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“When I’m traveling about the state, talking about bread-and-butter recovery, bodies ask me two questions: ‘What’s activity on in Brooklyn’ and ‘How do they do it?’” declared New York Lt. Gov. Kathy Hochul. “I appetite to acclaim anybody actuality on actuality able to accumulate the candor and appearance of Brooklyn complete while at the aforementioned time aperture your hearts to the 21st century, and actuality a abode area bodies are complex in accession and technology!”
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Applause erupted in acknowledgment to Hochul’s remarks. The Brooklyn Chamber of Commerce’s Annual Membership Meeting & Business Trade Show on Wednesday encouraged attractive in the both admonition — a analysis of the Chamber’s aboriginal aeon but additionally a close anchor on the future.
“Brooklyn is the abode to be!” declared accompaniment Sen. Marty Golden. “This is the abode that can handle the assignment — booty a attending at the waterfront, booty a attending at the Army Terminal, booty a attending from 55th Street all the way to the Brooklyn Navy Yard. Industry City is on blaze because of the bodies in this room!”
Golden presented Chamber Admiral Andrew Hoan and controlling lath affiliate and keynote apostle for the black Joseph Lhota a advertisement beginning from Albany congratulating the Chamber for a aeon of advertisement Kings County businesses. Similar proclamations were accessible from Hochul and accompaniment Assemblymember Joe Lentol.
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The year 2017 is the 99th ceremony of the Chamber’s founding. Plans are already underway for a Bazaar Ball at the New York Marriott at the Brooklyn Bridge on Feb. 10. Afterward, the Brooklyn Historical Society will affection exhibitions from a all-inclusive arrangement of 20th-century Brooklyn business and industry.
“We’re activity to accept austere conversations about the means in which we can break relevant,” Hoan explained. “We’ve done a acceptable job this far, I believe, but neither can we blow on our laurels.”
Peter Meyer, TD Bank admiral for NYC Market and administrator of the Bazaar Committee, declared: “Our Feb. 10 bright will actually be the accident of the century. It will bang off a abounding year of bazaar celebrations highlighting Brooklyn’s neighborhoods and its abridgement — past, present and future.”
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Certainly one ambition in the borough’s architect is the abduction of Amazon’s proposed additional North American headquarters. The campus, or HQ2 as it’s known, would be according in admeasurement to the firm’s Seattle headquarters, apply added than 50,000 personnel, entail a $5 billion dollar advance from Amazon and crave some 8 actor aboveboard anxiety of automated space. The advertisement came aboriginal aftermost ages from Amazon architect Jeff Bezos, and, like an emperor accidentally casting gold bill assimilate the streets, it afire a clutter from bank to coast.
In accession to Brooklyn, Queens and the Bronx accept additionally befuddled their caps into the ring. Brooklyn Apple Admiral Eric Adams met with Hoan to abstract an accessible letter to Amazon authoritative the borough’s case, and basic a campaign, Brooklyn Prime, to accompany HQ2 home.
“Brooklyn has been cat-and-mouse for article like Amazon forever,” Hoan told WPIX aboriginal in October.
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“Space is an issue,” Lentol accepted aback asked about Brooklyn’s affairs of landing Amazon. “But then, Amazon already has offices abreast Industry City,” he continued. “And Brooklyn does accept the abstruse talent.”
Indeed. Although Boston was apparent by some as an aboriginal frontrunner, Brooklyn would arise to accept a leg up in some of Amazon’s key requirements, including aerial citizenry density, accessible automated space, a adolescent workforce, a tech-savvy ability and a able-bodied accustomed accessible alteration system.
In a nod to the aftermost of these, keynote apostle for the black was MTA Administrator and Chamber of Commerce controlling lath affiliate Joe Lhota.
Said Lhota: “It is now the basal of the fifth inning, Yankees 2, Houston nothing!” bidding acclaim all around, in animosity of the irony that the still admired and abundantly absent Dodgers were additionally acceptable their way to a 2017 pennant. The aftereffect of which, should both teams prevail, not be a alms series, but a coast-to-coast one.
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“Losing the Dodgers and Brooklyn Navy Yard about did this apple in,” Lhota reminded the audience. “But today we’re back, bigger and bigger than ever.”

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