escape the 100 rooms 1 level 19
KROV 91.1 FM Oroville radio base affective sale: 9 a.m.-1 p.m. All items 50 percent off. Also appointment appliance and added misc. furniture, windows and metal frames, housewares, accouterment for all ages, electronics, exercise equipment, LPs, VHS tapes, music cassettes and a few CDs. Inside/outside, rain or shine. 2360 Oro Quincy Highway/Foothill Blvd. The base is gluttonous a new “home” at this time. Information, 534-1200 or krov.fm online. Also Friday and Saturday.
Spamalot: 7:30 p.m. $22. Based on the archetypal ball Monty Python and the Holy Grail. Chico Theatre Company. Runs through Oct. 22. 166 Eaton Road Suite. F. 894-3282.
Robben Ford Band: 9:30 p.m. $30. Named one of the 100 greatest guitar players of all time. Sierra Nevada Big Room. Ball attic tickets accessible night of the show. 1075 East 20th St. 892-4647.
Neon Party: 8 p.m.-1 a.m. $18-$30. Electronic ball music by DJ and ambassador Gareth Emery. El Rey Theatre. 230 W. Second St.
The Kelly Twins Dueling Pianos: 8:30 p.m. Twin brothers amalgamate badinage and afire piano songs. Parkside Tap House. 115 W. Third St. 636-4239.
Heathers The Musical: 7:30 p.m. $20. Based on the archetypal 1989 film, Westerberg High is disqualified by a shoulder-padded, scrunchie-wearing junta: Heather, Heather, and Heather, the hottest and cruelest girls in all of Ohio. But misfit Veronica Sawyer rejects their angry administration for a new boyfriend, the aphotic and developed drifter J.D., who affairs to put the Heathers in their abode — 6 anxiety under. Through Oct. 21. Blue Room Theatre. 139 W. Aboriginal St. 895-3749.
Argus Bar Patio: 8 p.m. Black Fong. 212 W. Second St. 570 2672. 570-2672.
Lost on Main: 8 p.m. $10. Gnarphunk & Five Alarm Funk. Deeply all-embracing ambit of funk. 319 Main St.
Gold Country Casino: 8:30 p.m.-1 a.m. Ball Hits. 4020 Olive Highway. 334-9400.
The Maltese Bar & Tap Room: 9 p.m. $7. Collate, Sex Hogs II, and Mr. Malibu. 1600 Park Ave. 343-4915.
Quackers Lounge: 8:30 p.m.-12:30 a.m. Karaoke. 968 East Ave., 895-3825.
Miners Ranch Saloon: 7 p.m.-midnight, Karaoke. 5250 Olive Highway, Oroville. 589-1941.
The DownLo: 7-11 p.m. Applesauce Night. All ages until 10 p.m. 319 Main St. 892-2473.
Eric Peter: 6-9 p.m. Applesauce guitar. Grana. 198 E. Second St.
International Folk Dancing: 8 p.m. $2. Chico Creek Ball Center. No accomplice needed. 1144 West 1st St. 345-8134.
Paradise Ridge Runners Aboveboard Ball club: 6-7:30 p.m. Abecedarian class. $5. Donn Thomson, Veterans Memorial Hall, 6550 Skyway. 872-1962.
Studio One: West Coast Swing Akin 3 by alternating instructors, 7 p.m.; Akin 2, by Megan Grandfield, 8 p.m.; Akin 1 by Luke Scherba and Kylee Zimmerman-Pearn, 8 p.m.; amusing dancing, 9 p.m.-midnight. $10 general, $8 seniors/students. 707 Wall St., 345-9465.
Italian Garden Restaurant and Lounge: 6-7:30 p.m. Ball lessons; 7:30 p.m.-close, Karaoke. 6929 Skyway, Paradise. 876-9988.
Veterans Memorial Hall: CalVet Ridge Runners Aboveboard Ball Club. Teaching beginners class, 6-7:30 p.m.; boilerplate squares alternating with additional akin aboveboard dancing, annular dancing amid aboveboard ball tips, 7:30-9:30 p.m. Membership; developed couples, singles, but accessible to all. 6550 Skyway, Paradise. Caller Donn Thomson, 872-1962.
World Ball Classes: 6-7 p.m. Ancestors Friendly Adolescence Performance Group (5-17 years old) $20 fee allows up to four associates of a ancestors on aforementioned registration. 7-8:30 p.m. Developed World Ball chic (18 ). $20 per person. No accomplice needed. Pleasant Valley Recreation Center, 2320 North Ave. CARD, 895-4711.
Infinite Rhythms Qigong and Dance: 7:15 p.m. $10. Yoga Center of Chico, 250 Vallombrosa Ave., 342-0100.
Naked Lounge: 7 p.m. Crooked Teeth - Los Angeles jailbait rock. 118 W. Second St.
Lost on Main: 9 p.m. $10. Jelly Bread and 10 Minutes to Funk. 319 Main St. 892-2445.
Gold Country Casino: 8 p.m. 334-9400.
Duffy’s Tavern: 9:30 p.m. Ramones awning bandage Pinhead, Wild Gift, and The Shankers. 337 Main St.
Maltese Bar & Taproom: I affection the ’90s: Ball Party. 1600 Park Ave. 343-4915.
The End-Zone: 7 p.m. The Daily Dejection — dejection and archetypal rock. 250 Cohasset Road. 899-7070.
DownLo Bar: 7-11 p.m. Accessible Mic. Fridays. All ages until 10 p.m. 319 Main St., 892-2473.
Ramada Plaza Hotel: 8 p.m. Karaoke hosted by Mora Sounds. 685 Manzanita Court, Chico. 345-2491.
Feather Falls Casino: 8:30 p.m. DJ Mack Morris. 3 Alverda Drive.
Chico Creek Ball Center: 8 p.m. International Folk Dancing. No ally needed. Teaching for the aboriginal hour and appeal dancing after. $2 admission. For information, alarm 345-8134. 1144 W. Aboriginal St.
Harlan Adams Theatre: 7:30 p.m. Applesauce X-Press concert, “Swing, Swing, Swing,” with bedfellow artists who alternate in efforts to accompany artists into bounded accessible schools for a anniversary of agitated applesauce learning. Presented by Chico School of the Arts, 898-5739. Chico State University. Tickets $15 adult, $13 seniors, $6 adolescence and Chico State acceptance at University Box Office, 898-6333, online at www.csuchico.edu/boxoffice or at door.
Heathers The Musical: 7:30 p.m. $20. Based on the archetypal 1989 film, Westerberg High is disqualified by a shoulder-padded, scrunchie-wearing junta: Heather, Heather, and Heather, the hottest and cruelest girls in all of Ohio. But misfit Veronica Sawyer rejects their angry administration for a new boyfriend, the aphotic and developed drifter J.D., who affairs to put the Heathers in their abode – six anxiety under. Last Show. Blue Room Theatre. 139 W. Aboriginal St. 895-3749.
Lost on Main: 9 p.m.-2 a.m. $15. EDM Massacre featuring Belgium-based ambassador Berrix and Big Chocolate. Pre-halloween ball party. 319 Main St. 892-2445.
Maltese Bar & Taproom: 9 p.m. $7. Drag Night at The Maltese: Coco’s Haunted House Party. Drink specials and dancing. 21 . 1600 Park Ave. Chico. 343-4915.
Quackers Lounge, Chico: 8:30 p.m.-1 a.m. DJ. 968 East Ave., 895-3825.
The Tackle Box: 9 p.m.-1 a.m. Off the Record - archetypal ‘80s bedrock and ball tunes. 379 E. Park Ave. 345-7499.
Chico Salsa Connection: 8:30-11:30 p.m. Latin dancing, no cover. Pita Pit, 240 Broadway. Info: chicosalsaconnection@gmail.com.
Positive-I: 9 a.m. Belly Ball Body, $15. 6294 Skyway, Paradise, 520-7985.
Studio One: West Coast Swing Akin I, 5 p.m. with Diego Lopez; Akin 2, 6 p.m. accomplished by Lopez; Mixed amphitheater lesson, 8 p.m. $5. Club appearance amphitheater dance, 9 p.m. $10 general, $8 seniors, students. 707 Wall St., 345-9465.
Feast or Famine Short Blur Festival: 2:30-5 p.m. Blur advertise announcement convalescent diets by Butte County Good Food Network. Chico Guild Hall. 2775 Nord Ave. 570-6872.
Maltese Bar & Taproom: 9 p.m. The Variants from Portland, Ore. With Support from Elwood of Chico and Empty Gate. 21 . 1600 Park Ave. 343-4915.
The Tackle Box: 9 p.m.-1 a.m. Palmer Squares - hip-hop duo from Chicago. 379 E. Park Ave. 345-7499.
Italian Restaurant and Lounge, Paradise: Chargeless basin and darts. 6929 Skyway, 876-9988.
Dance Church: 10 a.m. Dorothy Johnson Center, 775 E. 16th St., 895-4707.
Nelson Avenue School Gym, Oroville: Band ball lessons, beginners 6 p.m., Intermediates 7 p.m. 2255 Sixth St., 538-2940.
The Maltese Bar & Taproom: 9 p.m. Stand Up Accessible Mic. 21 . 1600 Park Ave. Chico. 343-4915.
Madison Bear Garden: Karaoke, 9 p.m. 316 W. Second St., 891-1639.
Chico Diamond Dancers: 6:30-8 p.m. Chico Diamond Dancers aboveboard ball abecedarian class, accomplished by Donn Thompson. No accomplice needed. Ages 16 . $5. Little Chico Creek School, 2090 Amanda Way. 872-1962, chicodiamonddancerse@gmail.com.
Studio One: 5:30, 6:30 and 7:30 p.m. Intro to ballroom, akin two and akin three. Monthly acquaint alpha with the basics of amphitheater ball and advance through the month. $12. 707 Wall St., 345-9465.
The Tackle Box: 7-9 p.m. Latin ball classes. Free. 379 E. Park Ave., 345-7499.
["465.6"]White Water Saloon: 7-8 p.m. $10-$65. Band dancing classes. 5771 Clark Road, 877-7100.
Book in Common Lecture: 7:30-10 p.m. A Deadly Wandering columnist Matt Richtel. A altercation on the appulse of avant-garde technology. Laxson Auditorium. Chico State University. 898-6333.
The Italian Garden Restaurant and Lounge, Paradise: 7:30 p.m. Karaoke. 6929 Skyway, 876-9988.
White Water Saloon: 9 p.m.-close. DJ. 5771 Clark Road, 877-7100.
Satori Healing Center: Ball sanctuary. 1180 Palmetto Ave., Chico.
Chico Salsa Connection: 7:15-11 p.m. Salsa classes and dance, no accomplice needed. Ramada Plaza. 685 Manzanita Court. Info: 643-1497 or chicosalsadance@gmail.com.
Fancy Anxiety Tuesday Night Dance: 7:30-10 p.m. Community Center, 545 Vallombrosa Ave. Swing, waltz, Fox Trot, polka. 16 . $5.
Maltese Bar & Taproom: 5:30 p.m. Accessible Mic Music. 1600 Park Ave. Chico. 343-4915.
100th Monkey Cafe and Books: 7 p.m. Accessible Mic. Free. 642 W. Fifth St., 343-0704.
White Water Saloon: 9 p.m.-close, Karaoke. 5771 Clark Road, Paradise. 877-7100.
Paradise Grange: 7:30-10 p.m. Accessible Mic. $2. 5704 Chapel Drive, Paradise.
Western Pacific Brewing: 8 p.m. Karaoke night, No cover. 2191 High St., Oroville. 534-9101.
Salsa U: 6-6:30 p.m. Salsa lessons, free. 32 Lost Dutchman Drive.
Studio One: 7 p.m. Argentine Tango Akin 1 Assignment $10. 191 E. Second St.
Oroville Ball Group: 7 p.m. Swing, country and band dancing to alive music. 589-7921. Miner’s Ranch Saloon, 5250 Olive Highway, Oroville.
To abide items for the Ball calendar, email buzz@chicoer.com with items two weeks afore your event, or go to calendar.chicoer.com/listings to access your accident in our online calendar. Events may be edited due to space.





