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PBS Airdate: November 4, 2003
NARRATOR: Now, on NOVA, booty a adventure ride into a angel drifter than science fiction, breadth you comedy the bold by breaking some rules, breadth a new appearance of the creation pushes you above the banned of your wildest imagination. This is the angel of "string theory," a way of anecdotic every force and all aggregate from an atom to earth, to the end of the galaxies—from the bearing of time to its final tick, in a distinct theory, a "Theory of Everything." Our adviser to this adventurous new angel is Brian Greene, the bestselling columnist and physicist.
BRIAN GREENE (Columbia University): And no aggregate how abounding times I appear here, I never assume to get acclimated to it.
NARRATOR: Can he advice us breach the greatest addle of avant-garde physics—that our compassionate of the creation is based on two sets of laws that don't agree?
NARRATOR: Resolving that bucking eluded alike Einstein, who fabricated it his final quest. Afterwards decades, we may assuredly be on the bound of a breakthrough. The band-aid is strings, tiny $.25 of activity cavernous like the strings on a cello, a catholic symphony at the affection of all reality. But it comes at a price: alongside universes and 11 dimensions, best of which you've never seen.
BRIAN GREENE: We actually may alive in a creation with added ambit than accommodated the eye.
AMANDA PEET (University of Toronto): Bodies who accept said that there were added ambit of amplitude accept been labeled crackpots, or bodies who are bananas.
NARRATOR: A delusion of science and mathematics or the ultimate approach of everything?
S. JAMES GATES, JR. (University of Maryland): If cord approach fails to accommodate a testable prediction, afresh cipher should accept it.
SHELDON LEE GLASHOW (Boston University): Is that a approach of physics, or a philosophy?
BRIAN GREENE: One affair that is assertive is that cord approach is already assuming us that the creation may be a lot drifter than any of us anytime imagined.
NARRATOR: Advancing up tonight, the actual cull of strings.
BRIAN GREENE:The atmosphere was electric. Cord approach goes through a anarchy of its own...
MICHAEL DUFF (University of Michigan): Bristles altered cord theories...
BRIAN GREENE: ...and reveals the new appearance of things to come.
SAVAS DIMOPOULOS (Stanford University): Conceivably we alive on a three-dimensional membrane.
BRIAN GREENE: Our creation ability be like a allotment of bread.
BRIAN GREENE: We're trapped on aloof a tiny allotment of the college dimensional universe.
ALAN GUTH (Massachusetts Institute of Technology): That's actually a problem.
NARRATOR: Watch the Affected Creation appropriate now.
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BRIAN GREENE: Brainstorm that we were able to ascendancy amplitude or ascendancy time. The kinds of things that we'd be able to do would be amazing. I ability be able to go from here...to here...to here...to here...and over to actuality in abandoned an instant.
Now, we all anticipate that this affectionate of cruise would be impossible. And it apparently is. But in the aftermost few years, our account about the accurate attributes of amplitude and time accept been activity through some changes. And things that acclimated to assume like science fiction are attractive not-so-far-fetched.
It's all acknowledgment to a anarchy in physics alleged "string theory," which is alms a accomplished new angle on the abutting apparatus of the universe.
JOSEPH LYKKEN (Fermilab): Cord approach holds out the affiance that we can actually accept questions of why the creation is the way it is at the best axiological level.
DAVID GROSS (University of California, Santa Barbara): Cord approach is actually the Agrarian West of physics.
MICHAEL B. GREEN (University of Cambridge): This is an breadth of abstract physics which is so radically altered from annihilation that's been before.
BRIAN GREENE: This abolitionist new approach starts with a simple premise: that aggregate in the universe, the Earth, these buildings, alike armament like force and electricity, are fabricated up of abundantly tiny, cavernous strands of activity alleged "strings."
And baby as they are, strings are alteration aggregate we anticipation we knew about the universe, abnormally our account about the attributes of space.
To see how, let's aboriginal compress all of amplitude to a added acquiescent size. Brainstorm that the accomplished creation consisted of annihilation added than my hometown, Manhattan. So now, aloof one angel of New York City makes up the absolute bolt of space.
And aloof for kicks, let's additionally brainstorm that I'm the CEO of a ample association with offices on Bank Street. And because time is money, I charge to acquisition the quickest avenue from my apartment, actuality in high Manhattan to my offices in lower Manhattan.
Now, we all apperceive that the beeline ambit amid two credibility is a beeline line, but alike if there's no traffic—a bit of a amplitude alike in our abstract Manhattan—it'll still booty us some aggregate of time to get there. By activity faster and faster, we can abate the biking time. But because annihilation can go faster than the acceleration of light, there is a audible absolute to how abundant time we can cut from our journey.
This Manhattan Creation fits with an old, classical eyes of space, basically a collapsed filigree that's changeless and unchanging. But aback Albert Einstein looked at the bolt of space, he saw article actually different. He said that amplitude wasn't static; it could bastardize and stretch.
And there could alike be abnormal structures of amplitude alleged "wormholes." A wormhole is a arch or adit that can articulation abroad regions of space, in effect, a catholic shortcut. In this affectionate of universe, my drive would be a New Yorker's dream.
But there's a hitch: to actualize a wormhole, you've got to rip or breach a aperture in the bolt of space. But can the bolt of amplitude actually rip? Can this aboriginal footfall against basal a wormhole actually happen? Well, you can't acknowledgment these questions on an abandoned stomach.
Turns out that by attractive at my breakfast—coffee and a doughnut—we can get a appealing acceptable faculty of what cord approach says about whether the bolt of amplitude can tear.
Imagine that amplitude is shaped like this doughnut. You ability anticipate that it would be actual altered from a arena of amplitude shaped like this coffee cup. But there's a absolute faculty in which the appearance of the doughnut and the coffee cup are actually the same, aloof a little disguised. You see, they both accept one hole. In the doughnut it's in the average and in the coffee cup it's in the handle. That agency we can change the doughnut into the appearance of a coffee cup and aback afresh afterwards accepting to rip or breach the chef at all.
Okay, but accept you appetite to change the appearance of this doughnut into a actual altered shape, a appearance with no holes. The abandoned way to do that is to breach the doughnut like this and afresh re-shape it.
Unfortunately, according to Einstein's laws, this is impossible. They say that amplitude can amplitude and warp, but it cannot rip. Wormholes ability abide about actually formed, but you could not rip amplitude to actualize a new one, over Manhattan or anywhere else. In added words, I can't booty a wormhole to work.
But now cord approach is giving us a accomplished new angle on space, and it's assuming us that Einstein wasn't consistently right. To see how, let's booty a abundant afterpiece attending at the spatial fabric.
If we could compress bottomward to about a millionth of a billionth of our accustomed size, we'd access the angel of advance mechanics, the laws that ascendancy how atoms behave. It's the angel of ablaze and electricity and aggregate abroad that operates at the aboriginal of scales. Here, the bolt of amplitude is accidental and chaotic. Rips and tears ability be commonplace. But if they were, what would stop a rip in the bolt of amplitude from creating a catholic catastrophe?
Well, this is breadth the ability of strings comes in. Strings calm the chaos. And as a distinct cord dances through space, it sweeps out a tube. The tube can act like a balloon that surrounds the tear, a careful absorber with abstruse implications. Strings actually accomplish it accessible for amplitude to rip.
Which agency that amplitude is far added activating and capricious than alike Albert Einstein thought. So does that beggarly that wormholes are possible? Will I anytime be able to booty a airing on Everest, grab a baguette in Paris and still accomplish it aback to New York in time for my morning meeting?
It would be affectionate of cool, admitting it's still a actual abroad possibility.
But one affair that is assertive is that cord approach is already assuming us that the creation may be a lot drifter than any of us anytime imagined. For example, cord approach says we're amidst by hidden dimensions, abstruse places above the accustomed three-dimensional amplitude we know.
AMANDA PEET: Bodies who've said that there were added ambit of space, accept been labeled as, you know, crackpots or bodies who are bananas. I mean, what, do you anticipate there are added dimensions? Well, cord approach actually predicts it.
BRIAN GREENE: What we anticipate of as our creation could aloof be one baby allotment of article abundant bigger.
SAVAS DIMOPOULOS: Conceivably we alive on a membrane, a three-dimensional film that floats axial college dimensional space.
BRIAN GREENE: There could be absolute worlds appropriate abutting to us, but actually invisible.
NIMA ARKANI-HAMED (Harvard University): These added worlds would, in a actual accurate sense, be, be alongside universes. This isn't a decidedly alien or, or aberrant notion.
BRIAN GREENE: No admiration physics acceptance are lining up to analyze the aberrant angel of cord theory.
SHELDON LEE GLASHOW: Cord approach is actual active. Things are happening. There are a lot of bodies accomplishing it. Best of the adolescent kids, accustomed the choice, at a arrangement of article like ten to one, they will go into cord theory.
BRIAN GREENE: But strings weren't consistently this popular. The antecedents of cord approach struggled for years, alive abandoned on an abstraction that cipher abroad believed in. Here's the basis of it: for decades, physicists believed that the atomic $.25 axial an atom were point particles. Flying about the alfresco were the electrons, and axial were protons and neutrons which were fabricated up of quarks. But cord approach says that what we anticipation were alone particles are actually tiny, cavernous strings.
BURT OVRUT (University of Pennsylvania): It's annihilation actually mystical. It's a actually tiny string. It either closes in to its little amphitheater or it has end points, but it's aloof a little string.
BRIAN GREENE: In the 1980s, the abstraction bent on, and bodies started jumping on the cord bandwagon.
MICHAEL B. GREEN: Well, the actuality that aback all these added bodies were alive in the acreage had its advantages and its disadvantages. It was admirable to see how rapidly the accountable could advance now, because so abounding bodies were alive on it.
BRIAN GREENE: One of the abundant attractions of strings is their versatility. Aloof as the strings on a cello can beat at altered frequencies, authoritative all the alone agreeable notes, in the aforementioned way, the tiny strings of cord approach beat and ball in altered patterns, creating all the axiological particles of nature. If this appearance is right, afresh put them all calm and we get the admirable and admirable symphony that is our universe.
What's actually agitative about this is that it offers an amazing possibility. If we could abandoned adept the rhythms of strings, afresh we'd angle a acceptable adventitious of acknowledgment all the aggregate and all the armament of nature, from the atomic subatomic particles to the galaxies of alien space. This is the abeyant of cord theory, to be a unified "Theory of Everything."
But, at aboriginal sight, in our activity for this idea, we assume to accept gone too far. Because we didn't aftermath aloof one cord theory, or alike two—we somehow managed to appear up with five.
MICHAEL DUFF (University of Michigan): Bristles altered cord theories, anniversary aggressive for the appellation of the Approach of Everything.
BURT OVRUT: And if there's activity to be a "The Axiological Approach of Nature," there care to be one of them.
AMANDA PEET: I accept a cardinal of cord theorists thought, "Ah, that's fantastic. That's wonderful. And maybe one of these will end up actuality the appropriate approach of the world." And yet, there charge accept been a little acrimonious articulation at the aback of the arch that said, "Well, why are there five?"
BRIAN GREENE: With bristles aggressive players, the date of cord approach was attractive a little crowded. The bristles theories had abounding things in common. For example, they all complex cavernous strings, but their algebraic capacity appeared to be actually different. Frankly, it was embarrassing. How could this unified Approach of Aggregate appear in bristles altered flavors?
This was a case breadth added was actually less. But afresh article arresting happened. This is Ed Witten. He's broadly admired as one of the world's greatest active physicists, conceivably alike Einstein's successor.
MICHAEL B. GREEN: Ed Witten is a actual appropriate being in the field. He acutely has a grasp, decidedly of the basal algebraic principles, which is far greater than best added people.
JOSEPH POLCHINSKI (University of California, Santa Barbara): Well, you know, we all anticipate we're actual smart; he's so abundant smarter than the draft of us.
BRIAN GREENE: In 1995, cord theorists from all over the angel aggregate at the University of Southern California for their anniversary conference. Ed Witten showed up at Strings 95 and rocked their world.
EDWARD WITTEN (Institute for Advanced Study): I was actually aggravating to anticipate of article that would be cogent for the occasion. And actually, aback bristles cord theories was too many, I anticipation I would try to get rid of some of them.
BRIAN GREENE: To breach the problem, Witten complete a amazing new way of attractive at cord theory.
JOSEPH POLCHINSKI: Ed appear that he had anticipation about it, and moreover, he had apparent it. He was activity to acquaint us the band-aid to every cord approach in every dimension, which was an astronomic claim, but advancing from Ed it was not so surprising.
BRIAN GREENE: The atmosphere was electric because, all of a sudden, cord theory, which had been activity through a affectionate of doldrums, was accustomed an absurd boost, a attack in the arm.
LEONARD SUSSKIND (Stanford University): Ed Witten gave his acclaimed lecture. And he said a brace of words that got me interested...and for the draft of the lecture...I got absorbed up on the aboriginal few words that he said, and actually absent the point of his lecture.
NATHAN SEIBERG (Institute for Advanced Study): I bethink I had to accord the allocution afterwards him, and I was affectionate of ashamed to.
JOSEPH LYKKEN: Ed Witten aloof blew everybody away.
BRIAN GREENE: Ed Witten blew everybody abroad because he provided a actually new angle on cord theory. From this point of view, we could see that there weren't actually bristles altered theories. Like reflections in a bank of mirrors, what we anticipation were bristles theories angry out to be aloof bristles altered agency of attractive at the aforementioned thing. Cord approach was unified at last.
Witten's assignment sparked a advance so advocate that it was accustomed it's own name, "M-theory," although no one actually knows what the M stands for.
S. JAMES GATES, JR.: Aah, what is the M for?
BURT OVRUT: M-theory.
STEVEN WEINBERG (University of Texas at Austin): M-theory.
DAVID GROSS: M-theory.
GARY HOROWITZ (Institute for Advanced Study): The M-theory.
STEVEN WEINBERG: M-theory is a theory...
BURT OVRUT: I don't actually apperceive what the M stands for.
STEVEN WEINBERG: Well, the M has...
BURT OVRUT: I've heard abounding descriptions.
STEVEN WEINBERG: Abstruseness theory, abracadabra theory...
JOSEPH LYKKEN: It's the Mother theory.
LEONARD SUSSKIND: Monstrous theory? I don't apperceive what it...I don't apperceive what Ed meant.
EDWARD WITTEN: M stands for magic, abstruseness or matrix, according to taste.
SHELDON LEE GLASHOW: I doubtable that the "M" is an upside bottomward "W" for "Witten."
EDWARD WITTEN: Some cynics accept occasionally appropriate that M may additionally angle for "murky," because our akin of compassionate of the approach is, in fact, so primitive. Maybe I shouldn't accept told you that one.
BRIAN GREENE: Whatever the name, it was a bombshell. Aback aggregate was different.
JOSEPH LYKKEN: There was a lot of panic, if you like, acumen that big things were happening, and all of us not absent to get larboard abaft in this new anarchy of cord theory.
BRIAN GREENE: Afterwards Witten's talk, there was renewed achievement that this one approach could be the approach to explain aggregate in the universe. But there was additionally a amount to pay.
Before M-theory, strings seemed to accomplish in a angel with 10 dimensions. These included one ambit of time, the three accustomed amplitude dimensions, as able-bodied as six added dimensions, coiled up so tiny that they're actually invisible.
GARY HOROWITZ: Well, we anticipate these added ambit abide because they appear out of the equations of cord theory. Strings charge to move in added than three dimensions. And that was a shock to everybody, but afresh we abstruse to alive with it.
BRIAN GREENE: But M-theory would go alike further, ambitious yet addition spatial dimension, bringing the admirable absolute to 11 dimensions.
BURT OVRUT: We apperceive that there would accept to be 11 ambit for this approach to accomplish sense. So there charge be 11 dimensions. We abandoned see three additional one of them. How is that possible?
["388"]BRIAN GREENE: For best of us, it's about absurd to account the extra, college dimensions: I can't. And it's not surprising. Our accuracy acquired analysis aloof the three spatial ambit of accustomed experience. So how can we get a feel for them?
One way is to go to the movies.
THEATER BRIAN GREENE: We're all accustomed with the absolute angel accepting three spatial dimensions. That is, anywhere I go, I can move left-right, back-forth, or up-down.
MOVIE SCREEN BRIAN (on screen): But in the movies, things are a bit different. Alike admitting the characters on a cine awning attending three-dimensional, they actually are ashore in aloof two dimensions. There is no back-forth on a cine screen, that's aloof an optical illusion.
To actually move in the back-forth dimension, I'd accept to footfall out of the screen. And sometimes affective into a college ambit can be a advantageous affair to do.
MOVIE SCREEN BRIAN GREENE (in theater): So ambit all accept to do with the absolute admonition in which you can move. They're sometimes alleged "degrees of freedom."
THEATER BRIAN GREENE: The added ambit or degrees of abandon you have, the added you can do.
MOVIE SCREEN BRIAN GREENE (in theater): That's right.
BRIAN GREENE: And if there actually are 11 dimensions, afresh strings can do a lot more, too.
BURT OVRUT: Bodies found, adequately soon, that there were altar that lived in these theories, which weren't aloof strings, but were beyond than that. They actually looked like membranes or surfaces.
BRIAN GREENE: The added ambit Witten added allows a cord to amplitude into article like a membrane, or a "brane" for short. A brane could be three-dimensional or alike more. And with abundant energy, a brane could abound to an astronomic size, conceivably alike as ample as a universe.
This was a anarchy in cord theory.
STEVEN WEINBERG: Cord approach has gotten abundant added baroque. I beggarly now there are not abandoned strings, there are membranes. Bodies go on calling this cord theory, but the cord theorists are not abiding it actually is a approach of strings anymore.
BRIAN GREENE: The actuality of behemothic membranes and added ambit would accessible up a amazing new possibility, that our accomplished creation is active on a membrane, axial a abundant larger, college dimensional space.
It's about as if we were active inside...a loaf of bread? Our creation ability be like a allotment of bread, aloof one slice, in a abundant beyond loaf that physicists sometimes alarm the "bulk."
And if these account are right, the aggregate may accept added slices, added universes, that are appropriate abutting to ours, in effect, "parallel" universes.
Not abandoned would our creation be annihilation special, but we could accept a lot of neighbors. Some of them could resemble our universe, they ability accept aggregate and planets and, who knows, maybe alike beings of a sort.
Others actually would be a lot stranger. They ability be disqualified by actually altered laws of physics. Now, all of these added universes would abide aural the added ambit of M-theory, ambit that are all about us. Some alike say they ability be appropriate abutting to us, below than a millimeter away.
But if that's true, why can't I see them or draft them?
BURT OVRUT: If you accept a brane active in a college dimensional space, and your particles, your atoms, cannot get off the brane, it's like aggravating to ability out, but you can't draft anything. It ability as able-bodied be on the added end of the universe.
JOSEPH LYKKEN: It's a actual able abstraction because if it's appropriate it agency that our accomplished account of the creation is atramentous by the actuality that we're trapped on aloof a tiny allotment of the college dimensional universe.
BRIAN GREENE: It is a able idea, abnormally because it may advice breach one of the abundant mysteries of avant-garde science. It has to do with gravity. It's been added than 300 years aback Isaac Newton came up with the accepted law of gravity, inspired, as the adventure goes, by seeing an angel abatement from a tree. Today, it seems accessible that force is a able force.
SHELDON LEE GLASHOW: It would assume to best bodies that force is a actual important force, it's actual strong. It's actual adamantine to get up in the morning, angle up, and aback things abatement they breach because force is strong. But the actuality of the aggregate is that it's not strong. It's, it's actually a actual anemic force.
BRIAN GREENE: Force pulls us bottomward to the Earth, and keeps our Angel in apogee about the sun. But in fact, we affected the force of force all the time. It's not that hard. Alike with the force of the absolute Angel affairs this angel downward, the anatomy in my arm can calmly affected it.
And it's not aloof our anatomy that put force to shame. Magnets can do it, too, no sweat. Magnets backpack a altered force, the electromagnetic force. That's the aforementioned force abaft ablaze and electricity. It turns out that electromagnetism is much, abundant stronger than gravity.
Gravity, in comparison, is amazingly weak. How weak? The electromagnetic force is some thousand billion, billion, billion, billion times stronger. That's a one with 39 zeroes afterward it.
The weakness of force has ashamed scientists for decades. But now, with the abolitionist angel of cord theory, abounding with membranes and added dimensions, there's a accomplished new way to attending at the problem.
NIMA ARKANI-HAMED: One way of abutting the catechism of why force is so anemic compared to all the added forces, is to about-face the catechism actually on its head, and say, "No, actually force isn't actual weak. Compared to all the added forces, it aloof appears to be weak."
BRIAN GREENE: It may be that force is actually aloof as able as electromagnetism, but for some reason, we can't feel its strength.
SAVAS DIMOPOULOS: Consider a basin table, a actual ample basin table. Anticipate of the apparent of the basin table as apery our three-dimensional universe, although it is aloof two-dimensional, and anticipate of the billiard assurance as apery atoms and added particles that the creation is fabricated out of.
BRIAN GREENE: So here's the agrarian idea: the atoms and particles that accomplish up being in the angel about us will breach on our accurate membrane, our allotment of the creation aloof as the billiard assurance will breach on the apparent of the basin table—unless you're a actually bad basin player.
But whenever the assurance collide, there is article that consistently seeps off the table, complete waves. That's why I can apprehend the collision. Now, the abstraction is that force ability be like the complete waves, it ability not be bedfast to our membrane. It ability be able to bleed off our allotment of the universe.
Or anticipate about it addition way. Instead of basin tables, let's go aback to bread. Brainstorm that our creation is like this allotment of toast. And that you and me, and all of matter—light itself, aggregate we see—is like jelly. Now clabber can move advisedly on the apparent of the toast, but otherwise, it's stuck, it can't leave the apparent itself.
But what if force were different? What if force were added like biscuit and sugar? Now, this being isn't adhesive at all, so it calmly slides appropriate off the surface.
But why would force be so altered from aggregate abroad that we apperceive of in the universe? Well, turns out that cord theory, or M-theory, provides an answer. It all has to do with shape.
For years, we concentrated on strings that were bankrupt loops, like elastic bands. But afterwards M-theory, we angry our absorption to added kinds. Now we anticipate that aggregate we see about us, like aggregate and light, is fabricated of advancing strings, and the ends of anniversary cord are angry bottomward to our three-dimensional membrane.
But bankrupt loops of cord do exist, and one affectionate is amenable for gravity. It's alleged a graviton. With bankrupt loops, there are no apart ends to tie down, so gravitons are chargeless to escape into the added dimensions, diluting the backbone of force and authoritative it assume weaker than the added armament of nature.
This suggests an arresting possibility. If we do alive on a film and there are alongside universes on added membranes abreast us, we may never see them, but conceivably we could one day feel them through gravity.
SAVAS DIMOPOULOS: If there happens to be able activity on one of the membranes, afresh this able activity ability be actual abutting to us. So theoretically, and actually theoretically, we ability be able to acquaint with this able activity by exchanging able force beachcomber sources.
BRIAN GREENE: So who knows? Maybe anytime we'll advance the technology and use force after-effects to actually acquaint with added worlds.
ALIEN: Ay-yoo-ya.
BRIAN GREENE: Yes, hey, it's Brian. How you doing?
ALIEN: Brian, hoh-ba jubby wah-fa-loo poo-jabba "Simpsons!"
TRANSLATION: I told you never to alarm me during "The Simpsons!"
BRIAN GREENE: We don't actually apperceive if alongside universes could accept a absolute appulse on us. But there is one actual arguable idea, which says they've already played a above role. In fact, it gives them acclaim for our existence.
As the archetypal adventure goes, the all-inclusive creation we see today was already acutely small, unimaginably small. Then, suddenly, it got bigger—a lot bigger—during the affecting accident accepted as the big bang.
The big blast continued the bolt of amplitude and set off the alternation of contest that brought us to the creation we apperceive and adulation today. But there's consistently been a brace of problems with the big blast theory. First, aback you clasp the absolute creation into an infinitesimally small, but stupendously abutting package, at a assertive point, our laws of physics artlessly breach down. They aloof don't accomplish faculty anymore.
DAVID GROSS: The formulas we use alpha giving answers that are nonsensical. We acquisition absolute disaster. Aggregate break down, and we're stuck.
BRIAN GREENE: And on top of this, there's the blast itself. What actually is that?
ALAN GUTH: That's actually a problem. The archetypal anatomy of the big blast approach actually says annihilation about what banged, what happened afore it banged, or what acquired it to bang.
BRIAN GREENE: Refinements to the big blast approach do advance explanations for the Bang, but none of them about-face the alarm aback actually to the moment aback aggregate started.
PAUL STEINHARDT (Princeton University): Best bodies appear at this with the naĆ¯ve angle that there was a beginning—that somehow amplitude and time emerged from pettiness into somethingness.
BURT OVRUT: Well, I don't apperceive about you, but I don't like nothing. Do I actually accept that the creation was a big blast out of nothing? And I'm not a philosopher, so I won't say. But I could brainstorm to a philosopher, that is a problem. But to a physicist, I think, it's additionally a problem.
BRIAN GREENE: Anybody admits there are problems. The catechism is: "Can cord approach breach them?" Some cord theorists accept appropriate that the Big Blast wasn't the alpha at all, that the creation could accept existed continued afore alike forever. Not anybody is adequate with the idea.
ALAN GUTH: I actually acquisition it rather airedale to anticipate about a creation afterwards a beginning. It seems to me that a creation afterwards a alpha is additionally a creation afterwards an explanation.
BRIAN GREENE: So what is the explanation? What if cord approach is right, and we are all active on a behemothic film axial a college dimensional space?
PAUL STEINHARDT: One of the account in cord approach that was decidedly arresting to me, and appropriate conceivably a new administration for cosmology, is the abstraction of branes and the abstraction of branes affective in added dimensions.
BRIAN GREENE: Some scientists accept proposed that the acknowledgment to the Big Blast riddle lies in the movements of these behemothic branes.
BURT OVRUT: It's so simple. Here's a brane on which we live, and here's addition brane amphibian in the college dimension. There's actually annihilation difficult about apperception that these blast with anniversary other.
BRIAN GREENE: According to this idea, some time afore the big bang, two branes accustomed alongside universes began afloat against anniversary other, until...
BURT OVRUT: All of that activity has to go somewhere. Breadth does it go? It goes into the big bang. It creates the amplification that we see, and it heats up all the particles in the creation in this big, ablaze mass.
BRIAN GREENE: As if this weren't awe-inspiring enough, the proponents of this abstraction accomplish addition abolitionist claim: the big blast was not a appropriate event.
They say that alongside universes could accept collided, not aloof already in the past, but afresh and again—and that it will appear in the future. If this appearance is right, there's a brane out there appropriate now, headed on a draft advance with our universe.
PAUL STEINHARDT: So addition draft is coming, and there'll be addition big bang. And this will aloof echo itself for an broad aeon into the future.
BRIAN GREENE: It's an arresting idea. Unfortunately, there are a few abstruse problems.
DAVID GROSS: Well, that was a actual able book that arose artlessly aural cord theory. However, the acceptable old problems edge aback in again.
BRIAN GREENE: The actuality is we don't actually apperceive what happens aback two branes collide. You can wind up with the aforementioned bearings we had with the Big Bang; the equations don't accomplish sense.
GARY HOROWITZ: They accept to accomplish a lot of assumptions in their models, and I don't anticipate they've actually apparent the botheration of the big blast in cord theory.
BRIAN GREENE: If cord approach is the one accurate approach of the universe, it will accept to breach the riddle of the big bang. And there's a lot of achievement that anytime cord approach will succeed. But for now, there's additionally a lot of uncertainty. As able and agitative the approach is, we don't actually accept it.
DAVID GROSS: It's as if we've stumbled in the aphotic into a house, which we anticipation was a two bedchamber accommodation and now we're advertent is a nineteen-room mansion—at least. And maybe it's got a thousand rooms, and we're aloof alpha our journey.
BRIAN GREENE: So how abiding are we that the creation is the way that cord approach describes it? Is the angel actually fabricated up of strings and membranes, alongside universes and added dimensions? Is this all science or science fiction?
MICHAEL DUFF: Well, the catechism we generally ask ourselves as we assignment through our equations is, "Is this aloof adorned mathematics, or is it anecdotic the absolute world?'
S. JAMES GATES, JR.: These contest in our acuteness of mathematics are all, at the end of the day, subjected to a distinct question: "Is it there in the laboratory? Can you acquisition its evidence?"
JOSEPH LYKKEN: Cord approach and cord theorists do accept a absolute problem. How do you actually analysis cord theory? If you can't analysis it in the way that we analysis accustomed theories, it's not science, it's philosophy, and that's a absolute problem.
BRIAN GREENE: Strings are anticipation to be so tiny, abundant abate than an atom, that there's apparently no way to see them directly. But alike if we never see strings, we may anytime see their fingerprints. You see, if strings were about at the alpha of the universe, aback things were actually tiny, they would accept larboard impressions or traces on their surroundings. And then, afterwards the big bang, aback aggregate expanded, those traces would accept been continued out forth with aggregate else. So, if that's true, we may anytime see the clue signs of strings about in the stars.
But alike actuality on angel there's a adventitious we can ascertain affirmation of strings. This affirmation in Illinois serves as command axial for a lot of this research. Well, actually, the absolute assignment happens underground breadth the coursing is on for affirmation acknowledging cord theory, including added dimensions.
JOSEPH LYKKEN: Not too abounding years ago, bodies who talked about ample added ambit would accept been advised crackpots, to put it lightly.
BRIAN GREENE: But all that has changed, acknowledgment to cord theory.
This is Fermilab, and appropriate now, it's our best achievement for proving that added ambit are real. Fermilab has a behemothic atom smasher. Here's how it works: scientists zap hydrogen atoms with huge amounts of electricity. Later, they band them of their electrons and accelerate the protons zooming about a four mile annular adit below the prairie. Aloof as they're abutting the acceleration of light, they are steered into collisions with particles whizzing in the adverse direction.
Most collisions are aloof casual blows, but occasionally there's a absolute hit. The aftereffect is a battery of abnormal subatomic particles. The achievement is that amid these particles will be a tiny assemblage of gravity, the graviton.
Gravitons, according to cord theory, are bankrupt loops, so they can float off into the added dimensions. The admirable award-winning would be a snapshot of a graviton at the moment of escape.
MARIA SPIROPULU (Fermilab): And afresh the graviton goes to the added dimension, and afresh it shows in the detector by its absence. You see it by its absence.
BRIAN GREENE: Unfortunately, Fermilab hasn't yet "seen" the vanishing graviton. And the burden is on, because addition aggregation is hot on the aforementioned trail. Four thousand afar away, on the bound of France and Switzerland, a lab alleged CERN is amalgam an astronomic new atom smasher. Aback it's finished, it will be seven times added able than Fermilab's.
JOSEPH LYKKEN: There's a abundant faculty of coercion that every minute has to count, but eventually, CERN, our battling laboratory, will bluntly draft us out of the water.
BRIAN GREENE: CERN will draft Fermilab out of the water, not abandoned in the chase for added dimensions, but added agrarian ideas.
At the top of the "to do" account for both labs is the coursing for article alleged "supersymmetry," that's a axial anticipation of cord theory. And it says, in a nutshell, that for every subatomic atom we're accustomed with, like electrons, photons, and gravitons, there should additionally be a abundant added accomplice alleged a "sparticle," which so far no one has anytime seen.
Now, because cord approach says sparticles should exist, award them is a above priority.
MARIA SPIROPULU: So, it's a big analysis to acquisition supersymmetry. That's, that's a humongous analysis and, and I anticipate it's a bigger analysis to acquisition supersymmetry than to acquisition activity on Mars.
AMANDA PEET: If we were to apprehend tomorrow that supersymmetry was discovered, there would be parties all over the planet.
BRIAN GREENE: The botheration is, if they exist, the sparticles of supersymmetry are apparently abundantly heavy, so abundant that they may not be detected with today's atom smashers. The new ability at CERN will accept the best chance, already it's up and active in several years, but that won't stop the association at Fermilab from aggravating to acquisition them first.
MARIA SPIROPULU: The antagonism is, is affable and angry at the aforementioned time. We're aggressive like bad dogs, essentially. It has consistently been like that, and it will consistently be like that.
JOSEPH LYKKEN: We accept to accomplish abiding that we don't accomplish any mistakes, that we do actually the best we can do at these abstracts and booty advantage of what is actually one of the abundant aureate opportunities for discovery.
BRIAN GREENE: If we do acquisition sparticles, it won't prove cord theory, but it will be actually able amplified affirmation that we're on the appropriate track. Over the abutting 10 to 20 years, the new bearing of atom smashers is abiding to bare hasty truths about the attributes of our universe.
But will it be the creation predicted by cord theory? What if we don't acquisition sparticles? Or added dimensions? What if we never acquisition any affirmation that supports this awe-inspiring new creation abounding with membranes and tiny cavernous strings? Could cord theory, in the end, be wrong?
MICHAEL DUFF: Oh yes, it's actually a analytic achievability that we've all been crumbling our time for the aftermost twenty years and that the approach is actually wrong.
JOSEPH LYKKEN: There accept been periods of abounding years breadth all of the acute people, all of the air-conditioned people, were alive on one affectionate of theory, affective in one affectionate of direction, and alike admitting they anticipation it was wonderful, it angry out to be a asleep end. This could appear to cord theory.
BRIAN GREENE: Alike admitting there's no absolute affirmation yet, so abundant of cord approach aloof makes so abundant sense; a lot of us accept it's aloof got to be right.
STEVEN WEINBERG: I don't anticipate it's anytime happened that a approach that has the affectionate of algebraic address that cord approach has angry out to be actually wrong. I would acquisition it adamantine to accept that that abundant breeding and algebraic adorableness would artlessly be wasted.
GARY HOROWITZ: I don't actually apperceive how abutting we are to the end. You know, are we about there in accepting the complete story? Is it activity to still be addition ten years? Cipher knows. But I anticipate it's activity to accumulate me active for a continued time.
JOSEPH LYKKEN: We accept been abundantly lucky. Attributes has somehow accustomed us to alleviate the keys to abounding axiological mysteries already. How far can we advance that? We won't apperceive until we, until we try.
BRIAN GREENE: A aeon ago, some scientists anticipation they had appealing abundant ample out the basal laws of the universe. But afresh Einstein came forth and badly revised our angle of amplitude and time and gravity. And advance mechanics apparent the abutting apparatus of atoms and molecules, absolute a angel that's camp and uncertain.
So, far from acknowledging that we had sorted it all out, the 20th aeon showed that every time we looked added carefully at the universe, we apparent yet addition abrupt band of reality.
As we commence on the 21st century, we're accepting a glimpse of what may be the abutting layer: cavernous strings, sparticles, alongside universes and added dimensions. It's a amazing vision, and in a few years, abstracts may activate to acquaint us whether some of these account are appropriate or wrong.
But, behindhand of the outcome, we'll accumulate going, because, well, that's what we do. We chase our curiosity. We analyze the unknown. And a hundred or a thousand years from now, today's appearance of the creation may attending woefully incomplete, conceivably alike quaint. But undeniably, the account we alarm cord approach are a attestation to the ability of animal creativity. They've opened a accomplished new spectrum of accessible answers to age-old questions. And with them, we've taken a affecting bound in our adventure to actually accept this affected universe.
On NOVA's Website, go abaft the scenes with Brian Greene. Adventure into the subatomic world, comedy with strings, account added ambit and abundant more. Acquisition it on PBS.org.
To adjustment this affairs on VHS or DVD, or the book, The Affected Universe, amuse alarm WGBH Boston Video at 1-800-255-9424.
Next time on NOVA, a aeon afterwards the Wright Brothers took flight, avant-garde builders attack to charm the world's aboriginal airplane, but will their dreams booty off? Wright Brothers' Flying Machine.
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