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Depending on what day of the anniversary it is you’ll apparently see a cardinal of posts on amusing media featuring the aforementioned amusing media autograph and there are new ones bustling up all the time. You’ve got your archetypal #TBT and #WCW but now there are variations of these as well.
["1396.8"]Whether you’re on Snapchat, Instagram or Facebook you’ve apparently gotten acclimated to seeing these autograph acronyms for altered posts but maybe you haven’t apperceive what they all stood for. Even anniversary amusing media belvedere has its own acronyms or autograph for apropos to them, for instance Facebook is FB, Instagram is IG or Insta and Snapchat is artlessly Snap.
Some of the acronyms depends on which day of the anniversary it is. For archetype on Monday, you ability see the vague #MCM. On Thursdays you’ll apparently see some posts tagged with #TBT. Here’s what they mean, so abutting time you see one you’re not larboard apprehensive what the acceptation of the photo is.
The anniversary on amusing media starts with #MCM.
#MCM - This one stands for “Man Drove Monday.” A photo with this beneath it agency the affiche has a “man crush” on whoever the photo is of, whether it be a celebrity, a boyfriend, a dog, or whoever the photo is of. This is carefully acclimated on Monday.
On Wednesdays you’ve got #WCW
#WCW/#WCE - This one stands for “woman drove Wednesday” or “woman drove eternity.” They’re agnate to #MCM but they’re acquaint of women, so a cogent other, celebrity or any important changeable amount to the poster. This column from Jennifer Aniston’s bedmate Justin Theroux is a acceptable archetype of one.
Thursdays are aloof for #TBT.
#TBT - This agency “throwback Thursday,” and is meant for Thursdays, not Tuesdays. This is usually an old photo from months or years ago. What absolutely constitutes a “throwback” is somewhat vague. Actor Mark Ruffalo acquaint this #TBT of him from his aboriginal acting years on Twitter.
For those who absent #TBT, there’s consistently #FBF.
#FBF - This one stands for “flashback Friday.” It’s basically the aforementioned affair as #TBT but it happens on Friday, absolute for anyone who forgot to column on Thursday.
["1216.38"]There are added acronyms as able-bodied that are beneath centered on specific canicule of the anniversary and are aloof acclimated whenever they fit the situation.
#LB - This agency “like back” bodies animadversion it on added user’s posts allurement for a like aback on one of their posts. This got decidedly accepted a few years ago back bodies kept commenting “LB” on Kylie Jenner’s photos and she tweeted allurement them to stop.
#DM/PM - This agency “direct message” or “personal message.” This agency addition wants to accept a clandestine chat with addition user that others can’t see.
#HMU - This can additionally be a chat starter, it agency “hit me up,” which basically agency bulletin or alarm me.
#ICYMI - “In case you absent it” this one is acclimated to bolt addition up or to accompany article important up again.
["726.53"]#BTW - Artlessly abbreviate for “by the way.”
#FOMO - This is the abhorrence of missing out, article we’ve all accomplished at one time or another.
#NSFW - This one is important if you’re scrolling through any of your amusing media in the office, it agency “not safe for work” so you apparently shouldn’t appearance it at your desk.
#TBH - Sometimes addition will animadversion this on addition person’s contour if they appetite them to accord them a “tbh” or a “to be honest” comment.

