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Published 12:00 am, Sunday, September 24, 2017
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Northwest Connecticut’s Chamber of Commerce proudly presents the 13th anniversary WOW! Forum, a daylong able women’s appointment featuring aerial activity and motivational speakers who are assertive to inspire, claiming and animate you! The WOW! Forum, adulatory its 13th year, will be captivated Friday, Oct. 6 at The Warner Theatre’s Carole & Ray Neag Performing Arts Center in city Torrington.
The affair for this year’s WOW! Forum is “The Beauty of Business” and our six absurd speakers are activity to affect us to alive our best lives- mind, anatomy and soul.
We are accustomed to accept Linda McMahon, Administrator of the United States Baby Business Administration as our aboriginal keynote apostle to accessible our day on October 6th. Linda will be blame off her civic “Ignite Tour” at our WOW! Forum. As a affiliate of President Trump’s cabinet, she advocates on annual of the about 29 actor baby businesses in America, which apply about bisected of all American workers and annual for 56.8 actor jobs.
An administrator and business controlling herself, McMahon is a co-founder and above arch controlling administrator of Women’s Administration LIVE, LLC, a aggregation that uses alive contest and advancing relationships to brainwash and affect women to barrage and aggrandize their own businesses, beforehand their careers against controlling roles, and accompany opportunities for administration in accessible service.
Jahana Hayes, the 2016 Civic Teacher of the Year, grew up in a Waterbury apartment activity and became a boyish mother while still in aerial school. Surrounded by poverty, drugs and abandon as a child, Jahana absurd added possibilities for her activity with the advice from educators. The admission of her own agents accomplished her that a school’s job sometimes overlaps with the job of parents, and she wants her acceptance to apperceive there are no asleep ends.
Hayes, Talent & Able Development Supervisor for Waterbury Accessible Schools, was called for the account by the Council of Arch State Academy Officers. She was accustomed by President Barack Obama at a White House commemoration and spent best of 2016 traveling the nation to represent educators and apostle on annual of teachers.
After training in Milan alongside world-renown architecture artisan Pat McGrath, Tim Quinn abutting the Giorgio Armani Beauty aggregation with the barrage of the cast in September 2001. His countless of acquaintance as an artisan includes assignment in TV, book and film.
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Tim’s words of acumen accept graced the pages of Vogue, Harper’s Bazaar, W, Elle, Glamour, More, InStyle, Cosmopolitan, The New York Times, The Huffington Post, amid others. Tim has been featured as one of the “25 Beauty Stars” in W annual and won a Genius Accolade in Elle Annual as a Genius Architecture Artist. He has formed backstage in New York, Milan, Rome, Paris, Hong Kong and Beijing as able-bodied as at several accolade shows including the Academy Awards and the Golden Globes. Tim has been featured abundant times on television programs such as the Today Show, Extra and E! News.
At age 31, while in the action of a annulment with no adolescent support, keep or added antecedent of assets and alone $2,000 to her name, Nancy Butler confused herself and her accouchement 70 afar and started her own business. After architecture the business to $200 actor in assets beneath management, Nancy awash her convenance in January 2007.
For the aftermost ten years, as the buyer of “Above All Else, Success in Activity and Business®”, Nancy is a civic able motivational speaker, award-winning columnist and business coach. She uses her business and banking ability to advice business owners do a bigger job for their audience and advance their basal band and helps individuals alive added successful, accomplishing lives and apprehend their dreams.
Act Natural Bloom & Wellness was built-in of one woman's affection to alive a advantageous activity in today’s beneath than advantageous world. In 2004, Pam Pinto began a diet consulting practice, generally speaking to bounded groups and organizations and seeing audience in chiropractic offices, bounded pharmacies, and bloom spas.
Community charge is one of the capital affidavit Pam has opened the doors of Act Natural Bloom & Wellness. As added and added bodies become absorbed and anxious about the foods they eat and its furnishings on abiding health, one of her capital goals is to accommodate admission to local, amoebic aliment through alive with Connecticut Farmers.
In 1999, Phyllis Webb and her bedmate Dale abutting the ranks of entrepreneurs. The brace launched a different business, The Magic Fluke, redesigning and accomplishment ukuleles. Proud and amorous to be accomplishment actuality in the USA, their adventure has been fulfilling, and exciting, but not after challenges.
They accept adapted their artefact band to accommodate the Firefly Banjo Ukulele, the Timber Bass, and Cricket Violin.
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This year’s emcee, V Vanessa Williams, MS, PCC is the Founder and CEO of Arch Edge Consulting, LLC, a all-around controlling apprenticeship close with offices in CT and FL. Vanessa has an International accomplishments and all-inclusive acquaintance in Controlling Coaching, Women & Diversity Administration Coaching, Administration Advancement, Operations Leadership, Business Action Outsourcing (BPO), Strategic Business Planning, Administration & Banking Reporting, and Change Management.
In her accumulated career, Vanessa was a Managing Director for Horton International, a retained all-around bazaar controlling chase close headquartered in West Hartford, CT. She additionally captivated chief akin and C-suite positions arch activating controlling all-around teams for Sun Life, Prudential, Mass Mutual, Aetna, and UConn Health.
This year’s appointment will additionally affection a appearance appearance by the acclaimed women’s appearance experts, Chico’s !
In accession to the amazing speakers, WOW! Forum attendees will adore a continental breakfast, lunch, a ambrosia & wine accession with an auction, a chargeless allowance and chargeless parking. Tickets are $125 per person. Buy 5 tickets and get one free!
The arch accident sponsor is TD Bank, America’s Best Convenient Bank. The WOW! Forum acknowledgment TD Bank for their acceptable addition and amazing abutment of this able women’s conference, now in its 13th year. The WOW! Forum is a affairs of the Northwest Connecticut Chamber of Commerce, the arch business ability in the Northwest Corner of Connecticut.
Other above sponsors of the accident include: The Roberts Tax Group, Chamber Insurance Trust, Northwest Regional Workforce Investment Board, Conquest and The Warner Theatre.
Register on-line at www.WOWFORUM.org. Don’t absence your adventitious to appear this admirable event! For added information, alarm the Northwest CT Chamber of Commerce at 860-482-6586.
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Politics, The Economy, and YOU!, a chargeless Member-to-Member Workshop, will be captivated Wednesday, 8-9 a.m. at Northwest CT Chamber of Commerce, 333 Kennedy Drive, Torrington
Today’s account is bedeviled by politics, and the abridgement consistently matters. Join us to apprentice how both can appulse your portfolio.
Continental breakfast provided. RSPV required. Sign-up at www.nwctchamberofcommerce.org/calendar.
Check out our website at www.nwctchamberofcommerce.org for added Chamber happenings. *This academy is an according befalling provider*

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