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babylons can t crack the code
ELLEN F. O'CONNELL/Staff Photographer Bernie Maopolski, coordinator of One Point, uses the actual aggregate to accessible a basement acclimated as a advance for affairs the Greater Hazleton-opoly amateur above-mentioned to and during the anniversary season. Looking on from larboard are: Allen Wagner, administrator of the Greater Hazleton Alcove of Commerce's association acquaintance committee; Lonnie Polli and Donna Barna, both lath members; Donna Palermo, GHCC president; Gary Danish, lath member, and Earl Berger, admiral of Berger Family Dealerships.
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ELLEN F. O'CONNELL/Staff Photographer Participating in the "cracking of the vault" are from left: Donna Palermo, GHCC president; Donna Barna, Lonnie Polli, both lath member; Jeff Berger, accepted administrator at Berger Family Dealerships; Earl Berger, buyer of Berger Family Dealership; Bernie Maopolski, coordinator of One Point; Allen Wagner, lath administrator and Gary Danish, lath member.
There may accept been a bigger adventitious of accepting out of bastille chargeless than acceptable a award-winning acclimated as a advance for the Greater Hazleton-opoly game.
But it wasn't aloof any prize. Not a cruise on the Reading Railroad or additional award-winning in a adorableness contest, like in the acceptable lath game, but a 2014 Buick Encore or $20,000 in banknote through Berger Family Dealerships in West Hazleton.
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To win the "Crack the Case" contest, contestants bare to access a actual six-number aggregate assimilate the keypad of a safe, said Allen Wagner of the Association Acquaintance Lath of the Greater Hazleton Alcove of Commerce, which oversaw the lath game's development.
More than 500 bodies tried, he said.
"No one punched in the appropriate number," explained Bernie Maopolski from OnePoint, the Scranton-based aggregation that advised the Hazleton-opoly game. Six-number codes can anatomy absolutely 1,000,000 combinations.
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Maopolski, forth with assembly from Berger and the chamber, aggregate Wednesday morning at the dealership to acknowledge the code. Earl Berger, the dealership's owner, bare scissors to accessible a closed accessory labeled "master envelope."
"It's actual secure," Berger said, afterwards his scissors-free aboriginal attack to breach accessible the envelope.
Berger apprehend the acceptable code: 6-7-6-3-4-2. Maopolski punched it in, and with a aberration of the handle, the basement opened.
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Berger absitively to sponsor the promotional bold and prizes afterwards he added his business' name to a amplitude on the bold board.
"It was actual accessible in affairs the games" during the anniversary season, Wagner said. "There were abounding attempts, but of advance the basement didn't accessible until this morning."
Although the challenge has ended, Hazleton-opoly amateur are still accessible for acquirement at the alcove appointment and Giant Food Store in Hazleton; T. Verrastro Beer Distributor in West Hazleton and the Laurel Mall.
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