designers to booty a ache at it; I like some of their account (particularly New York Times artist Khoi Vinh's reimagining), but their fixes were mainly aesthetic, and I'm absorbed in anatomic improvements. Here, then, are my three suggestions:
Reduce anonymity. Mistrust pervades Craigslist: Every time you accessible a advertisement or get a acknowledgment to your ad, you admiration whether the contributor is absolutely who he says he is and is absolutely alms what he says he will. Of course, that botheration has continued bedeviled online interactions. But added sites accept appear up with an accessible fix—reviews and acceptability scores. Every alternation on eBay after-effects in a rating; in time, the ratings become a proxy for trustworthiness. This polices behavior in all kinds of ways—not alone does it advice anticipate artifice (you won't barter with accession who's been accused of scamming added people), but it additionally promotes bigger account from bodies who aren't absolute crooks. Craigslist users face no amends for flaking out—if a charwoman you contacted never shows up for his appointed appointment, nobody's anytime activity to know. Acceptability array would fix that.
Better search. Say you're attractive to hire a two-bedroom accommodation with a parking atom that's aural two afar of Palo Alto Aerial School. Or say you appetite to go out on a date with a woman who's taller than 5 anxiety 7. Tough luck: Craigslist offers no acceptable way to assignment bottomward into chase results. Sure, you can try keywords—search for "palo alto aerial academy parking," conceivably abacus a zip code—but you'll acquisition yourself accepting lots of after-effects that don't assignment (for instance, listings that say "no parking," "off-street parking," or "expensive, acutely alarming parking barn amid nearby" will bout your search). As a result, you decay a lot of time browsing through abortive posts.
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Solution: Craigslist should actualize connected forms for accepted listings. Anyone announcement an accommodation would be asked to account specific stats and amenities, and anniversary of these fields would be searchable. The aforementioned could go for jobs, cars, computers, and people. In addition, the armpit should let you array by these fields. As of now, every chase allotment abstracts chronologically, which isn't actual useful. Why can't we rank apartments from cheapest to best expensive, or computers from slowest to fastest, or bodies from beeline to tallest?
Open it up to alfresco developers. Over the years, several programmers accept approved to advance Craigslist by presenting its abstracts in added advantageous ways. Jeff Atwood created a account that let bodies chase for listings beyond all of Craigslist's cities. Another service, Listpic, let bodies browse Craigslist by photo rather than text—hugely accessible if you're attractive for a car, apartment, or date. Craigslist shut them both down, adage anniversary abandoned the site's agreement of service.
Craigslist has continued captivated itself up as the apotheosis of Internet acceptable behavior, but in this regard, it's far abaft the times. Around every added Web account opens itself to outsiders—Twitter has an amazing API that allows for third-party chase engines and desktop apps, and Facebook lets bodies add all kinds of added functions to its amusing network. Craigslist has argued that absolution bodies use its abstracts will run up its bandwidth bill, but there's an accessible band-aid to that—charge developers a fee for access.
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Other companies could again set up advantageous interfaces for Craigslist and armamentarium their operations either through announcement or cable fees. And we barter could assuredly get a bigger classified listings site. After all, if Craigslist doesn't appetite to fix itself, why not let others try?
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