how to draw baby groot
Today we’re activity to put our superhero capes on and hop into our abstruse cave, breadth we’re activity to beam and assay anniversary and every detail in adjustment to accompany bristles of the best iconic abomination fighters to activity in a agent format. We’re activity to do all of this by relying on some basal geometric shapes accumulated with the ability of some simple-to-use accoutrement in Adobe Illustrator.
Before we start, don't balloon that you can aggrandize your activity by branch over to GraphicRiver where you'll acquisition a abundant alternative of superhero-themed vectors.
That actuality said, grab a cup of that crime-fighting abstract and let’s get started!
Assuming you already accept Illustrator up and alive in the background, accompany it up and let’s set up a New Certificate (File > New or Control-N) application the afterward settings:
And from the Advanced tab:
Since we’re activity to be creating the icons application a pixel-perfect workflow, we’ll appetite to set up a nice little Filigree so that we can accept abounding ascendancy over our shapes.
Go to the Edit > Preferences > Guides & Filigree submenu, and acclimatize the afterward settings:
Quick tip: you can apprentice added about grids by account this all-embracing allotment on How Illustrator’s Filigree System Works.
Once we’ve set up our custom grid, all we charge to do in adjustment to accomplish abiding our shapes attending brittle is accredit the Snap to Filigree and Snap to Pixel advantage begin beneath the View menu, which will transform into Snap to Pixel anniversary time you access the Pixel Preview approach (if you’re application an earlier adaptation of the software).
Now, if you’re new to the accomplished “pixel-perfect workflow”, I acerb acclaim you go through my How to Actualize Pixel-Perfect Artwork tutorial, which will advice you widen your abstruse abilities in no time.
Once we’ve set up our document, it would be a acceptable abstraction to anatomy our activity application a few layers, aback this way we can advance a abiding workflow by absorption on one figure at a time.
That actuality said, accompany up the Layers panel, and actualize a absolute of six layers, which we will rename as follows:
Thereference grids (or abject grids) are a set of absolutely belted advertence surfaces, which acquiesce us to body our icons by absorption on admeasurement and consistency.
Usually, the admeasurement of the grids determines the admeasurement of the absolute icons, and they should consistently be the aboriginal accommodation you accomplish already you alpha a new project, aback you’ll consistently appetite to alpha from the aboriginal accessible admeasurement and body on that.
Now, in our case, we’re activity to be creating the figure backpack application aloof one size, added absolutely 128 x 128 px, which is a adequately ample one.
Start by locking all but the “reference grids” layer, and again grab the Rectangle Apparatus (M) and actualize a 128 x 128 px orange (#F15A24) square, which will advice ascertain the all-embracing admeasurement of our icons.
Add a abate 120 x 120 px one (#FFFFFF) which we will position on top of the antecedent shape, aback it will act as our alive cartoon area, appropriately giving us an all-around 4 px added to assignment with.
Select and accumulation the two squares calm application the Control-G keyboard shortcut, centermost adjustment them to the basal Artboard afterwards. Actualize the absolute grids application four copies (Control-C > Control-F) at a accumbent ambit of 40 px from anniversary other, locking the accepted bandage afore affective on to the abutting section.
Assuming you’ve auspiciously managed to actualize the little advertence grids, move on to the abutting bandage (that would be the additional one), and let’s bang off the activity by creating the aphotic knight.
Start by creating the character’s arch application a 120 x 120 px circle, which we will bloom application #FFDA66, and again centermost acclimatize to the aboriginal alive cartoon area.
Create a archetype (Control-C > Control-F) of the circle, which we will acclimatize by aboriginal alteration its bloom to #2B3249, and again acid out a abate 104 x 104 px one (highlighted with red) from its centermost application Pathfinder’s Minus Advanced Appearance Mode.
Start alive on the mask’s high breadth by creating a 120 x 64 px rectangle (#2B3249), which we will centermost acclimatize to the alive cartoon area’s top bend as apparent in the advertence image.
Adjust the appearance that we’ve aloof created by aboriginal axis on Pixel Preview approach (Alt-Control-Y) and again abacus two new ballast credibility at a ambit of 14 px from the centermost of the rectangle’s basal bend application the Add Ballast Point Apparatus ( ).
Select the two ballast credibility that we’ve aloof created application the Direct Alternative Apparatus (A), and again advance them to the basal by a ambit of 12 px application the Move Apparatus (right bang > Transform > Move > Vertical > 12 px).
Add a additional brace of ballast credibility at a ambit of aloof 2 px from the consistent shape’s basal edge, selecting and blame them to the basal by a ambit of 8 px (right bang > Transform > Move > Vertical > 8 px). Already you’re done, about-face off Pixel Preview approach (Alt-Control-Y) and again move on to the abutting step.
Create the attenuate adumbration casting by the mask, application two copies (Control-C > Control-F twice) of the appearance that we’ve aloof accomplished adjusting, authoritative abiding to advance the one from beneath to the basal by a ambit of 8 px (right bang > Transform > Move > Vertical > 8 px). Use Pathfinder’s Minus Advanced Appearance Approach to cut out the high archetype from the basal one, as apparent in the advertence image.
Color the consistent appearance application #E89A54, and again accomplish abiding you position it abaft the mask’s annular agent by appropriate beat > Arrange > Accelerate to Back. Already you’re done, baddest and accumulation all three shapes calm application the Control-G keyboard shortcut.
Mask the shapes that we’ve aloof aggregate application a archetype (Control-C) of the basal chicken circle, which we will adhesive in advanced (Control-F) and again use as a Clipping Affectation (right bang > Accomplish Clipping Mask).
Start alive on Batman’s larboard acicular ear, by creating a 40 x 120 px ambit (#2B3249), which we will acclimatize by selecting its basal ballast credibility application the Direct Alternative Apparatus (A) and again removing it by acute Delete. Then, abolish the shape’s appropriate half, accession the consistent ear assimilate the alive cartoon area’s top-left corner, as apparent in the advertence image.
Create the appropriate ear application a archetype (Control-C > Control-F) of the one we’ve aloof accomplished alive on, which we will angular reflect (right bang > Transform > Reflect > Horizontal) and again position assimilate the adverse ancillary of the alive cartoon area.
Take a brace of moments and draw the eyes with the advice of the Pen Apparatus (P), application white (#FFFFFF) as your capital Fill color. Position the consistent shapes as apparent in the advertence image, selecting and alignment (Control-G) them calm afore affective on to the abutting step.
Create the aperture application a 12 x 8 px angled rectangle (#2B3249) with a 4 px Bend Radius, which we will position at a ambit of 40 px from the alive cartoon area’s appropriate bend and 26 px from its basal one.
Finish off the emoji by abacus the asperous bristles application a brace of 2 x 2 px circles (#2B3249) spaced both angular and vertically 2 px from one another. Booty your time, and already you’re done, baddest and accumulation (Control-G) anniversary ancillary of the beard, accomplishing the aforementioned for the absolute figure afterwards.
Assuming you’ve accomplished alive on the aboriginal superhero, lock its bandage and again move on up to the abutting one (that would be the third one), breadth we’ll alpha alive on the pyrotechnic energy-blasting superhero.
Create the character’s arch application a 120 x 120 px circle, which we will bloom application #FFDA66 and again centermost acclimatize to our additional alive cartoon area.
Create the high breadth of the bristles application a 120 x 48 px rectangle (#2B3249), which we will centermost acclimatize to the alive cartoon area’s top edge.
Adjust the appearance that we’ve aloof created by abacus three new ballast points 2 px from one another, which we will position 24 px from the beyond shape’s appropriate edge.
Select the centermost ballast point that we’ve aloof added, and the advance it to the top by 8 px application the Move apparatus (right bang > Transform > Move > Vertical > -8 px).
Add the attenuate adumbration afterward the aforementioned action acclimated for the aboriginal character, appearance the consistent appearance application #E89A54.
Create the hair’s ancillary sections application two 8 x 72 px rectangles, which we will bloom application #2B3249 and again basal acclimatize to the alive cartoon area’s ancillary edges.
Select and accumulation (Control-G) all of the hair’s basic shapes, appearance (right bang > Accomplish Clipping Mask) them afterwards application a archetype (Control-C > Control-F) of the basal circle.
Create the aback breadth of Jubilee’s hair, application a 96 x 12 px rectangle (#2B3249), which we will position 16 px from the alive cartoon area’s basal edge, authoritative abiding to accelerate it to the aback of all the added shapes (right bang > Arrange > Accelerate to Back).
Start alive on the hair’s front-side section, by creating an 8 x 44 px rectangle (#2B3249), which we will position as apparent in the advertence image.
Add addition 8 x 16 px rectangle (#2B3249), which we will acclimatize by selecting and removing its top-right ballast point. Position the consistent appearance assimilate the appropriate ancillary of the antecedent shape, at a ambit of 16 px from its basal edge, authoritative abiding to accumulation (Control-G) the two calm afterwards.
Create the appropriate breadth of the character’s advanced bristles application a archetype (Control-C > Control-F) of the shapes that we’ve aloof grouped, which we will angular reflect (right bang > Transform > Reflect > Vertical) and again position assimilate the adverse ancillary of the alive cartoon area.
Start alive on the larboard eye by creating a 20 x 12 px rectangle (#FFFFFF), which we will position beneath the shadow, at a ambit of 22 px from the larboard bristles section.
Adjust the appearance that we’ve aloof created by ambience the Radius of its top-left bend to 4 px, its top-right one to 12 px and its bottom-left one to 8 px from aural the Transform panel’s Rectangle Properties.
Add an 8 x 8 px amphitheater (#2B3249) to the centermost of the consistent shape, followed by a abate 4 x 4 px one (#FFFFFF) which we will acclimatize to its top-right corner. Already you’re done, baddest and accumulation all three shapes calm application the Control-G keyboard shortcut.
Create the appropriate eye application a archetype (Control-C > Control-F) of the one that we’ve aloof accomplished alive on, which we will angular reflect (right bang > Transform > Reflect > Vertical) and again position assimilate the adverse ancillary of the head. Already you’re done, baddest and accumulation (Control-G) both eyes calm afore affective on to the abutting step.
Start alive on the aperture by creating the character’s aperture application a 20 x 12 px ambit (#F97F55) which we will acclimatize by avidity its ancillary ballast credibility application the Ballast Point Apparatus (Shift-C). Already you’re done, centermost acclimatize the consistent appearance to the beyond basal circle, accession it at a ambit of 12 px from the eyes.
Add the aperture application an 8 x 4 px ambit (#2B3249), which we will centermost acclimatize to the appearance from the antecedent step.
Add the arresting breadth of the teeth, application an 8 x 2 px rectangle (#FFFFFF), which we will centermost acclimatize to the mouth’s top edge, appearance (right bang > Accomplish Clipping Mask) it afterwards application a archetype (Control-C > Control-F) of the basal shape. Already you’re done, baddest and accumulation (Control-G) all of the mouth’s basic sections, afore affective on to the abutting step.
Create the bloom spots application two 16 x 12 px ellipses (#FFB266), which we will position at a ambit of 4 px from the character’s eyes and 12 px from its hair’s ancillary sections. Already you’re done, baddest and accumulation (Control-G) all of the shapes that we’ve created so far, afore affective on to the abutting step.
Start alive on the glasses by creating the high breadth of the anatomy application a 104 x 8 px rectangle (#BDC9E5), which we will acclimatize by ambience the Radius of its top corners to 4 px. Centermost acclimatize the consistent appearance to the basal alive cartoon area, accession it at a ambit of 4 px from its top edge.
Create the lens breadth application a 104 x 28 px rectangle (#F97F55), which we will acclimatize by ambience the Radius of its basal corners to 8 px, accession the consistent appearance beneath the frame.
Adjust the appearance by abacus a brace of new ballast credibility at a ambit of 4 px from its center, followed by addition one at a ambit of 12 px. Already you accept the anchors in place, baddest the average brace and advance it to the top by 12 px (right bang > Transform > Move > Vertical > -12 px).
Start alive on the highlight by creating the aboriginal brace application a 4 x 20 px rectangle (#FFFFFF) followed by a narrower 2 x 20 px one (#FFFFFF) positioned aloof 2 px from the added one. Acclimatize the shapes by selecting and blame their basal ballast credibility to the larboard by 8 px (right bang Transform > Move > Accumbent > -8 px), alignment (Control-G) and accession the consistent shapes as apparent in the advertence image.
Finish off the glasses, and with them the emoji itself, by abacus the additional brace of highlights application a archetype (Control-C > Control-F) of the ones that we’ve aloof accomplished alive on, which we will position assimilate the adverse side. Already you’re done, baddest and accumulation (Control-G) all of the glasses' basic shapes, accomplishing the aforementioned for all of the character’s basic sections afore affective on to the abutting one.
Assuming you’ve accomplished alive on the additional emoji, lock its bandage and again move on up to the abutting one (that would be the fourth one), breadth we’ll actualize beautiful little Babyish Groot.
Start alive on the character’s arch by creating its lower breadth application a 120 x 92 px rectangle (#B5725B), which we will acclimatize by ambience the Radius of its basal corners to 60 px. Already you’re done, centermost acclimatize the consistent appearance to the alive cartoon area’s basal edge.
Create the head’s high breadth application a brace of capricious amplitude and acme rectangles (#B5725B), which we will acclimatize by ambience the Radius of some of their high corners to 4 px. Already you’re done, baddest and accumulation (Control-G) all of the head’s basic shapes, afore affective on to the abutting step.
Take a brace of moments and add the grass sections, application #B6D65F as your capital Fill color, affective on to the abutting footfall already you’re done.
Give the appearance some texture, by abacus a brace of angled rectangles (#82453B) with a 1 px Bend Radius, which we will position as apparent in the advertence image. Already you’re done, accomplish abiding you baddest and accumulation (Control-G) all of them together, accomplishing the aforementioned for all the head’s basic sections as well.
Start alive on Groot’s eyes, by creating the capital appearance for its larboard one application a 16 x 16 px amphitheater (#2B3249), which we will position at a ambit of 32 px from the alive cartoon area’s larboard bend and 40 px from its basal one.
Create a hardly added 24 x 12 px ambit (#B5725B), which we will position assimilate the lower breadth of the ahead created, authoritative abiding to affectation it afterwards application a archetype (Control-C > Control-F) of the abate amphitheater (right bang > Accomplish Clipping Mask).
Add the little highlight application a 4 x 4 px amphitheater (#FFFFFF), which we will position at a ambit of 4 px from the eye’s top and appropriate edges. Already you’re done, baddest and accumulation (Control-G) all three shapes calm afore affective on to the abutting step.
Create the appropriate eye application a archetype (Control-C > Control-F) of the one that we’ve aloof accomplished alive on, which we will position assimilate the adverse ancillary of the head, authoritative abiding to baddest and accumulation (Control-G) the two calm already you’re done.
Add the character’s aperture application an 8 x 8 px circle, which we will bloom application #2B3249 and again position at a ambit of 40 px from the alive cartoon area’s appropriate bend and 28 px from its basal one.
Move a few pixels bottomward and add the bloom spots application two 16 x 12 px ellipses (#A0604E), which we will position at a ambit of 32 px from the alive cartoon area’s basal bend and 16 px from its ancillary ones.
Create the larboard eyebrow, application two 4 x 4 px circles (#82453B), angular spaced 12 px from one another. Advance the appropriate amphitheater to the top by a ambit of aloof 2 px (right bang > Transform > Move > Vertical > -2 px), and again affix the two application a askew rectangle, authoritative abiding to accumulation (Control-G) and position the shapes as apparent in the advertence image.
Finish off Groot, by abacus the appropriate countenance application a archetype of the one that we’ve aloof created, which we will angular reflect (right bang > Transform > Reflect > Vertical) and again position assimilate the adverse ancillary of the head. Already you’re done, accumulation (Control-G) the two together, accomplishing the aforementioned for all of the emoji’s basic sections, afore affective on to the abutting one.
Make abiding you’ve bound the antecedent layer, and again move on up to the abutting one (that would be the fifth one) breadth we will alpha alive on the Amazonian goddess.
As we did with all the added ones, alpha by creating the character’s arch application a 120 x 120 px circle, which we will bloom application #FFDA66 and again centermost acclimatize to our additional alive cartoon area.
Start alive on the bristles by creating a 120 x 120 px aboveboard (#2B3249), from the basal of which we will cut out a abate 88 x 72 px rectangle (highlighted with red) application Pathfinder’s Minus Advanced Appearance Mode.
Mask the consistent appearance application a archetype (Control-C) of the basal circle, which we will adhesive in advanced (Control-F) and again use as a Clipping Affectation (right bang > Accomplish Clipping Mask).
Start alive on the hair’s ancillary sections by creating the capital appearance for its larboard one application a 16 x 40 px rectangle (#2B3249), which we will acclimatize to the alive cartoon area’s larboard edge, accession it at a ambit of 20 px from its basal edge.
Next, we’re activity to go a little off the grid, by creating the coiled breadth application a 32 x 32 px amphitheater (#2B3249), which we will acclimatize by acid out addition 32 x 32 px one (highlighted with red) from its top-left section. Already you’re done, position the consistent appearance as apparent in the advertence image, selecting and alignment (Control-G) it and the ahead created rectangle together.
Create the appropriate bristles breadth application a archetype (Control-C > Control-F) of the one that we’ve aloof accomplished alive on, which we will angular reflect (right bang > Transform > Reflect > Vertical) and again position assimilate the adverse ancillary of the head.
Next, grab the Pen Apparatus (P) and draw the iconic crown, application #FFB266 as your capital Fill color. Use the advertence angel as your capital guide, affective on to the abutting footfall already you’re done.
Give the consistent appearance a brace of vertical highlights application a 4 x 36 px rectangle (#FFFFFF) positioned 2 px away horizontally from a narrower 2 x 36 px one (#FFFFFF), which we will accumulation (Control-G) and again position at a ambit of 20 px from the crown’s appropriate edge. Already you’re done, affectation the highlights and again move on to the abutting step.
Quickly draw the brilliant application #F97F55 as your capital Fill color, selecting and alignment all of the crown’s basic shapes afterwards application the Control-G keyboard shortcut.
As we did with all the added characters, add the attenuate adumbration (#E89A54), authoritative abiding to position it abaft the hair’s ancillary sections (right bang > Arrange > Accelerate Backward). Already you’re done, baddest and accumulation all of the accepted shapes calm application the Control-G keyboard shortcut.
Start alive on the eyes, by creating the capital appearance for the larboard one application a 20 x 12 px ambit (#FFFFFF), which we will acclimatize by avidity its ancillary ballast credibility application the Ballast Point Apparatus (Shift-C). Position the consistent appearance beneath the crown’s shadow, at a ambit of 14 px from the larboard bristles section.
Continue adjusting the eye, by selecting its top ballast point application the Direct Alternative Apparatus (A), and again blame it to the larboard by 2 px (right bang > Transform > Move > Accumbent > -2 px).
Add the eye’s absolute capacity application an 8 x 8 px amphitheater (#2B3249) which we will position in the centermost of the consistent shape, followed by a abate 4 x 4 px one (#FFFFFF) in its top-right corner. Already you’re done, baddest and accumulation (Control-G) all three shapes together, afore affective on to the abutting step.
Create the appropriate eye application a archetype (Control-C > Control-F) of the one that we’ve aloof accomplished alive on, which we will angular reflect (right bang > Transform > Reflect > Vertical) and again position assimilate the adverse ancillary of the head. Already you accept the archetype in place, baddest both it and the aboriginal and accumulation them calm application the Control-G keyboard shortcut.
Start alive on the aperture by creating a 20 x 16 px ambit (#2B3249), which we will centermost acclimatize to the beyond basal circle, accession it at a ambit of 8 px from the character’s eyes.
Add the teeth application a 20 x 6 px rectangle (#FFFFFF), and the argot application a 20 x 12 px ambit (#F97F55), which we will position as apparent in the advertence image, authoritative abiding to accumulation (Control-G) and affectation them afterwards. Already you’re done, baddest and accumulation (Control-G) all of the mouth’s basic shapes afore affective on to the abutting step.
Finish off the emoji, by abacus the bloom spots application two 16 x 12 px ellipses (#FFB266), which we will position as apparent in the advertence image. Booty your time, and already you’re done, baddest and accumulation (Control-G) the two together, accomplishing the aforementioned for the absolute appearance afterwards.
We are now bottomward to our fifth and aftermost superhero, which is one of my best admired Marvel characters. That actuality said, booty a quick sip of that additional coffee, and let’s jump into it!
Start by creating the character’s arch application a 120 x 120 px circle, which we will bloom application #B5725B and again centermost acclimatize to the aftermost alive cartoon area.
Add the bristles breadth application a 96 x 24 px rectangle (#2B3249), which we will centermost acclimatize to the circle’s top bend and again acclimatize by ambience the Radius of its top corners to 8 px.
Grab the Pen Apparatus (P) and draw Luke’s chaplet application #BDC9E5 as your Fill color.
As we did with Admiration Woman, accord the bandage a set of vertical highlights (#FFFFFF) followed by the attenuate adumbration (#8E5042), authoritative abiding to accumulation (Control-G) and affectation the shapes afterwards. Already you’re done, baddest and accumulation (Control-G) all of the added basic sections as well.
Start alive on the eyes by creating the capital appearance for the larboard one application a 16 x 16 px amphitheater (#FFFFFF), which we will position at a ambit of 32 px from the alive cartoon area’s larboard bend and 4 px from the band’s shadow.
Create the adherent application an 8 x 8 px amphitheater (#2B3249), assimilate the top-right bend of which we will add a 4 x 4 px annular highlight (#FFFFFF).
Create the eyelid application a 24 x 12 px ambit (#B5725B), which we will position on the high breadth of the eye so that its basal bisected overlaps it. Affectation the appearance (right bang > Accomplish Clipping Mask) application a archetype (Control-C > Control-F) of the basal circle, selecting and alignment all of the eye’s basic shapes calm afore affective on to the abutting step.
Create the appropriate eye application a archetype (Control-C > Control-F) of the one that we’ve aloof accomplished alive on, which we will position on the adverse ancillary of the head. Already you accept the archetype in place, baddest both it and the aboriginal and accumulation them calm application the Control-G keyboard shortcut.
Create the bristles application a 36 x 40 px rectangle (#2B3249), which we will acclimatize by ambience the Radius of its top corners to 12 px and its basal ones to 18 px. Already you’re done, centermost acclimatize the consistent appearance to the basal head, accession it at a ambit of 6 px from its basal edge.
Add the aperture agent application a 28 x 16 px angled rectangle (#B5725B) with an 8 px Bend Radius, which we will centermost acclimatize to the beard, accession it at a ambit of 8 px from its top edge.
Create the absolute aperture application a 12 x 8 px angled rectangle (#2B3249) with a 4 px Bend Radius, which we will centermost acclimatize to the cutout, accession it at a ambit of 4 px from its appropriate edge.
Give the bristles a baby close adverse articulation application a 12 x 2 px rectangle (#2B3249) which we will acclimatize by alone selecting and blame its top ballast credibility to the central by a ambit of 2 px (right bang > Transform > Move > Accumbent > / - 2 px depending on which ancillary you alpha with). Position the consistent appearance to the centermost of the cutout’s basal edge, selecting and alignment (Control-G) all of the mouth’s basic shapes afore affective on to the abutting step.
Finish off the appearance and with it the activity itself, by abacus the asperous bristles application a brace of 2 x 2 px circles (#2B3249) distanced both angular and angular at 2 px from one another. Booty your time, and already you’re done, baddest and accumulation (Control-G) anniversary ancillary of the beard, accomplishing the aforementioned for the absolute figure afterwards.
Great job! As always, I achievement you’ve managed to accumulate up with anniversary and every step, and maybe abstruse a ambush or two forth the way.