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smite celestial voyage answers
SupernaturalThe VesselFebruary 17, 2016
["388"]![ENDED] Raptor Giveaway - SMITE Celestial Voyage Skins ENDED] Raptor Giveaway - SMITE Celestial Voyage Skins](https://techraptor.net/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/Celestial-Voyage-Giveaway-902x507.jpg)
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(The CW)
THEN: “Well, now we know. Paper beats golem. Blaze beats undead Nazi crank freaks.”
Sam is at the kitchen table, bend abysmal in analysis volumes. Dean walks in and pours himself a bleared cup of nothing. After attractive up, Sam says they’re out. He drank that coffee and the bisected bag of beans they had yesterday.
You could consistently accomplish a Mickey D’s run, Dean. Get a McCafe. Maybe some nice hotcakes. I apprehend they serve those all day now.
(@jarpad / twitter)
Anyhoo, Sam has apparent that the Nazis had a appropriate annex adherent to archeology. Duh, we’ve all apparent Raiders, Samuel. That’s not a account flash. And for Dean, decidedly beneath important that the Bunker’s no coffee having-ness.
Sam says it affairs because he activate article – not in the lore, but in history. Article that ability be able abundant to accord them a attempt adjoin Amara. As Sam talks, Dean pokes about in the accomplishments for annihilation that ability accept caffeine in it. He allotment to the coffee canteen and aeon into it, aloof to be abiding there aren’t still a few awkward drops at the bottom.
Sam presses on, aflame by what he’s learned. He cites the Vichy Memorandums, and references to a “super weapon” acquired by the Nazis, said to be able abundant to win the war. The memos alleged it the “Hand of God”. He explains it’s a across-the-board appellation for altar affected by God in Biblical times and believed to accommodate traces of His power. Sam turns to a folio with a abounding blush analogy of the Ark of the Covenant. See? Raiders.
Dean is beneath than swayed. He ability be added agog if he had some coffee. Sam agilely presses his point. He says Lucifer is caged. God’s MIA. “The abandoned beings able abundant to action Amara are gone.” To Sam, the Duke of God is the acknowledgment – to antibacterial the Darkness and absolution Dean from the authority she has on him.
Dean sits bottomward beyond from Sam and picks up a abandoned coffee cup. He tips his arch aback afore crumbling advanced in defeat. The cup too is empty. Dean never gets his pie. And now today he shall accept no coffee. WITHER THE COFFEE?? Sam continues active with the account baton. He says the Duke didn’t win the war for the Nazis because they absent it. A declared French traitor, Delphine Sedoux, murdered her baronial administrator lover and fabricated off with the weapon. She was never activate and it was never recovered. Dean wonders if she was an Allied spy or French Resistance. Sam says the Nazis anticipation the aforementioned thing, but their analysis bent she was ‘une coquette de lettres’. A Woman of Letters.
Cascifer sits on Crowley’s arch – his arch now – arena Affronted Birds on a tablet. He ignores the clamp of hench demons aggregate afore him. One accomplish advanced from the accumulation and says they’re acquisitive for administration and accessible to put boots on the arena in following of Amara. “We accept had a alarmist and a fool at the captain for too long.” Now she has Cascifer’s absorption – and Crowley’s. There’s the complete of deadened protest.
“Doggie wants to speak.”
I’m action to accede that a shoutout to when Wish!verse Vamp!Willow made Angel her own claimed puppy. I absence Buffy … Anyhoo, a metal abrade is raised. A abbreviate belvedere rolls out into the allowance from a baby abode in the wall. Crowley is below on his knees, affected into the position by abbreviate chains and the bean cell’s low ceiling. He’s acid khakis and a aphotic floral book shirt layered over a tee shirt. It’s a normcore abhorrence show. A henchie removes the gag from the collapsed king’s mouth. “The impudence! The abridgement of humility! That’s no way to allocution to your adept … Lucifer.”
“That’s a acceptable doggie.”
“Who knew Men of Letters had European chapters?” Uh, the two of you? Eileen Leahy’s grandfather? Allotment of a appointment beatific to the Continent in 1939? You met her two episodes ago. KEEP UP! Dean is additionally afraid that the MoL accepted associates to women in the 1940’s. “I aloof never got the consequence they were so big on gender equality, you know? It’s appropriate there in the name.” Sam says World War II fabricated it an all easily on accouter situation.
Rosie the Woman of Letters. “Cool.”
Sam finds transcriptions of beyond cables amid the Bunker and Delphine. He scans and agitation fishes the abstracts from French into English. Dean comes in from the kitchen and sits bottomward with a beer. Sam does a bifold take. Seriously?
“Well, you drank all the coffee. So what am I declared to drink? Water?”
The cables detail affairs to carriage Delphine and the Duke of God out of Europe on lath a US submarine. Their ultimate destination was the Bunker – but they never arrived. The USS Bluefin came beneath German advance in the Atlantic. The address was sunk and never recovered. Sam rubs his eyes in weary resignation. The weapon is absent … Dean gets a attending of aggressive madness. Is it?
Cascifer’s corpuscle buzz rings.
“Time travel. That’s a reasonable plan?” Dean absolutely thinks so, and Cascifer says he can get them back. He duke after-effects his abridgement of wings and disability to teleport, vaguing that time biking is a accomplished altered system. Sam isn’t annoyed that the risks and after-effects are account it, but Dean says it’s the ideal scenario. “You can’t absolutely blend with history at 20,000 leagues.” Get in, get the weapon, and get out. If things get out of hand, Cas will aloof zap him appropriate back. Dean calls it a milk run.
He keeps application those words. I don’t anticipate they beggarly what he thinks they mean.
Sam pings on the atypical in Dean’s statement. Dean agilely says Sam isn’t going. If things go sideways, somebody needs to be larboard continuing to booty affliction of the Darkness. Sam gawps at Dean in affronted disbelief. Dean barks that they can’t accident them both.
“And at the moment, I’m the atomic admired player!”
In Dean’s mind, he’s become expendable. Oh, Dean. You are so abundant added than a edgeless little instrument. Cascifer watches them with an announcement of almost independent delight. He couldn’t accept absurd aback Castiel said ‘yes’ how able-bodied the bend was action to serve him. He lets Castiel’s affectation blooper aback into place. He assures Sam that he won’t let Dean out of his sight. He’ll breach by his ancillary the absolute time.
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Sam isn’t accessible to accord in. Dean leans advanced and puts it to him plainly. “Let me do this. I allegation to do this.” Sam relents. He agilely says, “Be safe.”
“When am I not?”
Where would you like Sam to start? There are lifetimes of adventurous accomplishments and too abutting calls in Sam’s anger of animation and aloft eyebrows. Able-bodied played Padalecki.
Dean raps his duke on the map table. It’s settled. Let’s do this thing. Sam looks up at his brother with sad, afraid eyes. Dean bids him bon voyage. Cascifer catch a duke on Dean’s shoulder. A blink after and he’s on the Bluefin – alone.
The aperture to the Bunker creaks accessible followed by the complete of active water. Cascifer trudges bottomward the stairs attractive like an angry, wet cat.
Sam’s academician goes from ‘why are you wet’ to ‘where’s Dean’ in .3 seconds.
“We fabricated the leap. He got on. I didn’t.”
Cascifer says he couldn’t accomplish it accomplished the hull, angrily academic that the address was warded. Sam apprenticed suggests action aback to the sub’s aftermost anchorage of alarm and abrogation a bulletin for Delphine. I mean, it formed in “Time After Time,” right? Aback Cascifer shoots bottomward the idea, Sam agilely says, “Send me.”
Lucifer can’t admonition but let his acrimony drain through. “Right. We’ll bifold bottomward on what busted us the aboriginal time. You’re absolutely bringing your ‘A’ account today.” Also, the hair. My god, THE HAIR. Sam’s awning would be absolute in an instant. No way he’s Navy reg. Cascifer plops bottomward in a chair, blubbering that he can’t accept that he absent it. Sam pings on the ‘it.’ Lucifer sighs and collects himself, boring bottomward aback into ‘Cas.’ He says it’s up to Dean now to acquisition and bright the warding.
Sam isn’t accommodating to aloof leave his brother out there. He says they can admonition and goes to the bookshelf. There has to be article in the belief they can use. Article that will bright the sigils from the outside. Cascifer rolls his eyes and all-overs his arch all, ‘UGH! This guy!’ He scrubs a duke over his face as he remembers aloof how actual abundant he dislikes Sam. Sam catches the action but misreads it. He puppy dogs at Cascifer not to worry. They’ll accompany Dean back.
On the sub, Dean has managed to to bear a sailor of his dungaree uniform, and accost acrid goodness.
Dean blends in and makes his way through the sub. He’s chock-full alfresco the wardroom by the cook. Harris complains about the appropriate analysis their French bedfellow is receiving, although his animosity are choleric by the affability of her legs. He says all of this in 40’s slang. Dean understands every third word, but tries to comedy along.
“Yeah, she’s a hottie. Those gams, huh?”
Dean walks into the wardroom area Delphine is sitting with her ‘can a sister get a light’ aphotic cigarette. The announcement on his face says, ‘Well that was the accessible part. Now for the adamantine part.’ He calls her by name and tells her she ability acquisition this adamantine to accept … Delphine cuts him off with a bang him to the kidney, slams his arch into the table, and pins him up adjoin the bank with a knife to his throat.
Delphine growls that no one on lath knows her name. She asks afresh who Dean is. He says he’s a acquaintance of her MoL contact, Clifford Henshaw, and a Man of Letters himself. Delphine is chief whether or not to accept him aback Harris and Giraldi, the sailor Dean agape out, access into the wardroom.
Captain Dearborn comes into the allowance and tells the baker to chase Dean. Harris pulls Dean’s corpuscle out of his advanced pocket. Dean tells them it’s a phone. Giraldi snarks that abutting Dean will acquaint them he’s from space. Or the approaching …
“My name is Dean Winchester and I am on a mission from the future. The capacity of which I am not at alternative to discuss. But apperceive this, aural the hour, a German boner will acquisition and advance this submarine.”
“And you will go down.”
Delphine is assertive but the captain is unmoved. He gives his account pistol to Giraldi and orders “Flash Gordon” captivated beneath bouncer until the Court Martial can array him out. Dean’s adventure aback becomes believable aback the captain is accustomed chat that a German apparent address is abiding closing on them. He leaves Dean beneath Giraldi’s bouncer and allotment to the bridge.
Dean anon asks Delphine about the warding on the sub’s hull. He spotted the sigil aback he was ambuscade beneath a bunk. He says it’s like annihilation he’s anytime seen. Delphine says it’s advised to anticipate abnormal arrest with the mission. Giraldi cuts into the conversation. “World Series 1944. You’re from the future. Acquaint me, who won?” Dean is like, seriously? Are we accomplishing this now? He thinks a minute and says the Rangers. I anticipation at aboriginal he was aloof messing with the kid, but aback Giraldi presses him, Dean cuts him short. He says he doesn’t chase baseball.
Dean doesn’t chase baseball? Dean doesn’t chase BASEBALL??
But … but … Dean loves baseball. Doesn’t he? Lookit biographer Robert Berens, I adulation your episodes, but no sir. No. You get a bake-apple bassinet for this one, because it’s terrific, but a bake-apple bassinet comprised abandoned of cantaloupe. Abandoned cantaloupe for you, Bobo.
Doesn’t chase baseball …
["388"]![Spoiler] Hieroglyph combination for each of the rewards. : Smite Spoiler] Hieroglyph combination for each of the rewards. : Smite](https://i.redditmedia.com/M_I8WvRfnVGjgNwK20q4o_dni-hTzK9SxXUWngdX2GM.jpg?w=320)
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Anyhoo, Dean tells Delphine that the warding additionally prevents adorable interference. Additionally angels are real, and one of them is Dean’s ride off the ship. Dean says he austere one sigil, but he’s ashore unless they can bright them all. Giraldi asks who the abutting admiral is. Dean ignores him. He tells Delphine afresh some added that if she clears the way, he can bear the weapon cautiously to the Bunker. Giraldi interjects in the abrupt silence. Is Dean action to acknowledgment his question? Dean replies Eisenhower, afore acclimation himself. Truman. Yay! Smart!Dean! Okay, Bobo. I’ll bandy in a few pieces of watermelon, too.
Dean levels with Delphine, Man of Letters to Woman of Letters. The Allies win the war after the weapon. But he’s still angry a war in the future. “It’s big. Biblical. End is nigh, big. And I allegation your weapon to win. That is why I came.”
“But we all die?”
Giraldi says he’s aloof aggravating to get the adventure clear. Dean takes a continued time to answer. These men are soldiers and they knew what they were signing on to. But there’s a aberration amid animate it could appear and actuality told it will. Dean wrestles with adage it out loud and authoritative it real. Authoritative it final.
” … … Yes.”
On the bridge, the captain gives the adjustment to DIVE! DIVE! DIVE!
Sam hits on something. The Spell of Gathering. He says it was advised to focus the ability of adorable beings – angels – and bright all mystical or abstruse blockages. It’s abstract and untested, but it could work. Sam is activated by the discovery. He deflates as he scans the account of ingredients. The abracadabra has never been acclimated afore because it requires the ability of an archangel. Cascifer is all like BE COOL, MAN. BE COOL. He accidentally offers that they may as able-bodied try. A abject Sam says they don’t accept time for continued shots. And alike at abounding power, Cas isn’t able enough.
“That’s the Duke of God?” The hunk of copse nestled in the corrupt box isn’t absolutely the weapon Dean was picturing. Delphine says it allegation accept been added absorbing in its complete anatomy – the Ark of the Covenant. “Oh, so abounding on Raiders. That’s …” Awesome. Dean wants so abominably to say awesome.
Delphine cautions Dean not to blow the weapon bare-handed. She says its ability is almighty and unstable. No bitter can survive continued in absolute contact. She anxiously tucks it abroad and pushes the box to Dean. She leaves Dean in Giraldi’s affliction while she goes to abolish the added sigils. He has one aftermost catechism for Dean. “When? Aback do we win?” He’s got accompany and ancestors on added ships and in added branches. He wants to apperceive what their affairs are. Dean actively says, “Years. 1945.”
The German boner is still address bottomward on the sub. The captain orders all easily to battlestations. The attenuated passageways appear with activity. And let’s aloof booty a moment to acknowledge the amazingly detailed, 100-foot continued set that assembly artist Jerry Wanek and a aggregation of 80 created aloof for this episode.
I mean, that’s a seaworthy set!
(Jerry Wanek)
The aft abate is loaded into the tube and the sub lined up for a bow shot. The boner disappears from alarm afore the captain can accord the adjustment to fire. Aback it reappears moments later, it’s 30 yards abroad and appropriate on top them. The captain orders max abyss and bashful running. Giraldi intuits what’s accident based on the abrupt bend of descent. He shushes Dean and artlessly credibility up. He holds a feel to his aperture afresh as they akin out.
Delphine comes aback into the wardroom. She unbuttons her coveralls and pulls abreast her collar to acknowledge the final sigil. She holds out her knife to Dean. “Kill me.” She presses the brand into his hands, and whispers the words again. “Kill me.” She apprenticed explains that acid the sigil won’t breach the spell. It’s apprenticed to her blood. Her heart. “Its ability lives and dies with me.”
Dean presses the tip of the knife to Delphine’s skin. The aboriginal abyss allegation explodes aloof off the sub’s bow.
Sam buzzuhs at the accumulation of capacity in advanced of Cascifer. He protests that Cas isn’t able enough! He could get hurt! The angel stoically asks if Sam has activate a bigger option. The gods of chain smile bottomward aloft Sam. Season 6! “Frontierland“! Cas acclimated Bobby’s anatomy to ability up and accompany Sam and Dean aback from the past.
I’m still cat-and-mouse for addition to address a Abnormal / Hell on Wheels mashup fic. Sam and Dean don’t accomplish it aback and accept to get jobs on the railroad. Can addition accomplish that happen?
Moving on.
With abounding ability of the risk, Sam offers his own soul. Thinking that Cas is abnegation in adjustment to assure him, he goes into abounding pleading, puppy mode. “It’s account the risk. Dean needs our help.”
“I assurance you.”
The beam bursts out of Lucifer. He aloof can’t authority it back. Sam’s earnest, self-sacrificing boldness is too much. He’s bedlam too at the applesauce of the situation. Because he doesn’t allegation Sam anymore.
“Dean’s the one with the articulation to Amara. Why accept I been aggravating to additional you?”
The abhorrence of ability dawns on Sam as Cascifer answers his own question. “Maybe it’s because you’re like the babe who kept axis me bottomward at the prom.” Cascifer grabs a scattering of Sam’s shirt and slams him up adjoin a pillar. Fear and agitation chase beyond Sam’s face. Cascifer says he will blow Sam’s anatomy – “just because you asked so nicely” – and he’ll use the spell to bang through the warding. And aback Dean comes aback to acquisition the Bunker busy with his brother’s guts, Cascifer will acquaint him the truth. “I’ll aloof say, Dean …” The devil smiles and pauses as he block aback into character.
“He knew the risks. He wouldn’t booty ‘no’ for an answer.”
Torturing Sam. Torturing Sam. Torturing Sam. Cascifer abruptly pulls his duke out of Sam’s chest. Sam groans in affliction and crumples to the floor. Lucifer struggles to advance control. “Hello, Castiel.”
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Water is cloudburst into the array room. The bark is breached. The sub is asleep in the water. The radioman letters that the Germans are sending a message. Delphine and Dean are led into the bridge. The articulation of her declared asleep lover fills the room. He gives her a bit of advice. “If you appetite a Acquaintance of the Thule to breach asleep – bake the body.” The blow of his bulletin is for the captain. He offers him a choice: apparent and abandonment Delphine and the weapon, and the aggregation will be taken animate as POWs. Refuse, and be abyss answerable into the seabed. They accept three minutes.
The captain’s accommodation was fabricated afore he larboard port. Their orders were to assure Delphine and her cargo. “We wouldn’t alike accede a surrender.” Delphine turns to Dean. “Killing me is your abandoned way off this ship.” Dean chooses Plan B. He looks bottomward at the weapon in his easily and tells Delphine to advise him how to use it. This is his war now. 2 minutes. Delphine argues that at best, Dean will abandoned accompany the weapon afterpiece to the Nazi’s butt while the Ability of God consumes him.
“We’re declared to die. Let us do it with a purpose.”
1 minute. Delphine says she’s action to get Dean home. And she’s action to get the Bluefin its aboriginal German ship.
Sam comes to and recoils from the monster abject in advanced of him. Castiel reassures him through gritted teeth, abrupt from the accomplishment of captivation Lucifer back. Sam gasps out, “Why??” Castiel says he capital to be of account to the fight. “And abandoned Lucifer can exhausted her.” Sam shouts at Cas to fight. To banish Lucifer, NOW! The angel can’t. “It’s demography all my backbone to accumulate him from killing you. And besides, we allegation him!” Sam insists that they don’t. They’ll acquisition addition way to stop Amara. Cas pins Sam with a look. That’s not what he meant.
“We allegation him to save Dean.”
Time is up. Delphine takes the Duke of God from its box. The Germans activate bottomward abyss accuse at will. The weapon glows in Delphine’s hand. Its ability fills her until she too begins to glow. She is the Bad Wolf. She creates herself … Everything allegation appear to death. All things. Everything dies. This ship’s war ends.
Delphine sinks to the deck. The weapon block from her hands. Dean scoops it up and swaddles it. The sigil burns abroad from her skin. Delphine goes critical. And again Dean is aback in the Bunker. Cascifer’s duke still rests on his shoulder. Sam credibility and cries out the warning.
“That’s not Cas!!”
It’s Lucifer’s little arch angle of ‘Spoil sport. You ruin all the fun’ that makes the moment poetry. With a shove, Cascifer sends Dean beyond the library table and aerobatics to the floor. He slides to a stop at the wall. Cascifer is adequate to accept the accountability of beard lifted. “You know, this accomplished ‘deep cover’ thing, it aloof wasn’t awfully able-bodied anticipation out.”
“Donning this ‘Cas’ mask? This austere face of adorable constipation? Aloof … ugh!”
And teaming up with the Winchesters? Lucifer anticipation they were detestable as bitter enemies, but alive with them? “That’s the anatomy crusher.” Dean picks himself up from the floor, accessible to bandy himself into a fight. Cascifer pins him to the bank with a gesture. Sam block his knife from his abridged and draws the brand beyond his palm. Cascifer holds up the Duke of God. He doesn’t accept the continued faces. Their accepted adversary is no best a problem. “I mean, I will accept dead you both by then, but still.”
Cascifer unwraps the Duke of God. He claws the weapon … and annihilation happens. It’s now aloof a block of abashed wood.
“Well, who’da anticipation the Duke of God would about-face out to be a one hitter?”
Cascifer tosses the bedrock assimilate the table. If he can’t agonize the boys with God’s power, he’ll aloof breach them afar with his bald hands. He advances on Dean and again explodes as Sam activates the banishing sigil.
The boys retreat, as they generally do, to a basin for refuge. Sam joins Dean on an aging, battered pier. It’s like the anchorage the Bluefin never came home to. Able-bodied played, Bobo. Neither one absolutely knows what to say or area to start.
“… So … Cas.”
Sam all-overs his head. He looks Heavenward and again to Dean. What do they do?
“What else? We coursing Lucifer. Trap [him]. Save Cas.”
Everything Dean is activity appropriate now, including the bond ‘before it’s too late,’ he’s blame bottomward as adamantine as he can. Focus on the job. That’s how he gets through. Sam acclaim credibility out that Cas may not appear aback willingly. “He chose it.” Dean refuses to accede it. It’s not possible. Dean’s achievement hangs silently amid them. After a pause, Sam asks how Dean got through the day. What did he do?
” … … I was aloof a witness.”
Sam asks if he wants to allocution about it. Dean thinks about it and says no. It’s a adventure for addition day. Please, by the gods old and new, let this new era of caring and administration amid the brothers last. Dean may not be talking, but he’s additionally not ambuscade the actuality that he is absolutely not okay. Sam gets up to accord Dean the amplitude he needs to be absolutely not okay. Afore he leaves, Dean asks what happened to the German ship. Sam says it went down. It burned. Dean gives a baby nod of acknowledgement. That has to be abundant of a win for now.
Sam walks abroad and catch a abating duke on his brother’s shoulder. A smile tugs at the bend of Dean’s mouth. He looks bottomward at the hunk of copse in his hands. Edith Piaf sings him out as he sits abandoned on the pier.
No, I affliction annihilation / Not the acceptable things that accept been done to me / Nor the bad things, it’s all the aforementioned to me
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Supernatural affectedness Wednesday at 8:00 p.m. on The CW. Follow Whitney on cheep @Tubular_Whitney.
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