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The ceaseless calendar of anniversary plays, parades, parties and account ops rolling into boondocks this ages is demography an animal about-face - an ugly, itchy, hand-knit turn.
Like the anniversary they represent, animal Christmas sweaters are bright, busy, ancient and a little corny. It's no admiration again that one of the tackiest acme anytime to becloud your accoutrement has fabricated a improvement in contempo years.
Ugly Christmas sweaters booty over the 'Ville, starting Friday with the Runners Spot's Animal Christmas Sweater Pub Run. Again abutting weekend, don your bruised accoutrement as the Fayetteville Young Professionals bandy the Jingle & Mingle Animal Sweater Party.
Carol Mattos, association beat coordinator at the Runners Spot, said the sweater chic was a absolute fit for the Haymount shop.
After the success of the Halloween apparel pub run in October, "we absitively to accumulate the drive going," Mattos said. "When you're accomplishing these affectionate of amusing runs, bathrobe up makes it added fun and I anticipate gets bodies aflame about running."
The pub run is accessible to all levels of experience, and offers a 2-mile or breathtaking 3-mile route. Both alpha at 6 p.m. at the boutique at 1221 Hay St., arch city for a quick beer at Huske Hardware, again end aback in Haymount at Latitude 35 area the affair gets underway about 7 p.m., said Mattos. The Runners Spot is teaming up with the Fayetteville Runners Club for the event, "so it should be a acceptable turnout," Mattos said.
Next weekend, the Fayetteville Young Professionals accumulate the animal sweater trend going. The group's anniversary Christmas affair is consistently a hit but this year, business administrator Candice Richardson said they were attractive to mix things up.
"We capital to do article for the millennials, and the sweaters parties accept been all over amusing media," Richardson said. "Plus, you don't accept to absorb a lot on addition cocktail dress."
The Dec. 9 affair at Anstead's Tobacco Company on McPherson Abbey Road appearance cigars, banknote bar, anniversary appetizers, ball and a award-winning for the tackiest sweater.
Richardson's advancement is to get artistic - "the uglier the better," she said.
And animal sweaters aren't the alone way to bless the season. From afire tours to affected traditions, here's 50 anniversary affairs that prove there's no abode like the 'Ville for the holidays.
� Animal Christmas Sweater Pub Run: Friday, 6 p.m. at the Runners Spot. Participation is free; RSVP on the accident folio at facebook.com/TheRunnersSpot, or alarm 758-9127.
��Creek's Animal Sweater Party: Saturday, 9 p.m. at Creek Bar & Grill in Saint Pauls. Alcohol specials, alive music, jukebox photo berth and animal sweater contest. 429-2323.
��Jingle & Mingle Animal Sweater Party: Dec. 9, 7 p.m. at Anstead's Tobacco Company. Fayetteville Young Professionals anniversary Christmas affair is $5 for members, $10 for nonmembers. Register at fayyp.chambermaster.com/events.
� Euphoria's Animal Sweater Party: Dec. 16, 4 p.m. to 2 a.m. at Euphoria Hookah Lounge. Award-winning for the ugliest sweater, additional alcohol and hookah specials for anyone cutting a sweater. euphoriahookahnc.com.
� Legends' Animal Sweater Bash: Dec. 16, 8 p.m. at Legends Bar & Grill in Southern Pines. Alcohol specials, aliment and prizes for the ugliest sweaters. facebook.com/Legendssop.
��Pet-Friendly Sweater Party: Dec. 17, 6 p.m. at Deep River Brewing Company in Clayton. Alive music, aliment barter on armpit and ugliest sweater prizes for dogs and humans. facebook.com/DeepRiverBrewing.
��Suggly Sweater 5k: Dec. 17, 10 a.m. at Sugg Farm Park in Holly Springs. Third anniversary family-friendly walk/run followed by Christmas celebration. Register at SugglySweater5k.eventbrite.com.
��Tacky Sweater Murder Mystery:�Dec. 19, 6 p.m. Kidzplay hosts a�murder abstruseness feast amphitheater and tackiest sweater challenge at the Metropolitan Room.�facebook.com/Kidzplaync.
� Christmas Day Animal Sweater Party:�Dec. 25, 10 p.m. at Truth Bar & Lounge.�229-7362.�
��Christmas in Paradise: Twelve-acre ablaze affectation and country cafe accessible through Dec. 23 in Hope Mills. paradiseacres.biz.
["582"]��Christmas Lights at Denton Ridge: Life-size Christmas angel accessible through Dec. 21 in Linden. dentonridge.com.
��Lu Mil Vineyard Festival of Lights: Drive-through synchronized ablaze appearance accessible through Dec. 23 in Elizabethtown. lumilvineyard.com.
��Meadow Lights: One of the region's better anniversary ablaze displays for 30 years accessible through Christmas Day in Benson. meadowlights.com.
��Christmas in the Park: The anniversary walking aisle with alternation rides and visits with Santa opens Wednesday at Arnette Park, and runs through Dec. 21. 433-1547.
��Holiday Lights in the Garden: The sixth anniversary aflame walking bout opens Dec. 9 at Cape Fear Botanical Garden, and runs through Dec. 30. capefearbg.org.
��Rails to Christmas: A caliginosity alternation ride through a wonderland of lights runs Dec. 9-10 and 16-17 in Red Springs. redspringsandnorthern.com.
��Luminary Service: Association afterthought commemoration featuring lantern lighting in account of admired ones, sleigh rides and pictures with Santa, Dec. 10 at Lafayette Memorial Park. lmpnc.com.
� Candlelight Loft Tour:�The signature city accident featuring tours of celebrated lofts, Parkview townhomes and apartments aloft city shops busy for the season, Dec. 11 in city Fayetteville. �faydta.org.
��"Best Christmas Pageant Ever": The 26th anniversary family-friendly assembly runs through Dec. 18 at Cape Fear Regional Theatre. cfrt.org.
��"It's a Admirable Life": Affected adjustment of the 1946 blur runs through Dec. 18 at the Gilbert Theater. gilberttheater.com.
��"A Christmas Carol": Performances run through Dec. 18 at Temple Theatre in Sanford. templeshows.com.
��"A Christmas Carol: The Musical": Purple Door Productions presents an aboriginal agreeable by North Carolina author Lee Yopp, active through Sunday at the A.D. Lewis Theatre in Lumberton. 910-258-0787.
��"The Nutcracker'': The Dance Theatre of Fayetteville's assembly of the archetypal anniversary ballet runs through Sunday at Methodist University's Reeves Auditorium, 850-6363. The North Carolina State Ballet's assembly runs Dec. 10-11 at the Crown Theatre, crowncomplexnc.com.
��Ladysticks Presents "Christmas Eve": Acceptance of Ladysticks Performing Arts and Music Studio accomplish Dec. 9 at Association Resource Center in Raeford. Christmas pajamas are recommended; feast will be served for VIP admission holders. facebook.com/theladysticks.
��"The Heart's Treasure": The Christmas assembly runs Wednesday through Dec. 11 at Northwood Temple Church. A pre-matinee cafeteria cafe served Dec. 10-11. northwoodtemple.org.
��"Behold: A Folk Christmas Cantata": Sweet Tea Shakespeare's agreeable booty on the Christmas chance runs Thursday and Dec. 9 at Holy Trinity Episcopal Church. sweetteashakespeare.com.
��A Robeson County Christmas Show: Anniversary agreeable caricature appearance Miss North Carolina 2013 Johna Edmonds and �X-Factor� �finalist Tyler Cole, active Thursday through Dec. 11 at the Carolina Civic Center in Lumberton. carolinaciviccenter.com.
��Singing Christmas Tree: The 36th anniversary anniversary attitude runs through Sunday at Snyder Memorial Baptist Church. snydermbc.com.
��Holiday �Xplosion: A chargeless achievement by the Fayetteville State University Symphonic Bandage �featuring a anniversary sing-a-long and amphitheater encores from the FSU drumline and Marching �Bronco Xpress, 7 p.m. Friday at Seabrook Auditorium on the FSU campus. 672-1446.
��Holiday Extravaganza: The eighth anniversary anniversary achievement by acceptance and adroitness of UNC-Pembroke appearance a Christmas carol sing-along and "Tuba Christmas" mini-concert, Friday at the Givens Performing Arts Center in Pembroke. uncp.edu.
��A Gospel Christmas: A achievement by the Fayetteville State University Concert Choir featuring Mane Attraction and Men of Distinction, 5 p.m. Saturday at First Baptist Church. fsuarts.com.
��Murphy Family Christmas: The country Christmas concert allotment to Sunrise Amphitheater in Southern Pines, 3 p.m. Sunday. sunrisetheater.com.
��Holiday Pops: The anniversary concert in North Carolina Symphony�s Fayetteville series, Wednesday at Methodist University�s Huff Concert Hall. ncsymphony.org.
��Singing Christmas Timberline Cantata:�The abbey choir performs melancholia songs and Christmas chance drama, Dec. 9-11 at Highland Baptist Abbey in Hope Mills. facebook.com/highlandbaptistnc.�
��"Waltzing in a Winter Wonderland": Fayetteville Symphony Orchestra's anniversary concert, Dec. 10 at Methodist University's Huff Concert Hall. fayettevillesymphony.org.
��Nantucket Christmas Show:�The '70s bank bandage brings its anniversary appearance to the Bedrock Boutique Music Hall, Dec. 11 at 8 p.m. with meet-and-greet at 7:30 p.m.�facebook.com/therockshoplive.
��"Sharing Anniversary Traditions": The 82nd Airborne Division All-American Bandage and Chorus accomplish a chargeless anniversary concert for the public, additional paratroopers display, photos with Santa, anniversary timberline lighting and refreshments, Dec. 14 in advanced of Division Headquarters on Fort Bragg. 570-1752.
��A Southern Celtic Christmas: The Jennifer Licko Band's anniversary concert allotment to the Weymouth Center in Southern Pines on Dec. 16. weymouthcenter.org.
��Messiah Sing: Cumberland Oratorio Singers and the Campbellton Youth Chorus present a chargeless walk-on achievement of Handel's Messiah, Dec. 17 at St. Ann Catholic Church. singwithcos.org.
��An Elvis Christmas Special: Todd Allen Herendeen performs in a concert to account MIRA Foundation USA and Animal Advocates of Moore County, Dec. 18 at Pinehurst High School. vision4moore.com.
��Christmas at the 1897 Poe House: Tours of the actual home busy for a acceptable Victorian anniversary run through Jan. 8 at the Building of the Cape Fear. 486-1330.
��Live Nativity: The 20th anniversary alive bearing at Temple �Baptist Abbey runs through Sunday. templebaptistfay.com.
��Weymouth Christmas Accessible House: "Over the River and Through Weymouth Woods" is the affair of this year's anniversary bout of the Boyd Abode active through Sunday in Southern Pines. weymouthcenter.org.
��Yuletide Feaste: Renaissance feast and entertainment, Friday and Saturday at Haymount United Methodist Church. 630-7153.
��A Christmas Bout of Homes: Heritage Square Actual Society presents a bout of celebrated busy homes from 1 to 6 p.m. Sunday at Heritage Square, 224 Dick St., and added locations. heritagesquarefay.org.
��Holiday Accessible Abode at Mill Prong:�Tours of the celebrated 1795 Mill Prong Abode in Raeford featuring aeon refreshments and music by the Sandhills Consort, from 2 to 5 p.m. Sunday. 910-692-7272, 910-466-9008.
��Market Abode Accessible House: A appropriate display on celebrated shops of city Fayetteville featuring cornball Christmas ads, administration abundance artifacts and photos, accessible apex to 4 p.m. Dec. 9 at the Market House. 433-1457.
��Old Fashioned Christmas:�Celebrate a 19th-century Christmas with aeon decorations, refreshments and music, belletrist to Santa, children's crafts and building tours, Dec. 10 at Malcolm Blue Farm in Aberdeen. townofaberdeen.net.
��Oak Grove Christmas Accessible House: The celebrated acreage in Godwin opens to the accessible Dec. 16-17 for daytime and black candlelight tours, horse-and-carriage rides, Brunswick bouillon and visits with Santa. 910-323-1903.
��Pet Photos with Santa: Leashed pets can appointment Santa on Pet Photo Night from 6 to 8 p.m. Tuesday and Dec. 13 at Cross Creek Mall. crosscreekmall.com/holiday.
["723.62"]��Carriage Rides with Santa: See city Fayetteville by horse-drawn carrying apprenticed by Santa and hosted by City Alliance, from 1 to 8 p.m. Dec. 10-11 and 17-18. 222-3382.
��Breakfast with Santa: Three affairs to accept breakfast with Santa afore he leads the Rotary Christmas Array on Dec. 10 - at the Airborne & Appropriate Operations Building amid 7:30 and 9:30 a.m., asomf.org; at the Fascinate-U Children's Building amid 8:30 and 9:30 a.m., 829-9171; or at Studio 215 amid 9 a.m. and noon, 703-7525.
��Roller Skate with Santa: Wear your tackiest anniversary accouterments on Dec. 17 and accompany Santa on the amphitheatre at the Round-A-Bout Skating Center's Elm Street and Skateway Drive locations. round-a-bout.com.
��A Very Metal Christmas with Bad Santa: The Drunk Horse Pub hosts a night of alive bedrock music and bedraggled pictures with Bad Santa, Dec. 17. facebook.com/theagoralive.
��Skating Under the Pines:�The West Lawn of the Carolina Hotel in Pinehurst transforms into a 2,100-square-foot ice skating amphitheatre featuring anniversary music, lights and amusement bar, accessible through Jan. 11. pinehurst.com.
��Christmas Barn Escape:�The alternate escape allowance in Aberdeen appearance a Christmas Witch's Gingerbread Abode chance through Dec. 17. barnescapemoorecounty.com.
� Festival of Trees:�Holiday accession with food, entertainment, raffles and a alive and bashful bargain featuring seven professionally busy themed Christmas copse allowances the Armed Services YMCA, 6 p.m. Friday at St. Patrick Catholic Church. facebook.com/ASYMCAFortBraggNC.
��Candy Cane Hunt:�Family-friendly alfresco activities include�cookie decorating, crafts, games, photos with Santa and Candy Cane Hunt with prizes, 5 p.m. Friday at Memorial Park in Southern Pines. southernpines.net.
��Cypress Bend Accessible House: The 12th anniversary Christmas accessible abode appearance alive music and Christmas goodies, Saturday at Cypress Bend Vineyards in Wagram. cypressbendvineyards.com.
��Flapjacks & Flannel: "A Ridiculously Hipster Christmas Party" featuring a breakfast of flapjacks and angel cider, games, giveaways, shopping, a lumberjack photo berth and prizes for the best hipster outfit, best artistic use of flannel and more, Dec. 11 at Pressed. facebook.com/pressednc.
��Frozen in Wonderland: Meet the casting of characters from "Frozen" at a kid-friendly accident featuring sing-a-long, crafts, photo ops and more, Dec. 11 at Studio 215. sprinklepopplay.com.
��Jack'd Up Stout Tasting Party:�It's the best admirable time for a beer at the Mash Abode Brewing Company, Dec. 16. Chargeless appetizers and babble with Mash Abode brewmaster�Reuben Stocks. Advance catch required.�867-9223.
��Snow Spectacular: The ARC of Moore County presents "Elf" on the big awning followed by a winter wonderland of snow, Dec. 17 at Sunrise Amphitheater in Southern Pines. sunrisetheater.com.
��Sanford Christmas Festivities:�Depot Park Alternation and timberline lighting, 6 p.m. Friday; Sanford Christmas parade, 7 p.m. Monday in city Sanford. downtownsanford.com.
��Hope Mills Christmas Festivities: Breakfast with Santa at the Hope Mills Recreation Center, 8:30 a.m. Saturday, followed at 3 p.m. by the array in city Hope Mills and Festival of Lights at Municipal Park. townofhopemills.com.
��Robeson County Christmas Parades: Fairmont Twilight Christmas Array and Anniversary on Main festivities, 6 p.m. Friday; Marietta parade, 10 a.m. Saturday; Red Springs parade, 3 p.m. Dec. 10. lumberton-nc.com.
��Harnett County Christmas Parades: Angier parade, 10 a.m. Saturday; Dunn parade, 2 p.m. Saturday; Erwin array and timberline lighting, 6 p.m Monday; Lillington array and timberline lighting, 5:30 p.m. Dec. 10. business.dunnchamber.com.
��Moore County Christmas Parades: Southern Pines array and timberline lighting, 11 a.m. Saturday; Carthage array and timberline lighting, 6 p.m. Tuesday; Aberdeen parade, 11 a.m. Dec. 10; Moore County Driving Club Christmas Carrying Parade, 12:30 p.m. Dec. 10 in Southern Pines. moorechoices.net.
��Rotary Christmas Parade: Fayetteville Rotary Club's anniversary parade, 11 a.m. Dec. 10 in city Fayetteville. rotarychristmasparade.com.




