B Des Interior Design
Updated: July 25, 2011 12:20 IST
["727.5"]Jan des Bouvrie > Monique des B. > Interior Design | Slaapkamer ... | B Des Interior DesignDuring the final-year, one can arise for CEED, the condoning analysis for college abstraction in architectonics with a scholarship.
Only graduates in architectonics are acceptable for acceptance to the master’s amount advance in architectonics (M.Arch.).
Take it as a privilege. Nobody abroad (except civilian engineering graduates in assertive specialisation areas) can booty up the M. Arch. programme.
So additionally best of the M.Tech. programmes are appropriate for B.Tech. holders in the accordant branches.
Master of Architectonics (M.Des.) programme is the best another higher-study advantage for B.Arch. holders. The Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) in Mumbai and Delhi accommodate M.Des. (Industrial Design) courses. IIT-Bombay additionally conducts an M.Des. (visual communication) advance for graduates in any engineering annex or architecture.
Admission is based on Common Entrance Examination for Architectonics (CEED) conducted by the IIT.
["706.16"]B.des Curriculum Regulations and syllabus | B Des Interior DesignAspirants should complete B.Arch. with aerial marks. During the final-year, one can arise for CEED, the condoning analysis for college abstraction in architectonics with a scholarship. M.Des. advance is a acceptable advantage for admirable B.Arch graduates.
The Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, conducts a Master of Architectonics Advance in artefact architectonics engineering.
The minimum access accomplishment is a additional chic bachelor’s amount in Engineering / Technology / Architectonics / Architectonics or agnate amount in engineering including architecture. Afterwards a screening based on GATE/ CEED scores, a Architectonics Bent Analysis and account will be conducted.
Selection will be based on the accumulated achievement of the applicant in the bent analysis and interview.
The National Institute of Architectonics (NID), Paldi, Ahmedabad - 380007 ( >www.nid.edu), additionally provides opportunities for graduates in engineering and architectonics to accompany a Postgraduate Diploma Programme in Architectonics (PGDPD).
It covers appliance and autogenous design, toy architectonics and development, etc. Selection is based on an all-India akin bent analysis and interview.
["1302.71"]Interior Design Career is one of the Best Choices today ... | B Des Interior DesignCEPT University, Ahmedabad - 380 009 ( >www.cept.ac.in, >www.spcept.org), provides college abstraction accessories for admirable graduates in Architecture, in the afterward two-year full-time AICTE accustomed master’s amount programmes.
• Master of Technology in Urban and Regional Planning (M.Tech. - URP)
• Master of Technology in Housing (M.Tech. - HSG)
Minimum access accomplishment for bother these programme is bachelor’s amount in Architectonics / Civilian Engineering/ Planning or master’s amount in Geography / Economics / Sociology.
• Master of Technology in Environmental Planning (M.Tec – EP)
• Master of Technology in Infrastructure Planning (M.Tech – IP) (Self financing)
["727.5"]B.Des Interior Design – Woxsen School of Art and Design | B Des Interior DesignMinimum access accomplishment for both these programmes is a bachelor’s amount in Architectonics / Civilian Engineering / Planning.
• Master of Technology in Construction of Project Management (M.Tech - CPM) (self-financing)
Entry accomplishment is a bachelor’s amount is Civilian Engineering or Architecture.
For added details, appointment the website >www.cept.ac.in. Enquires: >registrar@cept.ac.in.
• The International Institute of Information Technology, Hyderabad (A Deemed University), offers M.S. Research and Ph.D. programmes in IT in Building Science.
Meritorious graduates in Architectonics are additionally acceptable for acceptance ( >www.iiit.ac.in).
["706.16"]B.des Curriculum Regulations and syllabus | B Des Interior Design["970"]B.Des Interior Design – Woxsen School of Art and Design | B Des Interior Design
["388"]Interior Design | best interior design | B Des Interior Design
["620.8"]Raffles Millennium International (RMI), Delhi - B.Des. in Interior ... | B Des Interior Design
["388"]National Institute of Design - Furniture and Interior Design | B Des Interior Design
["970"]B.Des Interior Design – Woxsen School of Art and Design | B Des Interior Design