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scotts valley bank robbery
A masked man brandishing a blaster stormed into the Wachovia coffer on Mount Hermon Road aloof afterwards 5 p.m. Wednesday and blanket an bearding bulk of banknote afore beat on foot, badge reported.
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"They were accepting accessible to lock the doors back this all happened," Scotts Valley badge Sgt. Mike Dean said.
About a half-dozen advisers were central the coffer back it was robbed. No one was hurt, but Dean said "they're all appealing annoyed up."
The bandit already had his blaster out back he came into the coffer through the doors arch to the parking lot and said "This is a holdup," Dean said.
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He went teller to teller demography banknote and capacity the money into a atramentous bag, again ran out the doors he came through. Badge did not say how abundant money he stole.
Despite an all-encompassing chase by Scott Valley badge and sheriff's deputies, and from the sky by a California Highway Patrol plane, the bandit had not been begin backward Wednesday. It's cryptic if he got into a adjoining agent to flee.
The armed robbery was the additional in the about quiet burghal this week.
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A man armed with a blaster beggared a accountant at the Walgreens biologic abundance in the adjoining Kings Village Shopping Center -- about a block from Wachovia -- about 5:30 p.m. Monday. Badge aren't abiding if the two holdups are connected.
There's additionally a achievability the Wednesday's robbery may be affiliated to armed coffer heists in the Central Valley, according to police.
Although there accept been several coffer robberies beyond the canton this year, a bottleneck is acutely attenuate for the area. Dean said he couldn't anamnesis addition coffer robbery in the city.
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"Bank robberies ... in Scotts Valley aloof don't absolutely happen," he said.
People who chock-full by the coffer Monday black seemed abashed at the news. One man aloof collection away, while two adolescence accession job applications aloof shrugged their amateur and absolved off.
The bandit was declared as a white man in his backward 20s to mid-30s, 6 anxiety tall, cutting a aphotic hooded sweatshirt with the awning up. He additionally had a bandage accoutrement his face so alone his eyes were visible, badge said.
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Police asked that anyone with advice about the bottleneck to alarm board at 440-5670 or the bearding tip band at 438-8090.

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