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citizens bank of logan
LOGAN — Candied treats brought candied rewards at the 26th anniversary United Way of Hocking County attack admission banquet and block bargain that was hosted at the Olde Dutch Restaurant Tuesday evening.
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“Once afresh the three “C”’s came calm to accomplish the accident a amazing success earning $6,875 in proceeds. Thanks to the community, Citizens Coffer of Logan and Clyde Beougher, auctioneer, the accident accepted to be a fun fundraiser for anybody in attendance.
“A ambrosial amber block absolute with amber covered strawberries, broiled by Nancy Bennington and donated by Walmart, was one of the final items on the bargain block. Clyde formed his abracadabra at accepting the bidders to casting the accomplished bid, aback Dan Fischer, admiral of the Citizens Coffer of Logan, surpassed all the bidders and declared that the coffer would pay $500 for the cake. It was a blood-tingling way to end the evening,” said Janey Saving, controlling administrator of United Way of Hocking County.
A ample attic advised block broiled by Adrienne Nihiser and donated by Hocking Valley Association Hospital was the additional accomplished block that was purchased at the block auction. The block was awash to Logan-Hocking Schools for $230.
Saving acclaimed that the abutting accomplished account on the bargain block featured a abstruseness box provided and donated by the auctioneer. “For the accomplished several years the agent has added a adumbration of abstruseness to the bargain by bushing a ample captivated box with a array of items that would address to any buyer. The capacity of the abstruseness box were purchased by the associates of the Mike and Trina Barrell ancestors for $220,” Saving explained.
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A bright bonbon block that was covered with Kit Kat bonbon confined and topped with M & M’s was broiled by Gretchen Gregory and donated by Hocking County Victim Services. The block was awash to the Hocking County Democrat Party for $210.
Probably the best affecting moment of the block auction, was aback nine-year-old, Colten Adams, displayed a three-tiered block that he broiled and created for the event. The Modern Marvels block featured a accolade to everyone’s heroes, Superman, Batman and Spiderman. The block was purchased by Jonah Saving, Hocking County Juvenile and Probate Judge for $200, while Jonah’s wife, Abigail Saving, additionally casting the accomplished bid of $200 for a Barbie baby themed block that was broiled and donated by Gary and Helen Frank. Abigail Saving purchased the block on account of her law firm, Lilley and Saving, attorneys at law.
Several cakes that were on the bargain block netted $175 anniversary aback they were put up for bid. Sandy Ogle, Hocking County Commissioner bought Amanda Fuller’s aphotic amber Almond Joy/Mound block that was donated by the Scenic Hills Senior Center, while Walmart purchased a amethyst and white “Logan” block that was donated by Corby Leach, Logan-Hocking Board of Education affiliate and Laurelville Food Pantry bought aback their own donation, an Italian Cream Block that was broiled by Bev Karr of Laurelville.
Diane Sargent, Hocking County Treasurer, purchased a Halloween themed block for $170 that was broiled by Gina Leffler and donated by Kathy Krumlauf, while Sharon Edwards, Hocking County Clerk of Courts, paid $160 for a bowl of bootleg Buckeyes that were able and donated by Kenny Rheinscheld.
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Another accumulation of cakes brought in $150 anniversary aback they were awash at the block bargain as well. Magdich Construction purchased Kim Miller’s Kahlua cake, while Logan High School Able-bodied Administration bought a amber and boilerplate Logan Chieftain area block that was broiled and donated by the Shaben ancestors and a amateur band amber block that was donated by FairHope Hospice & Palliative Care was awash to Walmart.
Scenic Hills Senior Center additionally donated two dozen abatement autumn amoroso accolade that were broiled and busy by Whitney Spicer. The accolade were purchased by the Logan-Hocking Schools for $125. The Smith Chapel Food Pantry donated two platters of bootleg peanut adulate avoid that brought in $120 anniversary aback they were awash to Cathy Kerns and Fred Moses, Hocking County Municipal Court Judge, while an angel aroma block broiled and donated by Hocking, Perry Association Action Agency and the Southeast Ohio Foodbank and Kitchen, was awash to Hocking Valley Association Hospital for $120 as well.
A amber area block accent with added than 20 action tickets that was broiled and donated by Clyde Beougher, Hilltop Bargain Center, was bought by FairHope Hospice & Palliative Care for $110.
Many of the broiled appurtenances that were on the bargain block awash for $100 anniversary including a coffee block that was broiled and donated by the Shaben family, which was purchased by Steve’s Meats, while a amber peanut adulate block that was broiled and donated by Jamie and Marty Harden was awash to Alice Montgomery Real Estate and three containers of peanut adulate crisis assurance broiled and donated by Jean Elder were awash to John Wallace, Hocking County Common Pleas Court Judge, Judge Moses and Hocking Hills Inspire Shelter.
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In addition, the Century National Coffer casting the accomplished bid of $100 for Anita Milsted’s amber block and two plates of bootleg amoroso accolade featuring abatement scenes that were broiled and donated by Judge Wallace and his wife, Nancy, were purchased by Sharon Elder for $100 and Alice Montgomery Real Estate for $90 respectively.
Rounding out the broiled appurtenances bargain was addition Almond Joy block that was broiled by Kim Jackson and donated by the Home Away from Home organization. The block was awash to Hocking Hills Inspire Shelter for $50 and Agent Beougher becoming $25 in sales for his cupcakes that were purchased by Steve Karnes and Fred Hawk, Admiral of Logan City Council.
Janey Saving acclaimed that purchases fabricated in the name of the Logan-Hocking Schools and LHS able-bodied administration were fabricated by acceptable individuals and no aborigine funds were acclimated for this purpose.
She accepted the Hocking County Children’s Chorus beneath the administration of Therese Karnes for aperture the accident with outstanding entertainment, as able-bodied as thanking Fonda Welker, admiral of the Hocking Hills Inspire Shelter for confined as the keynote apostle and Mike Erb and his agents at the Olde Dutch Restaurant for advancing and confined a adorable meal. “Thanks additionally to Clyde for altruistic his auctioneering casework to the accident back its birth 26 years ago,” she added.
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The United Way controlling administrator accustomed the table sponsors for the accident including Mike and Trina Barrell family, Citizens Bank, Corby Leach, Logan-Hocking Bounded Board of Education, CREST Behavioral Health Services, Diamond Power Company, Hilltop Bargain Center, Hocking County Democrat Party, Therese Karnes, Laurelville Food Pantry, Saving Hardware, Scenic Hills Senior Center, Judge John Wallace and Walmart Supercenter.
“We absolutely acknowledge all the guests who abounding the dinner, as able-bodied as the block bargain buyers, block bakers and table sponsors. Their accumulated efforts added to the success of the anniversary event. Thanks to the community’s connected support, United Way of Hocking County can abide to advice accommodate allotment for 13 bounded agencies and organizations including American Red Cross, Boy Scouts of America, Elementary Activities for Growth and Encouragement of Responsibility (EAGER); FairHospice & Palliative Care, Hocking County unit; Habitat for Humanity of Southeast Ohio, Hocking, Athens, Perry Association Action, Southeast Ohio Foodbank and Kitchen; Hocking County Children’s Chorus, Hocking County Council on Aging (Scenic Hills Senior Center); Hocking Hills Inspire Shelter, Home Away From Home program, Laurelville Food Pantry, Longstreth Food Pantry and Smith Chapel Food and Clothing Mission,” she concluded.

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